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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter I: The Traitor's Gambit

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Sloor's up!
«Hm, see quote above. I patiently waited for my turn, so I'd appreciate it if you guys let me take it, right?

The besalisk looks left, then right and swears some more, but if nobody is worried about the kybucks running away, then he frekking isn't either: he takes off after Mir, heading for the river at full pelt. Well at least his death will be refreshing. "TB, get awver there and scan the far shawre!"

"Scan it for what specifics,"
mildly inquires the droid, easily keeping pace to his left.

"Razor wire, mines, whatever it is they're hawlding fire fawr, blast you!" Then comes the dive and he doesn't surface again. Sloor comes from an amphibian species. That fact is quite obvious as he rockets pasts the human woman like a deep sea killer whale, all six appendages working in unison to propel him through the scummy waters.

It's nothing compared to TB's movements, of course. While Sloor goes under, it glides right over the water surface, skillfully weaving behind mushroomy cover to avoid any target locks. As Sloor reaches the far shore, the droid is already deep into enemy territory.

«Sloor RUNS to Z30, using Expert Swimmer to dive/Drop Prone as a Free action(1d20+3=20, success). I think his underwater movement should give him total cover, so effective Ref 25.

«TB RUNS to AE20 via the back of the mushroom which gives him cover. Effective Ref 17. PERCEPTION ROLL TO SPOT TRAPS: 1d20+9=19. Does TB spot anything on the ground he's covered AND the ground he can see from his end spot?
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First Post
TB is unable to find anything on the ground as the droid hovers over the area. Mack's shot takes down the first stormtrooper as well.

[sblock=Tactical Map]


Sloor's up again and ST1 is down.[/sblock]

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
“No traps detected,” reports S-TB52 on their comlinks.

“Why the frek aren’t they firing BACK?” swears a dripping besalisk as he peaks over Mir’s shoulder. “Sra, cawld you ask them taw surrender? I’ll sneak arawnd left with TB.”

«assuming she agrees, Sloor RUNS to AE21.
«TB Hides (1d20+8=14 DC to spot him) and TRIES TO FIGURE OUT WHAT THE TROOPERS ARE PLANNING, Perception 1d20+9=21
«If anybody has the Knowledge-tactics skill, this might be the time to use it.
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Mack reports, "I will keep shooting, but I am wondering why they haven't fired too."

He takes aim and fires a shot at another one of the troopers but probably missed. He tries to determine if there is anything special about their tactices.
[sblock=Actions]2 Swift Actions: Aim to negate cover
Standard Action: Ranged Attack at ST2: Blaster Rifle (1d20+5=13, 3d8+1=10)
Bonuses Applied: +1 Att/Dmg Point Blank Shot
Knowledge Tactics (1d20+7=12)
Mini Stats: HP: 39(15) Ref: 20[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger CS

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
TB will of course report what he sees so that Mack can have the full picture (and maybe a bonus on his roll due to accurate intel?).


"Ahhhh... okay." she says to Sloor as Mack's blaster shoots fire past towards the seemingly pinned down troopers.

Mir takes the the time to AIM before she calls out, "Throw out your weapons and surrender now!"

She holds her action to shoot on what they troopers response is...

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Ahhhh... okay." she says to Sloor as Mack's blaster shoots fire past towards the seemingly pinned down troopers.
"Make it scary." He grins at her a bit unsteadily, hoped up on his specie's equivalent of adrenaline, before taking off in a bent-over run, taking advantage of every bit of cover he can till he gets by his droid's side.


First Post
As Sloor begins to move, the stormtroopers spring into action. Several of them open fire at the area surrounding the Besalisk, allowing the final trooper to get in a good shot. That shot turns out to be wide despite the best efforts of his peers and explodes into the mushroom, sending burning chunks of fungus out from the blaster hole.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Frekking sans awf-" swears the big alien. He *thought* he was running full out before. Apparently he was frekking WRONG. "Just fawr me, is it? Let's all shawt at the harmless little besalisk, is it?" He presses his back against a perticularly thick mushroom stem, breathing hard.

"Well, he *is* the mastermind behind this cunning attack," snidely confirms his droid.

"Funny. Naw clamp it and sneak awver there while I give us sawm frecsing cawver!" Sloor fires from the RIGHT side of his mushroom, kicking up dirt in front of the defenders before scrambling LEFT under cover of the vegetation. It isn't anywhere near a clever trick, but maybe *some* of them will loose track of the two of them.

«Hidden TB moves to AE8 in an extra sneaky way AND gets cover from the mushroom. Effective Ref 17. Perception roll to know he's there at all 1d20+8-5=15.
«Sloor double moves to AE9 and gets cover from the mushroom. Effective Ref 20. (Drat, can't double move when Creating a Diversion to Hide... Possum, would you allow me to do it if I spent a Force Point? Already rolled it (1d20+8=28, 1d2+11=13), so if you allow it will be : if their Will defense is below 28, then it takes Perception 13 to know where Sloor went )

EDIT=Oops, Rolled 1d2 instead of 1d20 for Sloor's Sneak roll. Make that Perception 1d20+11=28 to know where Sloor went.
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