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Happy Harry defeats Kagan


First Post
"Through me you gained your villainous ways, so I seek to beat them from you!"

Happy Harry!
Green Belt 0
7 wins / 7 losses
Sig Style: Phoenix, Northstar, Staff
Dojo Style: Tiger
Owner of a Onyx Amulet (no powers yet)
yen: 4
Last edited:

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First Post
Kagan the Fallen
Gang Boss 0 (DoL)

Member of "Team Rocket"

Sig Style: Rat
Dirty Trick (x1)
Sneaky Trick (x1)
Sig Locals: Hells, Glade
Gang Member: Coast

Item: Pet Rat
Yen: 4


First Post
<Kagan> Kagan the Fallen
<Kagan> Gang Boss 0 (DoL)
<Kagan> 6/19
<Kagan> Member of "Team Rocket"
<Kagan> Powers:
<Kagan> Sig Style: Rat
<Kagan> Dirty Trick (x1)
<Kagan> Sneaky Trick (x1)
<Kagan> Sig Locals: Hells, Glade
<Kagan> Gang Member: Coast
<Kagan> Possesions:
<Kagan> Item: Pet Rat
<Kagan> Yen: 4
* Sabaron pets Kagan's rat
<HappyHarry> Happy Harry!
<HappyHarry> Green Belt 0
<HappyHarry> 7 wins / 7 losses
<HappyHarry> Sig Style: Phoenix, Northstar, Staff
<HappyHarry> Dojo Style: Tiger
<HappyHarry> Owner of a Onyx Amulet (no powers yet)
<HappyHarry> yen: 4
<Kagan> you're lucky he's nicer than I am sab...
<Kagan> heheh
<HappyHarry> just started the thread...
<Kagan> brb
<Kagan> afk for a moment..
<Noir> Come on...I may not need insults..but you two sure do!
<HappyHarry> !mb ybinsults
<HappyHarry> !mb ybinsult
<MeowthBot> HappyHarry: I find your father to be arrogant, your stable to be unusable, and your karate to be clumsy.
<HappyHarry> :)
<Noir> oooOOOooo
<HappyHarry> clutz....
<HappyHarry> :)
<Noir> wow...one more yen from a possible minor power
<Sabaron> Just rearrange 'em a bit: I find your karate to be arrogant, your father to be unusalbe, and your stable to be clumsy
* Noir lightly taps Sabaron with Mallet-Sama
* Sabaron flies into the next province
<HappyHarry> lightly?!
<Noir> rofl
<Sabaron> Hey, that's LORD Mallet there. LORD Mallet means business. :)
* HappyHarry slaps Noir around for a bit with a HUGE trout!
* Noir slaps Noir around a bit with a large trout
<HappyHarry> :)
* Noir slaps MeowthBot around a bit with a large trout
<Kagan> back..
<Sabaron> That would be interesting to see
<Kagan> have we done insults yet???
<HappyHarry> I did
<Noir> you havent
<Kagan> !mb ybinsult
<MeowthBot> Kagan: I find your niece to be arrogant, your business to be worn out, and your school to be like the flinging of feces by a diseased monkey.
<HappyHarry> <MeowthBot> HappyHarry: I find your father to be arrogant, your stable to be unusable, and your karate to be clumsy.
<Kagan> sweet!!!
* Noir smiles
<HappyHarry> darned monkey...
<HappyHarry> :)
<Noir> Nice one Kagan...you may set conditions
<Kagan> :)
<Kagan> hmmm???
<Kagan> 5 flag speed standard.....
<Kagan> you're up HH
<HappyHarry> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> HappyHarry: The spider flies across the island; wards off the chi of the vermin!
<Noir> !mb ybmaster
<MeowthBot> Noir: MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the pillars west of the Hall of Bones on the morning of the blizzard.
<Kagan> done HH???
<HappyHarry> yes
<HappyHarry> sorry
<Kagan> say done when you well.... done...
<Kagan> lol
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The northstar bows near the tower; dodges the throw of the ki!
<HappyHarry> heh
<Noir> need to say done until you're out of powers
<Kagan> drats
<Noir> done?
* Kagan kicks MB right square in the junk and watches it scrweam in pain...
<Kagan> *scream
<Noir> done?
<Kagan> done
* Sabaron comforts the poor MeowthBot
* Sabaron buys it a cup
<HappyHarry> rolf
<HappyHarry> rofl
* Kagan : Kagans rat steals the cup
<Noir> spiders fly on their webs...much easier than stars bow..
<HappyHarry> sig anywho...
<Kagan> he has sig immunity topo...
<Kagan> *too
* Noir spins and a throwing dagger zooms past HH's head to embed itself in the wall behind him
<HappyHarry> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> HappyHarry: The wolf dances upon the wastelands; reduces the throw of the spirit!
<HappyHarry> done
<Noir> 1 dagger HH; 0 daggers Kagan
<Kagan> hmmm???
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The dragon moves before the mesa; dodges the storm of the eyes!
*** Sabaron is now known as Mirashi_Iso
<Kagan> done
* HappyHarry swears vengeance on Mirashi for killing his former master...
<Noir> I just like that picture of a wolf dancing...
* Noir spins and a throwing dagger zooms past HH's head to embed itself in the wall behind him
<Noir> 2 daggers HH; 0 daggers Kagan
<HappyHarry> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> HappyHarry: The fox mangles the knoll; dodges the storm of the sun!
* Mirashi_Iso watches Noir appreciatively and ignores Harry
<HappyHarry> Chi strike
<HappyHarry> done
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The crouching manta ray scatters the mountain; shreds the rolling of the willow!
<Kagan> done
* Noir spins and a throwing dagger zooms past Kagan's head to embed itself in the wall behind him
<Noir> 2 daggers HH; 1 dagger Kagan
* Mirashi_Iso watches Noir appreciatively
<HappyHarry> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> HappyHarry: The thorn parts the savanna; redirects the cut of the arrow before it seeks higher than the descent of the spirit!
<HappyHarry> done
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The panther breaks the valley; grasps the push of the air!
<Kagan> done
* Noir spins and a throwing dagger zooms past Kagan's head to embed itself in the wall behind him
* Mirashi_Iso watches Noir appreciatively
<Noir> 2 daggers HH; 2 daggers Kagan
<HappyHarry> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> HappyHarry: The rat seeks over the swamp; absorbs the foray of the honor!
* Noir spins and a throwing dagger zooms past Mirashi's head to embed itself in the wall behind him :p
<HappyHarry> ARRGGHH!
<Kagan> (Sig style rat)
* Mirashi_Iso watches Noir appreciatively
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The blizzard thrusts the steppes; shields the thrust of the rain!
<Kagan> done
* Noir spins and a throwing dagger zooms past Kagan's head to embed itself in the wall behind him
* HappyHarry wishes for mastery :(
<Noir> 2 daggers HH; 3 daggers Kagan
<HappyHarry> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> HappyHarry: The cherry blossom drops below the castle as it slides with the willow; shields the tempest of the body!
<HappyHarry> done
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The lizard obliterates the ravine; silences the speed of the bird!
<Kagan> done
* Noir spins and a throwing dagger zooms past Kagan's head to embed itself in the wall behind him
<Noir> 2 daggers HH; 4 daggers Kagan
* Mirashi_Iso watches Noir appreciatively
<HappyHarry> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> HappyHarry: The wolf flies by the pond; silences the onslaught of the eyes!
<HappyHarry> FoF
<HappyHarry> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> HappyHarry: The phoenix shouts on top of the forest; redirects the rolling of the steam!
<HappyHarry> done
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The rat dodges higher than the pillars; absorbs the beauty of the wyrm!
<Kagan> ST pillars
<Kagan> done
<Noir> rat may dodge higher..but the wolf can fly
* Noir spins and a throwing dagger zooms past HH's head to embed itself in the wall behind him
* Noir spins and a throwing dagger zooms past HH's head to embed itself in the wall behind him
* Mirashi_Iso watches Noir with great interest
<Noir> 4 daggers HH; 4 daggers Kagan
<HappyHarry> I have Phoenix...
* Noir spins and a throwing dagger zooms past HH's head to embed itself in the wall behind him
* Mirashi_Iso enjoys Noir's "technique".
<Kagan> noooooo...
<HappyHarry> :)
<Noir> 5 daggers...Match HH
<Kagan> damnit...
* Mirashi_Iso laughs evilly
* HappyHarry throws his hands in the air a jumps up and down with delight!!!
* Noir goes to collect her daggers
* Mirashi_Iso looks at HappyHarry in disgust, while admiring Noir
* HappyHarry bows to Noir and to Kagan.
* Kagan think mirashi stares to much.,..
<HappyHarry> Thanks for the workout!
<Kagan> lol
* Mirashi_Iso is a dirty old man
<Noir> ok...I'll post
* Kagan bows to HH
<Kagan> you're almost brown belt aren't you HH


First Post
Happy Harry...you're happy!! You are now a Green Belt 1

Kagan...you're sad...you are once again a Gang Boss Out of Luck

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