Hate-watching Cursed on Netflix

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I watched the whole series and it is much darker than both Elfstones of Shannara and Zena and much better than the new Dr Who

things that I liked
1) it is very violent
2) Merlin actor is very good along with the older priest
3) If you like druids then this is the show for you

Neutral-it took me by surprise how much lore they change and character origins. Didn't bother me that Arthur was not white but his origin is very different.

At times the acting is bad. It cant be compared to Witcher which is just better
motivations of a certain "minor" villian
at times it rears up as a "teen" romance"
The plot is all over the place
sword fighting for some of the Camelot knights is terrible and they are bad warriors

Someone on Facebook mentioned really liking this show, and so I decided to try it out the other night. I managed to get through the first episode, but characters who do insanely stupid things (like running into a village being overrun by bad guys with no weapon or plan, and doing nothing once there other than getting dragged around, not even trying to fight back or help in any way) really turn me off. My gf and mom have watched the next couple of episodes, but I couldn't do it. I have better things to do with my time, like playing chess against the computer or reading hateful Reddit posts made by people with the intellectual capacity of a 6-year-old who was raised by snails.

Someone on Facebook mentioned really liking this show, and so I decided to try it out the other night. I managed to get through the first episode, but characters who do insanely stupid things (like running into a village being overrun by bad guys with no weapon or plan, and doing nothing once there other than getting dragged around, not even trying to fight back or help in any way) really turn me off. My gf and mom have watched the next couple of episodes, but I couldn't do it. I have better things to do with my time, like playing chess against the computer or reading hateful Reddit posts made by people with the intellectual capacity of a 6-year-old who was raised by snails.

I didnt mind that scene - she’s a teenage girl who in panic runs to find her mother and then gets overwhelmed by the chaos - her entire clan is being slaughtered, having a brain shutdown isnt a stretch. She’s not competent in the situation and its already established she doesnt know how to control her powers.

So now I think I should have watched this over Warrior Nun. That show was mostly meh. The premise of an angel coming down during the crusades and saving this woman by implanting his halo inside her, thus making her a super hero. Random person gets implanted with halo after last bearer dies and the 'right' follower did not get implant. Throw in devils opening gates from 'hell' and a Google-like technology company seeking to open the portal themselves. So Cursed may not be that bad.

Yeah I watched the first 2 maybe 3 episodes of that too and then stopped, it was a nother that had potential but failed to achieve it.
I’d say Cursed is the better of the two

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