I agree with Morrus that it is about brand. It is clear we just need to agree to disagree on this point.What? That sales of their Pathfinder Core Rulebook would suffer?
I don't buy that. It seems like a stretch.

I think you’re overestimating the number of Pathfinder & Paizo fans that are edition warriors. That’s a small, small subset of the audience typically localized to message boards.
Also, if the fans are that fickle and willing to abandon Paizo the SECOND they publish something for 5e, then they're probably not the most reliable fans. It’s not good to cater to an audience willing to blackmail you like that.
They’re not the people you want championing your game. Is that the kind of gamer you want representing your game in game stores? Being the face of your system to newcomers?
Paizo would be better off without fans like that.
...But 5e Paizo adventures are a must-buy.
It would be a must buy for me too. But, as someone pointed out below, they are trying to get their community to convert to a new edition. Releasing 5e could very well be a death knell to their core rules and place them a precarious long term market position. I disagree about it being a small minority - it seems to be a strong sentiment among their event organizers (organized play folks). Obviously, neither of us have the actual numbers or market research - so who knows who is right.
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