Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Revolt of the Orc Servants!

Sous Chef (Ogre#2) disappears out of sight, toward the direction of the front entrance, where Hill Giant #16 went.

The Ogre Chef (Ogre#1) attacks Thallok! He swings his meat cleaver at the "traitor" with a fierceness borne of unbridled hatred and disgust!

Thallok's AC vs. Ogre #1 = 21
Attack #1: 18 (Miss)
Attack #2: 28 (Hit); Damage = 18 pts. (-DR 10) = 8 pts.

The first swing narrowly misses Thallok, striking the column instead; but the Ogre's riposte catches Thallok in the shoulder; and yet again, Thallok's thick, red hide turns what should have been a gaping wound into little more than a nasty scrape.

In the kitchen, across the way, screams which sound Giantish, and female, can be heard, accompanied by the battle cry of Orc servants who are in the process of revolt! The details of what is happening are unclear, with the exception of the knowledge that the Orc servants are attacking their captors!

Other screams can be heard as well, and these voices sound young, and brutish, both male and female in tenor, possibly those of Ogre children, but you cannot be sure.

Hill Giant #5 takes 1 point of heat damage from Lathir's Wall of Fire.
Hill Giant #5 takes 1 point of bleed damage.
Hill Giant #5 [-9, Dying]

Hill Giant #5 is still down, and without aid. He is very close to death.

Hill Giant #4 heads North, out of sight, along the Western hallway!

Hill Giant #22 heads West, to investigate the ruckus in the kitchen!

Hill Giant #6 panics, and attempts to move out of the flames and mist, but succumbs to the spikes! He collapses into a heap, passing out from pain, shock, blood loss, burns, and fatigue!

Hill Giant #6 takes cold damage from the Grave Mist: 4 pts.
Hill Giant #6 takes heat damage from the Wall of Fire, amplified by the Grease spell: 10 pts.
Hill Giant #6 panics and moves South, through five feet of spikes, to escape the flames, grease, and mist: 8 pts.
Hill Giant #6 succumbs to attrition.
Hill Giant #6 [-1, Dying]
Hill Giant #7 takes cold damage from the Grave Mist: 3 pts.

Hill Giant #7, however, keeps a calm head, and focuses on the task at hand: killing Dewydd!

Hill Giant #7 calls 10 points of Power Attack (+20 To Damage)
Attack #1: (24) = Miss
Attack #2: (6) = Miss

In his fervor to end the fight quickly, the Hill Giant dispenses with technique, in favor of raw power; it is a mistake which Dewydd is easily able to take advantage of, as he avoids the savage, yet awkward blows.

Current Positions of All Combatants:


Respen: It's Your Turn! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

3rd Round:

Respen: 25
Kleborn: 22
Nelvandra: 21
Dewydd: 20
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [16 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [26 Damage]
Priestess Vulka (W): 19d
Young Prince Delliak (CG): 19e
Chief Nosnra (N): 17
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b
Thallok: 16c1 [21 Damage]
Hill Giant Guests: 16c2
Ogre Guards (All Except Chefs): 15
Tiny (DB): 13a
Hill Giant Commanders (2,3): 13b
Vale: 10
Ogre Chefs (1,2): 9
Orc Servants: 7
Hill Giant Guards (4,5,6,7,22): 0 (DEAD LAST)

Ogre Chef (#1) = Severely Wounded (63) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre Sous (#2) = Injured (8) + (9 Non-Lethal = 17 Total) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre Sous (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Moderately Wounded (11) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 = Gravely Wounded (25) Half Move 24 Hrs
Tiny = Severely Wounded (94) Half Move 24 Hrs
Bison = Dead
Nosnra = Severely Wounded (118) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs
Vulka = Severely Wounded (187) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs
Delliak = Severely Wounded (216) 1 Negative Level, Fatigued
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3)
H1 =Dead
H2 =Moderately Wounded (56) Half Move 24 Hrs
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs
H5 = Dying (-9)
H6 = Dying (-1)
H7 =Injured (18) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H8 =Injured (5) Half Move 24 Hrs
H9 =Injured (5) Half Move 24 Hrs
H10 =Injured (5) Half Move 24 Hrs
H11 = Moderately Wounded (49) Half Move 24 Hrs
H12 = Moderately Wounded (34) Half Move 24 Hrs
H13 =Significantly Injured (17)
H14 =Significantly Injured (17)
H15 =Moderately Wounded (32)
H16 =Injured (4)
H17 =Moderately Wounded (47) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H18 =Significantly Wounded (63)
H19 =Injured (1) Half Move 24 Hrs
H20 =Injured (1) Half Move 24 Hrs
H21 =Injured (3)
H22 =Moderately Wounded (47)

[sblock=Remaining Durations of The Party's Buff Spells:]
This total is as of the Third Round of combat:

Dewydd's Buffs:
Abjurant Armor [+8] 10 hours [6,000 Rounds] = 5,980 Rounds Remaining
Alter Self 50 minutes. [500 Rounds] = 480 Rounds Remaining
Shield [+8] 12 minutes. [120 Rounds] = 100 Rounds Remaining
Protection from Evil 10 minutes. [100 Rounds] = 80 Rounds Remaining
Blur 5 minutes. [50 Rounds] = 30 Rounds Remaining
Mirror Image 5 minutes. [50 Rounds] = 30 Rounds Remaining
Sheltered Vitality 6 minutes. [60 Rounds] = 56 Rounds Remaining

Interfaith Blessing (Everyone) 6 minutes. [60 Rounds] = 40 Rounds Remaining

Bull's Strength (Lathir) 11 Minutes. [110 Rounds] = 90 Rounds Remaining
Cat's Grace (Lathir) 11 Minutes. [110 Rounds] = 104 Rounds Remaining

Greater Invisibility (Tam) 11 Rounds. = 7 Rounds Remaining.
Haste (Everyone Except Tam & Lathir) 11 Rounds. = 7 Rounds Remaining

Shield (Nel) 4 Minutes. [40 Rounds] = 36 Rounds Remaining.

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Vale said:
He telepathically communicates his frustration to Val the Axe, urging it to do something to assist in the battle. "Aye this isn't going well. If ye 'ave any suggestions, now is definitely the time."

Val The Axe (Telepathically): ~Why don't ye help the wee one out of the mud? He's gonna get clobbered once they realize he's there.~

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Moving to Room #19: Ogre #8, Hill Giant #4

Moving to Room #17: Hill Giant #22

Moving to Room #1: Hill Giant #16, Sous Chef Ogre #2

Doing Things in Room #10: Elder Kurok

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Aust Thale

Respen 3rd Round Attack

~ Giants talk too much ~

Respen darts south across the corridor toward Vale about 10' and toward the corridor opening to the main room 5', going to his knee as he casts his spell from his right hand and tapping his staff on the ground to steady and keep him upright. He eyes Delliak as the electrical arc builds between his fingers. "Gildin -o energui, rad- nín bitch!" The air crackles with ozone as the arc races an inch above the ground and finds its target in Delliak's right foot. The arc of energy snakes up his leg and electrocutes the giant, tightening his muscles almost to the point of ripping them, and causing steam to form from the moisture of the mud moat near his feet.

[sblock=Elvish Translation] Spark of energy, find my bitch! [/sblock]

OOC: #1d20=18; Damage = 11; Skirmish Damage (addit.) = 2; Total Damage = 13

GM: Had to edit your post slightly. I think you meant Vale, not Nel? Nel is right next to you. Moving two squares directly South, and 1 square directly West, will put you right behind Vale, so I'm assuming that's what you meant.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Respen Is On The Move!

Although the "spark of energy" would normally be little more than a nuisance to Delliak, you can tell that the barrage of spells and attacks is gradually wearing him down. Despite his outward show of morale, you suspect that Delliak is becoming concerned about his current predicament.

Delliak winces in pain as the spark hits him, causing his leg muscles to seize briefly, and also scorching his skin a little.

Delliak has taken a total of 229 pts. of damage.
Delliak is fatigued.
Delliak's movement is at half (25' instead of 50') for 24 hours.
Delliak has 1 negative level applied.

Current Positions of All Combatants:


KLEBORN: It's Your Turn! What do you do?


Kleborn looks at the mud in front of him and becomes a little annoyed. There is no way he can get to Delliak now and strike him with his sword. Then a thought comes to him, he puts away his sword and shield and grabs the Elven Strongbow and some arrows. As he knocks a couple of arrows he looks at Delliak and give a smile. Then under his breath he mutters, "May these arrows strike true." He then fires away.

Since I had to spend an action dropping sword and shield, I can only fire one arrow, plus the Haste attack extra. If I am mistaken on this let me know.
first attack=18
Haste attack=25
Additional attack=24 (miss)
Damage from first=8
damage from second=10

Dropping your sword and shield is a free action.
Drawing the bow is PART of a move action.
If you draw the bow, and do not move, then you qualify to take a full-round attack action.
Therefore, you have one attack remaining.
However, I regret to inform you that AC 25 and AC 18 are both MISSES.
Go ahead and roll your last attack.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Kleborn Misses, But Nelvandra Does NOT.

Kleborn fires three arrows at Delliak; the first of which bounces off his helmet.

Two of Kleborn's arrows actually stick into Delliak's armor, but it is obvious that they did not penetrate. You wonder if it was the armor that stopped the arrows, or the Giant's thick skin which lies underneath. At any rate, Delliak does not seem to mind, or even notice, the two arrows that he is now "wearing."

Nelvandra gets a determined look on her face, as she tries her incantation a second time. This time, the ray of electrical energy does not stray from its intended path, and finds its target quickly, and decisively.

Attack Roll: (20) = Hits Touch AC of 9
Damage (4d6): 19 pts.

Delliak shudders as the Seeking Ray finds him, burning him badly, making his muscles seize and spasm! Delliak eyes Nelvandra with silent hatred and suppressed rage!

Nelvandra smiles wickedly, "Chew on that, foolish man-boy!"

GM: Positions have not changed from the previous map.

DEWYDD: It's Your Turn! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

3rd Round:

Respen: 25
Kleborn: 22
Nelvandra: 21
Dewydd: 20
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [16 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [26 Damage]
Priestess Vulka (W): 19d
Young Prince Delliak (CG): 19e
Chief Nosnra (N): 17
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b
Thallok: 16c1 [21 Damage]
Hill Giant Guests: 16c2
Ogre Guards (All Except Chefs): 15
Tiny (DB): 13a
Hill Giant Commanders (2,3): 13b
Vale: 10
Ogre Chefs (1,2): 9
Orc Servants: 7
Hill Giant Guards (4,5,6,7,22): 0 (DEAD LAST)

Ogre Chef (#1) = Severely Wounded (63) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre Sous (#2) = Injured (8) + (9 Non-Lethal = 17 Total) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre Sous (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Moderately Wounded (11) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 = Gravely Wounded (25) Half Move 24 Hrs
Tiny = Severely Wounded (94) Half Move 24 Hrs
Bison = Dead
Nosnra = Severely Wounded (118) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs
Vulka = Severely Wounded (187) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs
Delliak = Grievously Wounded (248) 1 Negative Level, Fatigued, Half Move 24 Hrs
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3)
H1 =Dead
H2 =Moderately Wounded (56) Half Move 24 Hrs
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs
H5 = Dying (-9)
H6 = Dying (-1)
H7 =Injured (18) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H8 =Injured (5) Half Move 24 Hrs
H9 =Injured (5) Half Move 24 Hrs
H10 =Injured (5) Half Move 24 Hrs
H11 = Moderately Wounded (49) Half Move 24 Hrs
H12 = Moderately Wounded (34) Half Move 24 Hrs
H13 =Significantly Injured (17)
H14 =Significantly Injured (17)
H15 =Moderately Wounded (32)
H16 =Injured (4)
H17 =Moderately Wounded (47) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H18 =Significantly Wounded (63)
H19 =Injured (1) Half Move 24 Hrs
H20 =Injured (1) Half Move 24 Hrs
H21 =Injured (3)
H22 =Moderately Wounded (47)

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Resolution of Dewydd's Attacks

Dewydd said:

Dewydd makes the best of a bad situation, laying into Delliak with all that he has; three of his four blows are absorbed by the Giant's heavy armor and thick skin; but one of his blows manages to find flesh, much to Delliak's surprise!

Delliak takes 12 points of damage from the blow.
RETROACTIVE EDIT: Delliak actually takes 15 points of damage. I forgot to add in the Whirling Frenzy bonus.

Positions have not changed from the previous map.

Tam-Tam: It's Your Turn! If you want to spend a full-round action extracting yourself from the mud, you may do so, but you might provoke an Attack of Opportunity from Delliak, if he notices you. (It's not guaranteed that he will, but there is a good chance.) What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

3rd Round:

Respen: 25
Kleborn: 22
Nelvandra: 21
Dewydd: 20
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [16 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [26 Damage]
Priestess Vulka (W): 19d
Young Prince Delliak (CG): 19e
Chief Nosnra (N): 17
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b
Thallok: 16c1 [21 Damage]
Hill Giant Guests: 16c2
Ogre Guards (All Except Chefs): 15
Tiny (DB): 13a
Hill Giant Commanders (2,3): 13b
Vale: 10
Ogre Chefs (1,2): 9
Orc Servants: 7
Hill Giant Guards (4,5,6,7,22): 0 (DEAD LAST)

Ogre Chef (#1) = Severely Wounded (63) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre Sous (#2) = Injured (8) + (9 Non-Lethal = 17 Total) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre Sous (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Moderately Wounded (11) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 = Gravely Wounded (25) Half Move 24 Hrs
Tiny = Severely Wounded (94) Half Move 24 Hrs
Bison = Dead
Nosnra = Severely Wounded (118) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs
Vulka = Severely Wounded (187) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs
Delliak = Grievously Wounded (263) 1 Negative Level, Fatigued, Half Move 24 Hrs
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3)
H1 =Dead
H2 =Moderately Wounded (56) Half Move 24 Hrs
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs
H5 = Dying (-9)
H6 = Dying (-1)
H7 =Injured (18) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H8 =Injured (5) Half Move 24 Hrs
H9 =Injured (5) Half Move 24 Hrs
H10 =Injured (5) Half Move 24 Hrs
H11 = Moderately Wounded (49) Half Move 24 Hrs
H12 = Moderately Wounded (34) Half Move 24 Hrs
H13 =Significantly Injured (17)
H14 =Significantly Injured (17)
H15 =Moderately Wounded (32)
H16 =Injured (4)
H17 =Moderately Wounded (47) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H18 =Significantly Wounded (63)
H19 =Injured (1) Half Move 24 Hrs
H20 =Injured (1) Half Move 24 Hrs
H21 =Injured (3)
H22 =Moderately Wounded (47)
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Tam-Tam, quickly realizes he is in a dangerous situation. No amount of invisibility can hide the depression in the mud his body has made.

With a quick torso twist, Tam sets his blades (sword and dagger) on the floor behind him. As he turns back to Delliak, he grabs his shortbow and two Elven arrows and fires...one, two.

OOC: Tellarian Hawke will finish this sequence as per our Line App discussions.

Delliak's Normal AC is 28; His flat-footed AC is 27.
Delliak is flat-footed vs. Tam-Tam (invisible attacker.)
Tam's 1st Attack: 1d20+13 = 17+13 = 30 (hit)
Tam's 2nd Attack: 1d20+8 = 20+8 = 28 (hit, possible crit); Confirm = 19+8 = 27 (hit, confirmed)
Damage, Attack #1: 1d4 (Arrow) + 1d4 (Holy) + 1 (Enhancement) + 3d6 (Sneak Attack) = 22 pts.
Damage, Attack #2: 3d4 (Arrow) + 1d4 (Holy) + 3 (Enhancement) + 3d6 (Sneak Attack) = 28 pts.
Delliak has taken a total of 313 pts. of damage. Delliak has been killed.
Delliak [-23, Dead]

The first arrow brought Delliak to within an inch of life. (285 pts. out of 290 total hp.)
The second arrow took Delliak's life from him (-23 hp out of 290 total hp.)
Details will appear below in the next post.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
The Fall of Delliak!

Tam, realizing that flight would be futile, and would only give Delliak the opportunity to discover him and clock him on the head, decides to put his blades aside, and attack with his bow.

Tam-Tam drops his blades into the square behind and adjacent to him (not in the mud) as a Free Action.
Tam-Tam draws his bow as PART of a Move Action, although he does not move. (And is therefore eligible to take a Full Attack Action.)

Tam-Tam is Invisible, but his body displaces the mud around him, drawing attention to his presence.
Normally an invisible creature is difficult to Spot (+20 DC) but the mud around Tam negates that bonus.

Tam-Tam's base Hide Check: 24
Delliak's base Spot Check: 26; (Chaos of Battle: -2 = 24; Delliak's attention focused elsewhere [Dewydd]: -2 = 22; Fail.)

Delliak STILL fails to see Tam-Tam.

DM NOTE: This Spot vs. Hide check was NOT made to negate the flat-footed penalty against an invisible attacker. That penalty applies regardless, because even though it's possible to know that an invisible attacker is in a given square, the opponent STILL can't tell the attacker's exact position, body posture, angle of attack, timing of the attack, etc. This check was made to see if Delliak would be able to attack Tam-Tam on his next turn, based on his ability to figure out which square Tam is in. Of course, as we know from the GM comment in Tam's post above, this is a moot point. HOWEVER, I wanted to record it here, so as to have a record of the proper procedure, should something like this occur in the future.

Tam-Tam fires two, well-aimed arrows, both of which strike true, as if guided by an unseen hand!

The first arrow thunks into Delliak's throat, near his carotid artery, causing him to spew blood like a fountain! Delliak grabs the wound in desperation, looking around for the source of the attack. He winces as Holy Power shoots through him, wracking his body in pain!

As Delliak is bending over in agony, Tam-Tam puts the second arrow cleanly through Delliak's left eye, burying the arrow up to the end of the shaft! It is obvious that Tam's arrow has pierced Delliak's eye, and skewered his brain! To make matters even more dire, Holy Power once again erupts from the sacred, Elven-made arrow, causing a plume of sparkling, purple flame to erupt from Delliak's left eye socket, the force of the explosion being enough to blow his helmet completely off of his head, sending it flying a distance of more than 45 feet, to land directly at the feet of Delliak's stunned and enraged older sister!

The Giant Prince groans one last time, as his hands release their grip on his beloved Mountain Breaker; Delliak slumps to the ground in a lifeless heap, as his magnificent weapon clangs to the ground, bounces twice, and lands unceremoniously in the mud with a loud PLOP.


GM: Tam-Tam: +1,000 xp. for delivering a SPECTACULAR finishing blow to the greatest enemy the party has ever faced!

Current Positions of All Combatants:

(Positions have not changed, but I have marked Delliak as being dead. I also placed an "X" in the square where Tam's blades are.)


LATHIR: It's Your Turn! Mountain Breaker just landed harmlessly, right in your square! (It's not in your way, I'm just pointing this out.) What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

3rd Round:

Respen: 25
Kleborn: 22
Nelvandra: 21
Dewydd: 20
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [16 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [26 Damage]
Priestess Vulka (W): 19d
Chief Nosnra (N): 17
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b
Thallok: 16c1 [21 Damage]
Hill Giant Guests: 16c2
Ogre Guards (All Except Chefs): 15
Tiny (DB): 13a
Hill Giant Commanders (2,3): 13b
Vale: 10
Ogre Chefs (1,2): 9
Orc Servants: 7
Hill Giant Guards (4,5,6,7,22): 0 (DEAD LAST)

Ogre Chef (#1) = Severely Wounded (63) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre Sous (#2) = Injured (8) + (9 Non-Lethal = 17 Total) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre Sous (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Moderately Wounded (11) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 = Gravely Wounded (25) Half Move 24 Hrs
Tiny = Severely Wounded (94) Half Move 24 Hrs
Bison = Dead
Nosnra = Severely Wounded (118) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs
Vulka = Severely Wounded (187) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3)
H1 =Dead
H2 =Moderately Wounded (56) Half Move 24 Hrs
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs
H5 = Dying (-9)
H6 = Dying (-1)
H7 =Injured (18) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H8 =Injured (5) Half Move 24 Hrs
H9 =Injured (5) Half Move 24 Hrs
H10 =Injured (5) Half Move 24 Hrs
H11 = Moderately Wounded (49) Half Move 24 Hrs
H12 = Moderately Wounded (34) Half Move 24 Hrs
H13 =Significantly Injured (17)
H14 =Significantly Injured (17)
H15 =Moderately Wounded (32)
H16 =Injured (4)
H17 =Moderately Wounded (47) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H18 =Significantly Wounded (63)
H19 =Injured (1) Half Move 24 Hrs
H20 =Injured (1) Half Move 24 Hrs
H21 =Injured (3)
H22 =Moderately Wounded (47)


Tam, stunned-surprised-surreal about what just happened, looks at his bow as if he has only now realized what he has in his hands, looks to the fallen corpse of the giant, then to the bow, then back to the giant and exhales in amazement: "Whoa."

Then, a sense of pride and self-worth to really feel a valuable part within this band of heroes washes over him in a flood of emotion: "Take that you Fee-fie-fo-fum Bum. Jack ain't got nuthin' on me."

And in a mere second afterward, flashes of what has transpired over the last few days washes over him, thinking to himself: "I am Tamartamlin Quickfoot! Well Delver! --- Ogre's Bane! --- Heroes Friend! --- Wolf Rider! --- and, Giant Killer!"

If he weren't invisible, the glow of pride and happiness on his face would have lit this hall like a bonny, raging bonfire.
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