Gwyn moves to the cork boards again, heaving a tired sigh. The missive is already recorded, and she places it deftly beneath the others, again pinning it with a hairpin already removed from her unruly mass of hair.
My compatriots;
I regret to say I missed a meeting of my own devising yesterday, and for that I apologize. Something occurred to keep me from maintaining my appointment, and I do hope that you will forgive me for this. I will come to the Crossroads Tavern today, and will spend near to the majority of the day there, awaiting you. You will recognize my appearance by the small white leatherbound book which I will carry. Thank you for your patience, and I will not fail in meeting with you today, should you be as persistent as I.
After posting said missive, this woman moves to sit in a prominent position at the bar, ensuring that the white tome is resting upon her lap, so all may recognize her by it.