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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter I: The Traitor's Gambit

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Cap'n, is this place sportin' a good cantina for celebrating? I have been trudging along in the wilds of that mushroom infested planet for a few days and I could use a good time."
"Frek," exclaims Sloor sotto voce, "Fawrgawt taw get a souvenir!" He looks down at his boots, which he's in the process of taking off anyways... "Figure that stuff'd graw intaw awne awf thawse big shrooms, Sra? Get me a pawt, TB will you? Awh and a scrapper!"

This is a charming and persuasive as Mack can get, so if she still balks, he will try to enlist Mir's aid with her Jedi Voodoo to help him out. After this trip and mission, the soldier has been way too long without female company and he is getting pretty randy.
"What?! You mean you *didn't* daw anything with that caminaw wawman?" Sloor throws a towel at him, hard.
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Mack replies to Sloor with regards to his randiness, "Buddy, that was daaays ago. A soldier gets the urge daily. Particularly after the adrenaline rushes of combat. You want and imp ear for a souvenir? Little morbid, but definitely intimidating if you wear it around your neck on display."

<<Mir not going to pimp for Mack or is the GM just not going to allow success? :p>>

[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 2 (Rescue) FP: 3
Init: +8 Perception: +9
HP: 39 (15 Threshold) Current: 39
Reflex: 20 (18ff) Fort: 15 Will: 13
Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger CS


If Mack even looks in Mir's direction with 'that' request she will look at him with a wry grin, "I do not think so. Just remember, I might convince you to take a walk down to the cantina in your birthday suit." She will smile and return to whatever she was up to before he asked.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Mack replies to Sloor with regards to his randiness, "Buddy, that was daaays ago. A soldier gets the urge daily. Particularly after the adrenaline rushes of combat. "

"Ha!" waves the besalisk with a grin, "You're just nawt dawing it right."

"You want and imp ear for a souvenir? Little morbid, but definitely intimidating if you wear it around your neck on display."
Sloor is not smiling anymore... "You really shawldn't daw things like that, Mack man. That and that whawle insulting the dead bit, it's... bad pawlicy." He turns away, shaking his head.

"What abawt you, Admiral man? You've been quiet. TB here's a gawd medic; let him take a look at you and tell me why the frek you think the rebellian's a gawd cawse. What daw you say?"

"I do not think so. Just remember, I might convince you to take a walk down to the cantina in your birthday suit." She will smile and return to whatever she was up to before he asked.
"Marbling gawd advertissing technique thawgh." Sloor smiles crookedly. "You want my advice?" he says, not waiting for an answer: "You've gawtten as far as you'll gaw with talking. *Shaw* her naw. And frekking pray she never hears abawt this bit with Mir... Frek!"


Mack replies to Sloor about the abilities of human males, "Even so, after doing it to exhaustion two or three time in one night. I am recharged and ready to go a few days later. I am a young man after all."

He contemplates the suggestion or threat about showing off his naked manhood. He is a fit and athletic looking young man, nothing to sneeze at. But after giving it his best shot and failing, he looks at Mir and offers, "Perhaps she plays on the other side of the deflector shield, if you know what I mean."

[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 2 (Rescue) FP: 3
Init: +8 Perception: +9
HP: 39 (15 Threshold) Current: 39
Reflex: 20 (18ff) Fort: 15 Will: 13
Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger CS


First Post
Varth looks Sloor as the Besalisk asks him about his condition. "I believe I shall be fine for the trip to wherever you're taking me," he states in a fine Coruscanti accent. "As for that, I have information that the Empire is planning something big. I don't quite know what it is. I've also been funneling certain information to some interested third parties about the Empire's activities.


A few hours later, the Banshee reverts back into realspace. Orbiting an uninhabited gas giant is a small frigate. A small sensor tower sits atop a triangular engine housing holding seven large engines. Two tines jut out from the housing at the bottom and a long, thin section of the ship connects this one portion to another. It is this section in front that seems most interesting. It takes up a third of the ship but juts downward almost half as long as the ship itself.

Those of you who followed the war closely recall this as one of Kuat's new ships pressed into service just days before the Clone War ended: a Nebulon-B frigate.


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First Post
Keyton is shaken awake by when the ship enters the gravity well of the frigate.

Secret rendezvous, primer ships. This isn't some small time operation. Any other ships in the area?


Mack moves up to the cockpit on approach, offering his services as co-pilot. On seeing the destination being another ship, he remarks, "Doesn't look like there is going to be a cantina or any available babes running around. This looks like we are going to be sent out on another mission right away."

[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 2 (Rescue) FP: 3
Init: +8 Perception: +9
HP: 39 (15 Threshold) Current: 39
Reflex: 20 (18ff) Fort: 15 Will: 13
Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger CS


Mir looks at the frigate as the Banshee approaches it. "Nice ship."

She looks over at Mack and puts a hand on his shoulder, "I am sure they have some female personnel aboard." She grins and shakes her head.

Voidrunner's Codex

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