Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
What The Badgers Do

[sblock=What's happening in the side room.]
Map of charge, and Giant reach areas. (Green = overlap.)
Elder Stone Giant Side Room 001c.png

Ending Positions.
Elder Stone Giant Side Room 001d.png

The Badgers appear in the doorway, spot their target, and charge!

However, the Stone Giant Elders have reach on them, and get attacks of opportunity!

To charge, a combatant must move in a straight line towards his opponent.
In order to get to a square in which the Badger may attack, Badger #1 must move through 1 threatened square.
In order to get to a square in which the Badger may attack, Badger #2 must move through 3 threatened squares.
Stone Giants have Combat Reflexes, and get multiple AoOs.
Stone Giants have 10 ft. reach.
Charges do not end upon a successful AoO, as long as the charger is able to complete his action; hence, the Badgers continue to charge. The charge only ends if the charger takes enough damage to put him out.

Badger #1 charges S3. (Ending his charge in square "Circle 2.")
Badger #2 charges S2. (Ending his charge in square 4.)

S3 AoO: 28 (Hit); Damage: 16 pts. (Badger #1, going from Circle 1 to Circle 2.)
S3 AoO: 29 (Hit); Damage: 20 pts. (Badger #2, going from 1 to 2.)
S3 AoO: 20 (Hit); Damage: 22 pts. (Badger #2, going from 2 to 3.) Moving out of more than one square threatened by the same opponent in the same round doesn’t count as more than one opportunity for that opponent. So I will ignore this result.
S2 AoO: 33 (Hit); Damage: 20 pts. (Badger #2, going from 3 to 4.) Badger dies at this point.

Dire Badgers:
Charge (Claw): +6 = (21) = Miss

The Dire Badgers charge their foes ferociously, but their small size works against them, as the quick and agile giants take advantage of their superior reach, and thrash them as they rush in. Badger #1 is grievously wounded in the exchange, and Badger #2 is killed outright. The damage from the massive Greatclubs that the Giants wield is staggering!

Badger #1 claws ferociously at the Stone Giant (S3) but his claws are unable to penetrate the tough, leathery skin.

The party hears a cry of discovery at this point, from the direction of the entrance. You all perceive that it was the Ogre Sous Chef (Ogre #2) who voiced it; the cry is a mixture of surprise, anger, and despair!

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, the Orc Servants are in revolt! Shouts of anger and clash of arms can be heard!

Hill Giant #4 does something in Room # 19
Hill Giant #5 is dead.
Hill Giant #6 continues to bleed out. (1 pt. of damage.)
Hill Giant #7 attacks Dewydd. He also takes 5 pts. cold damage.
Hill Giant #22 does something in Room # 17 (You suspect he's in the kitchen area, fighting the Orc Servants!)

Hill Giant #7 Attacks: (20,25) = Miss, Miss

Despite being mired in the mud, Dewydd finds it easy to avoid the clumsy blows of the Hill Giant, thanks to a combination of skill, and protective magicks.

GM: Positions have not changed from previous map.

RESPEN: It's Your Turn! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

4th Round:

Respen: 25[9 Damage]
Kleborn: 22
Nelvandra: 21
Dewydd: 20
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [16 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [26 Damage]
Priestess Vulka (W): 19d1
Huge Drider (D): 19d2
Chief Nosnra (N): 17a
Duncan and Ebony: 17b
Lenny and Trav: 17c
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b
Thallok: 16c1 [21 Damage]
Hill Giant Guests: 16c2
Ogre Guards (All Except Chefs): 15
Hill Giant Commanders (2,3): 13
Vale / Badger #1: 10 [9 Damage]
Ogre Sous Chef (#2): 9
Orc Servants: 7
Hill Giant Guards (4,5,6,7,22): 0 (DEAD LAST)

Ogre Chef (#1) = Dead
Ogre Sous (#2) = Injured (8) + (9 Non-Lethal = 17 Total) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Ogre Sous (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Moderately Wounded (11) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 =Gravely Wounded (25) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Tiny = Dead
Bison = Dead
The Drider =Severely Wounded (27)
Nosnra = Severely Wounded (118) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Vulka =Grievously Wounded (228) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level Not visible
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3) Not visible
H1 =Dead
H2 =Moderately Wounded (56) Half Move 24 Hrs
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H5 =Dead
H6 = Dying (-2)
H7 =Injured (23) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H8 =Lightly Wounded (36) Half Move 24 Hrs
H9 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H10 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H11 =Grievously Wounded (90) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H12 =Grievously Wounded (93) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H13 =Moderately Wounded (67) [Surrendered]
H14 =Severely Wounded (76) [Surrendered]
H15 =Grievously Wounded (91) [Surrendered]
H16 =Injured (4) Not visible
H17 =Moderately Wounded (47) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H18 =Severely Wounded (63) [Surrendered]
H19 =Significantly Injured (13) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H20 =Significantly Injured (15) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H21 =Lightly Wounded (27) Not visible
H22 =Moderately Wounded (47) Not visible

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Doing Things In Room #19: Ogre #8, Hill Giant #4

Doing Things In Room #17: Hill Giant #22

Doing Things In Room #1: Hill Giant #16, Sous Chef Ogre #2, Hill Giant #19, Hill Giant #20, Hill Giant #21, Ogre #4, Ogre #5

Doing Things in Room #10: Elder Kurok, Elder Kragg

Doing Things in Room #8: Nosnra, Vulka


[sblock=Remaining Durations of The Party's Buff Spells:]
This total is as of the Fourth Round of combat:

Dewydd's Buffs:
Abjurant Armor [+8] 10 hours [6,000 Rounds] = 5,979 Rounds Remaining
Alter Self 50 minutes. [500 Rounds] = 479 Rounds Remaining
Shield [+8] 12 minutes. [120 Rounds] = 99 Rounds Remaining
Protection from Evil 10 minutes. [100 Rounds] = 79 Rounds Remaining
Blur 5 minutes. [50 Rounds] = 29 Rounds Remaining
Sheltered Vitality 6 minutes. [60 Rounds] = 55 Rounds Remaining

Interfaith Blessing (Everyone) 6 minutes. [60 Rounds] = 39 Rounds Remaining

Bull's Strength (Lathir) 11 Minutes. [110 Rounds] = 89 Rounds Remaining
Cat's Grace (Lathir) 11 Minutes. [110 Rounds] = 103 Rounds Remaining

Greater Invisibility (Tam) 11 Rounds. = 6 Rounds Remaining.
Haste (Everyone Except Tam & Lathir) 11 Rounds. = 6 Rounds Remaining

Shield (Nel) 4 Minutes. [40 Rounds] = 35 Rounds Remaining.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Respen Drops The Drider!

GM: Posted on behalf of Respen, who emailed me his attacks and actions.

~ Splendid! ~

Respen had read about Driders, although Auror would only mention them after having plenty of wine. To be this close and fighting one was novel to be sure. No spells here. No, this was worthy of spilling real blood the old fashioned way. Magic was amazing, and it was Respen’s first preference. However, his hunter’s instinct had longed to “pluck the yew” again. It came naturally, actually more naturally than he would have like to admit.

He reaches back with his right hand, drawing the arrow from the quiver, and in a single movement his muscle memory takes over, bringing the arrow forward in a magically hasted instant. Simultaneously, he moves in a 10’ semi-circle into the center of the corridor around the Drider, his back to the north wall in front of Nelvandra, making the most of the rapidly decreasing space in the corridor to both protect Nel and deliver a strike against the Drider. At the same time, he snaps his fingers in his left hand, and a composite longbow springs seemingly from nowhere into his hand, as he notches the arrow in a single movement. He smiles in satisfaction as the gloves work exactly as intended, and the arrow flies into the Driders chest. As the 1st arrow completes its mission, Respen notches a second, repeating the exercise. The second arrow also lands with a satisfying <snickt-thud>, plowing deep into the spider-creature 2 inches from the other arrow.

OOC: Rolz.org Rolled #1d20+13 (29 & 21, respectively) for attack; Rolled combined damage (#2d8+6) + (#2d6) = 18+6 = 24

Respen provokes an Attack of Opportunity from the Drider.
Attack Roll = 9 (Miss)

The Drider has taken a total of 51 pts. of damage. The Drider goes down!
Drider [-6, Dying]

As Respen moves around the Drider, the foul beast bites at him, but is unable to find purchase. Respen shoots the Drider twice, finding the weak portion of its thorax; the loss of blood is considerable, and the Drider is unable to remain conscious! It slumps to the ground, and begins to bleed out!

Current Positions of All Combatants:


KLEBORN: It's Your Turn! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

4th Round:

Respen: 25[9 Damage]
Kleborn: 22
Nelvandra: 21
Dewydd: 20
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [16 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [26 Damage]
Priestess Vulka (W): 19d1
Huge Drider (D): 19d2
Chief Nosnra (N): 17a
Duncan and Ebony: 17b
Lenny and Trav: 17c
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b
Thallok: 16c1 [21 Damage]
Hill Giant Guests: 16c2
Ogre Guards (All Except Chefs): 15
Hill Giant Commanders (2,3): 13
Vale / Badger #1: 10 [9 Damage]
Ogre Sous Chef (#2): 9
Orc Servants: 7
Hill Giant Guards (4,5,6,7,22): 0 (DEAD LAST)

Ogre Chef (#1) = Dead
Ogre Sous (#2) = Injured (8) + (9 Non-Lethal = 17 Total) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Ogre Sous (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Moderately Wounded (11) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 =Gravely Wounded (25) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Tiny = Dead
Bison = Dead
The Drider = Dying (-6)
Nosnra = Severely Wounded (118) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Vulka =Grievously Wounded (228) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level Not visible
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3) Not visible
H1 =Dead
H2 =Moderately Wounded (56) Half Move 24 Hrs
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H5 =Dead
H6 = Dying (-2)
H7 =Injured (23) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H8 =Lightly Wounded (36) Half Move 24 Hrs
H9 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H10 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H11 =Grievously Wounded (90) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H12 =Grievously Wounded (93) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H13 =Moderately Wounded (67) [Surrendered]
H14 =Severely Wounded (76) [Surrendered]
H15 =Grievously Wounded (91) [Surrendered]
H16 =Injured (4) Not visible
H17 =Moderately Wounded (47) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H18 =Severely Wounded (63) [Surrendered]
H19 =Significantly Injured (13) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H20 =Significantly Injured (15) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H21 =Lightly Wounded (27) Not visible
H22 =Moderately Wounded (47) Not visible

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Doing Things In Room #19: Ogre #8, Hill Giant #4

Doing Things In Room #17: Hill Giant #22

Doing Things In Room #1: Hill Giant #16, Sous Chef Ogre #2, Hill Giant #19, Hill Giant #20, Hill Giant #21, Ogre #4, Ogre #5

Doing Things in Room #10: Elder Kurok, Elder Kragg

Doing Things in Room #8: Nosnra, Vulka



Kleborn feels a sense of excitement and hopefulness. Seeing the new additions battling with them, as well as seeing the enemies either fleeing or battling each other gives him a fire to fight that burns even hotter. He eyes the hill Giant number 17, and decides that he would make a good target. While he would much rather fight him with his sword and shield, he is finding that using the bow and arrow is almost as fun. Kleborn knocks his arrows and lets them fly like an eagle. He thinks to himself ~Kleborn the Eagle has a nice ring to it. Nah, I think I will stick with Kleborn the Wolf.~

first arrow=22
second arrow=8 (1 natural, miss)
Haste arrow=20
damage if first attack hits=9
damage from haste attack if hits=6

Immediately after firing all three arrows Kleborn knew they were not great shots. He says "Yes, I much prefer closer combat."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
There seems to be a pattern here.... Kleborn misses, but Nelvandra DOES NOT.

The blasted Drow Chainmail, which all of the Giants seem to be wearing, and which kept saving Delliak from serious injury, is serving the same purpose for Hill Giant #17; none of the arrows find his flesh. The first and last arrows get stuck in the leather-wrapped loops of the armor, failing to puncture, while the second arrow goes wide, missing completely.

Kleborn curses under his breath!

The Giant's AC is 23. Both shots miss.

Nelvandra gets a concerned look on her face when Kleborn's arrows prove ineffective. Her eyes narrow as she takes aim with her spell, pointing her slender, gloved finger at the behemoth; a crooked ray of lightning bursts forth from her fingertip, snaking its way across the battlefield, zigging and zagging, this way and that, until finding its target. The Giant writhes in agony, as the spell burns his skin relentlessly!

Nelvandra's spell inflicts 17 pts. damage.
Hill Giant #17 has now taken a total of 64 points of damage. He is not in good shape, but he still has some fight left in him.

GM: Positions have not changed since the previous map.

DEWYDD: It's your turn! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

4th Round:

Respen: 25[9 Damage]
Kleborn: 22
Nelvandra: 21
Dewydd: 20
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [16 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [26 Damage]
Priestess Vulka (W): 19d1
Huge Drider (D): 19d2
Chief Nosnra (N): 17a
Duncan and Ebony: 17b
Lenny and Trav: 17c
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b
Thallok: 16c1 [21 Damage]
Hill Giant Guests: 16c2
Ogre Guards (All Except Chefs): 15
Hill Giant Commanders (2,3): 13
Vale / Badger #1: 10 [9 Damage]
Ogre Sous Chef (#2): 9
Orc Servants: 7
Hill Giant Guards (4,5,6,7,22): 0 (DEAD LAST)

Ogre Chef (#1) = Dead
Ogre Sous (#2) = Injured (8) + (9 Non-Lethal = 17 Total) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Ogre Sous (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Moderately Wounded (11) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 =Gravely Wounded (25) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Tiny = Dead
Bison = Dead
The Drider = Dying (-6)
Nosnra = Severely Wounded (118) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Vulka =Grievously Wounded (228) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level Not visible
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3) Not visible
H1 =Dead
H2 =Moderately Wounded (56) Half Move 24 Hrs
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H5 =Dead
H6 = Dying (-2)
H7 =Injured (23) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H8 =Lightly Wounded (36) Half Move 24 Hrs
H9 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H10 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H11 =Grievously Wounded (90) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H12 =Grievously Wounded (93) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H13 =Moderately Wounded (67) [Surrendered]
H14 =Severely Wounded (76) [Surrendered]
H15 =Grievously Wounded (91) [Surrendered]
H16 =Injured (4) Not visible
H17 =Severely Wounded (64) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H18 =Severely Wounded (63) [Surrendered]
H19 =Significantly Injured (13) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H20 =Significantly Injured (15) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H21 =Lightly Wounded (27) Not visible
H22 =Moderately Wounded (47) Not visible

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Doing Things In Room #19: Ogre #8, Hill Giant #4

Doing Things In Room #17: Hill Giant #22

Doing Things In Room #1: Hill Giant #16, Sous Chef Ogre #2, Hill Giant #19, Hill Giant #20, Hill Giant #21, Ogre #4, Ogre #5

Doing Things in Room #10: Elder Kurok, Elder Kragg

Doing Things in Room #8: Nosnra, Vulka



Seeing that others have failed to dispel the giant's magic, I deduce that my own casting abilities are not up to par for such a task. Instead, I drop into a defensive stance. Pulling out a feather from my spell component pouch, I repeat the words of power necessary to gift myself the ability of flight, "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" I take a flying 5' step into the air, land beside the giant, winking at him as I safely maneuver closer while opening an additional potential path for Lathir.

Giant Battle.jpg
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Dewydd Adjusts His Position

Dewydd casts Fly, doing so defensively, so that he can move out of the mud, and get next to the Giant.

Combat Casting: +4
Concentration: Base 16 (Total = 20); Minimum result = 21.
DC = 15+Spell Level (3) = DC: 18
Dewydd cannot fail his check.

Dewydd lands next to the Giant, having cast his spell in such a way as to not leave himself vulnerable to attack.

Since Dewydd only moved 5 ft., he does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity.

Dewydd lands in the area of the Grave Mist spell, and although he is protected from the fatigue effects, he feels the bitter bite of the spell's coldness.

Dewydd takes 5 pts. of cold damage.

GM: As per our LINE chat discussion, I have adjusted Lathir's position on the map.

Current Positions of All Combatants:


Tam-Tam: You have given away your position by firing your bow. You are still invisible, but if you do not move, your opponents will have a chance to attack you (albeit blindly, with a 50% miss chance.) It's Now Your Turn! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

4th Round:

Respen: 25[9 Damage]
Kleborn: 22
Nelvandra: 21
Dewydd: 20[5 Damage]
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [16 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [26 Damage]
Priestess Vulka (W): 19d1
Huge Drider (D): 19d2
Chief Nosnra (N): 17a
Duncan and Ebony: 17b
Lenny and Trav: 17c
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b
Thallok: 16c1 [21 Damage]
Hill Giant Guests: 16c2
Ogre Guards (All Except Chefs): 15
Hill Giant Commanders (2,3): 13
Vale / Badger #1: 10 [9 Damage]
Ogre Sous Chef (#2): 9
Orc Servants: 7
Hill Giant Guards (4,5,6,7,22): 0 (DEAD LAST)

Ogre Chef (#1) = Dead
Ogre Sous (#2) = Injured (8) + (9 Non-Lethal = 17 Total) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Ogre Sous (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Moderately Wounded (11) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 =Gravely Wounded (25) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Tiny = Dead
Bison = Dead
The Drider = Dying (-6)
Nosnra = Severely Wounded (118) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Vulka =Grievously Wounded (228) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level Not visible
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3) Not visible
H1 =Dead
H2 =Moderately Wounded (56) Half Move 24 Hrs
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H5 =Dead
H6 = Dying (-2)
H7 =Injured (23) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H8 =Lightly Wounded (36) Half Move 24 Hrs
H9 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H10 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H11 =Grievously Wounded (90) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H12 =Grievously Wounded (93) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H13 =Moderately Wounded (67) [Surrendered]
H14 =Severely Wounded (76) [Surrendered]
H15 =Grievously Wounded (91) [Surrendered]
H16 =Injured (4) Not visible
H17 =Severely Wounded (64) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H18 =Severely Wounded (63) [Surrendered]
H19 =Significantly Injured (13) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H20 =Significantly Injured (15) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H21 =Lightly Wounded (27) Not visible
H22 =Moderately Wounded (47) Not visible

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Doing Things In Room #19: Ogre #8, Hill Giant #4

Doing Things In Room #17: Hill Giant #22

Doing Things In Room #1: Hill Giant #16, Sous Chef Ogre #2, Hill Giant #19, Hill Giant #20, Hill Giant #21, Ogre #4, Ogre #5

Doing Things in Room #10: Elder Kurok, Elder Kragg

Doing Things in Room #8: Nosnra, Vulka



Seeing that he is no longer immune to attack, Tam resolves himself to continue with the offensive. Though using a straightforward attack with no opportunity for a tactical defense screams against his thieves sensibilities, there was nothing for it but to continue with the present situation and simply keep attacking.

Tam-Tam's eye falls on the giant before him (#17). He fires two more times, again with Yolanda's name on his lips.

First shot: 19 (natural)
Second shot: 16 (natural)

Tellarian Hawke, please work out the math for me. I always seem to get it wrong. Thank you.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tam fires two more arrows into the fray, determined to bring the Giant down!

GM NOTE: The Giant still doesn't get his Dex modifier against your attacks; you're still invisible, and he still doesn't know exactly when, or even if, the next attack is coming. HOWEVER, since you have not moved from your location, he does know that you're somewhere in the approximate area, and has a chance to strike you ON HIS TURN, if he chooses the correct square.

Attack #1: 19+12+2+1 = Hits AC 34 (Hit)
Attack #2: 16+12+2+1 = Hits AC 31 (Hit)

Attack #1: 1d4+1+(1d4 Holy)+(3d6 Sneak) = 13 pts.
Attack #2: 1d4+1+(1d4 Holy)+(3d6 Sneak) = 18 pts.
Total = 31 pts. of damage.

Hill Giant #17 has taken a total of 95 points of damage.

Positions have not changed since the previous map.

Tam's arrows are more like darts to the big Giant; the first arrow buries itself to the shaft in the Giant's calf, drawing a scream of surprise from the big brute. Tam's second arrow strikes the Giant in the neck, lodging in the meaty mass next to the carotid artery, narrowly missing the artery itself; nevertheless, blood flows freely and abundantly from the wound! The Giant bellows in agony, as the holy power of the arrows burns him as well. Tam smiles, with a look of grim satisfaction on his face, but no one can see it.

LATHIR: It's your turn! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

4th Round:

Respen: 25[9 Damage]
Kleborn: 22
Nelvandra: 21
Dewydd: 20[5 Damage]
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [16 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [26 Damage]
Priestess Vulka (W): 19d1
Huge Drider (D): 19d2
Chief Nosnra (N): 17a
Duncan and Ebony: 17b
Lenny and Trav: 17c
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b
Thallok: 16c1 [21 Damage]
Hill Giant Guests: 16c2
Ogre Guards (All Except Chefs): 15
Hill Giant Commanders (2,3): 13
Vale / Badger #1: 10 [9 Damage]
Ogre Sous Chef (#2): 9
Orc Servants: 7
Hill Giant Guards (4,5,6,7,22): 0 (DEAD LAST)

Ogre Chef (#1) = Dead
Ogre Sous (#2) = Injured (8) + (9 Non-Lethal = 17 Total) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Ogre Sous (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Moderately Wounded (11) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 =Gravely Wounded (25) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Tiny = Dead
Bison = Dead
The Drider = Dying (-6)
Nosnra = Severely Wounded (118) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Vulka =Grievously Wounded (228) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level Not visible
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3) Not visible
H1 =Dead
H2 =Moderately Wounded (56) Half Move 24 Hrs
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H5 =Dead
H6 = Dying (-2)
H7 =Injured (23) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H8 =Lightly Wounded (36) Half Move 24 Hrs
H9 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H10 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H11 =Grievously Wounded (90) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H12 =Grievously Wounded (93) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H13 =Moderately Wounded (67) [Surrendered]
H14 =Severely Wounded (76) [Surrendered]
H15 =Grievously Wounded (91) [Surrendered]
H16 =Injured (4) Not visible
H17 =Gravely Wounded (95) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H18 =Severely Wounded (63) [Surrendered]
H19 =Significantly Injured (13) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H20 =Significantly Injured (15) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H21 =Lightly Wounded (27) Not visible
H22 =Moderately Wounded (47) Not visible

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Doing Things In Room #19: Ogre #8, Hill Giant #4

Doing Things In Room #17: Hill Giant #22

Doing Things In Room #1: Hill Giant #16, Sous Chef Ogre #2, Hill Giant #19, Hill Giant #20, Hill Giant #21, Ogre #4, Ogre #5

Doing Things in Room #10: Elder Kurok, Elder Kragg

Doing Things in Room #8: Nosnra, Vulka



Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Lathir/crocodile slides to his left across the mud but then attempts to dispel the magically created muck.
[sblock=OOC]5' adjustment directly down from where Lathir should be on the map, not where he is currently placed. 1d20 = 16. I do not know the modifiers for dispel magic.[/sblock]
Last edited by a moderator:

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Lathir Gets Rid Of The Mud!

Lathir casts Dispel Magic on the mud, and it suddenly dries up, and everyone finds themselves once again standing on solid ground, their clothes cleaned and free of the mud that, only moments ago, had completely saturated them.

Stone Giant Elders cast as 10th level Sorcerers. DC = Caster Level (10) + 11 = DC: 21.
Dispel Magic = 1d20 + Caster Level (Max: 10): Lathir's roll (16+10) = 26 (Success.)
The mud is dispelled.

Current Positions of All Combatants:


GM: DM NOTE: Check the Campaign Background Info Thread later today for a clarification on the OTTER version of Dispel Magic. This is an official ruling.

SYLVAR: It's Your Turn! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

4th Round:

Respen: 25[9 Damage]
Kleborn: 22
Nelvandra: 21
Dewydd: 20[5 Damage]
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [16 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [26 Damage]
Priestess Vulka (W): 19d1
Huge Drider (D): 19d2
Chief Nosnra (N): 17a
Duncan and Ebony: 17b
Lenny and Trav: 17c
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b
Thallok: 16c1 [21 Damage]
Hill Giant Guests: 16c2
Ogre Guards (All Except Chefs): 15
Hill Giant Commanders (2,3): 13
Vale / Badger #1: 10 [9 Damage]
Ogre Sous Chef (#2): 9
Orc Servants: 7
Hill Giant Guards (4,5,6,7,22): 0 (DEAD LAST)

Ogre Chef (#1) = Dead
Ogre Sous (#2) = Injured (8) + (9 Non-Lethal = 17 Total) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Ogre Sous (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Moderately Wounded (11) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 =Gravely Wounded (25) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Tiny = Dead
Bison = Dead
The Drider = Dying (-6)
Nosnra = Severely Wounded (118) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Vulka =Grievously Wounded (228) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level Not visible
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3) Not visible
H1 =Dead
H2 =Moderately Wounded (56) Half Move 24 Hrs
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H5 =Dead
H6 = Dying (-2)
H7 =Injured (23) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H8 =Lightly Wounded (36) Half Move 24 Hrs
H9 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H10 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H11 =Grievously Wounded (90) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H12 =Grievously Wounded (93) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H13 =Moderately Wounded (67) [Surrendered]
H14 =Severely Wounded (76) [Surrendered]
H15 =Grievously Wounded (91) [Surrendered]
H16 =Injured (4) Not visible
H17 =Gravely Wounded (95) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H18 =Severely Wounded (63) [Surrendered]
H19 =Significantly Injured (13) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H20 =Significantly Injured (15) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H21 =Lightly Wounded (27) Not visible
H22 =Moderately Wounded (47) Not visible

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Doing Things In Room #19: Ogre #8, Hill Giant #4

Doing Things In Room #17: Hill Giant #22

Doing Things In Room #1: Hill Giant #16, Sous Chef Ogre #2, Hill Giant #19, Hill Giant #20, Hill Giant #21, Ogre #4, Ogre #5

Doing Things in Room #10: Elder Kurok, Elder Kragg

Doing Things in Room #8: Nosnra, Vulka


Voidrunner's Codex

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