HELP! Rule abusing with a skill (?)


I have a question that was raised to a session that I'm the DM.
There is a place with a Forbiddance spell cast in it (PHB p.206). A
rogue in my party wanted to use Use magic device skill to emulate a change race or alignment to enter the room with safety but I didn't permit it. He said that he can do it but I don't think this is right. Then he cast detect magic to show him the location, as stated in the detect magic description, of the spell but the forbiddance spell is an area spell (60-ft cube/level) and since there is no physical point to it (I believe so) he can't use magic device to emulate an alignment or race, even by knowing the aura and school spell . After all there is no device. The use magic device skill needs an item, such as a wand or scroll, as stated in the PHB; at least something physical as I have understood. Am I right or not?

Thanks in advance,

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Every use of Use Magic Device detailed in the PHB uses either the phrase "magic item", or mentions a specific item like a scroll.

It was a nice try, but the skill doesn't allow fooling a spell.

An evil Rogue couldn't "emulate alignment" to register on a Detect Good spell, for example.



First Post
I second Hypersmurf's ruling. Still, I like the creativeness of PCs trying to use skills for more then they were written for.


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I'd say it's creative enough that if the player really does want to do something like this from time to time you might consider making it into a seperate skill. As long as the two skills were completely seperate I don't think it would be unbalanced.


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I'd be more inclined to create a feat or a special rogue ability (one that they can select at levels 10,13,16,19). The feat would be to Use Magic Device what Track is to Wilderness Lore. THe DCs would be pretty high, though.

If he pushed the issue, just set an insane difficulty (like DC:40). I mean- really, he probably just wants a chance at the thing as a reward for thinking of the idea. Let him know before he rolls, het gets one shot, has to roll a natural 20, otherwise, he should look for another way in/around.

In all likelihood he'll fail, and then get on with his life.
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At the risk of being off topic...

Had a PC in a group I was with try to use the skill "caligraphy (from 2e)" to identify whether or not a ransom note was wrote by the King (whose writing he had NEVER SEEN).

Eh No.



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How the heck does he expect a skill called Use Magic Device to allow him to change his alignment or race for purposes of fooling a spell that is in place?

That's like saying I'm going to use my heal skill to cast fireball from a wand shapped like a scalpel.

No way.

--Strict Spikey


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
EOL said:
I'd say it's creative enough that if the player really does want to do something like this from time to time you might consider making it into a seperate skill. As long as the two skills were completely seperate I don't think it would be unbalanced.
I agree... Also, the Epic-Level Handbook will take a similar approach to skills. But the DC for something like this would be outrageous...

'o Skoteinos

First Post
I would allow it. It seems like a very good way to use the skill. The only problem is that you have to know what to emulate (1st you would have to know that you need to emulate an alignment, then you need to know what alignment)...The problem is if you fail a will save, you can't retry, so you'd have to have a bit of luck. The chance of the Rogue really getting are not very good...

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