Hasbro CEO: "D&D is Really on a Tear"

Sorry, that laugh was a result of clumsy fingers on my phone.

Dire Bare

I always wonder--how well does 5e have to do before all of the people who said it would go down because of this, that or the other reason come forward and go:

Just my personal opinion, but I think Hasbro is missing the boat on D&D. The game is 'on a tear' yet staffing still seems inadaquate, the release schedule is abysmal, no open game license, and very few third party contracts. I am not a CEO, but if I was I would be irrate that we weren't making more money off a product that is 'on a tear'. They are literally leaving money on the table at this point.


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Michael Bay might make a cool D&D movie.

I'm certain it would be cool. Tansformers is cool. The problem is that I want it to be good. I have no doubt that a Michael Bay D&D movie would have excellent fireballs and lightning bolts and plenty of action. South Park really nailed it, Michael Bay doesn't know the difference between plot and special effects.


Dragon Lord
I'm certain it would be cool. Tansformers is cool. The problem is that I want it to be good. I have no doubt that a Michael Bay D&D movie would have excellent fireballs and lightning bolts and plenty of action. South Park really nailed it, Michael Bay doesn't know the difference between plot and special effects.

If they would just use some of the novels, specifically the Drizz'zt novels, we would be good.


Everyone seems to try to do fantasy in the big epic, and dead serious, style of "Lord of the Rings", and almost nobody manages to make it work - why not go for unapologetically entertaining?

I wouldn't mind "unapologetically entertaining" (I actually liked that James Franco movie, Your Highness). Again, as long as it's good.

Besides, D&D doesn't have to do pure fantasy. I'd be just as happy to see a Ravenloft horror film or a Spelljammer space pirates film as I would be to see a pure fantasy D&D film. Again, as long as it's good.

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