
Upon the dispelling of the mud by Lathir, Tam-Tam goes into action. Knowing that picking up his visible blades would be a giveaway to his position, since the Giant that he had struck was eyeing the area closely, Tam instead opts to move to the pillar and Thallok's back. When, he reaches the spot, Tam whispers:

"Got your back, Red"

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Movement Adjustments (Tam + Others)

As discussed in LINE chat, Tam is now going to take his readied move action. ALL PLAYERS who were in the mud may do so, if they wish. However, bear in mind that the Giants have 10' reach, and you may provoke an Attack of Opportunity if you move through a threatened square.

Current Positions of All Combatants:


It's Still Sylvar's Turn.

Sylvar B.

Sylvar turns his head to see the party approaching from behind. He isn't quite sure what to make of them or what their intentions might be. He takes stock of everyone's wounds and decides that his own wounds are the most grievous at the moment. As he is casting he turns and faces the newcomers.

OOC: Sylvar casts Cure Moderate Wounds on himself... Heals 14 points of damage. Sylvar takes a one step adjustment, diagonally to the south east so that he is no longer standing in front of Respen.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sylvar, Vulka, The Drider, & Nosnra.

Sylvar adjusts his position slightly, as he begins to hum a little tune. Healing magic washes over him, closing some of his wounds.

GM: Sylvar feels better, but he is still down by 12 hit points. DM NOTE: In previous posts, I said that Vulka and Nosnra were doing things in Room #8; this was an error. They are actually in Room #7. Not that you guys know the difference; this note is more for me, so I can keep things straight in my head.

Somewhere else, away from the party's prying eyes, Vulka takes an action.

GM: Vulka: Lose 4 Turn Undead attempts to activate special ability.

On his turn, The Drider continues to bleed out, his lifeblood flowing freely from the wounds left by Respen's arrows.

GM: Drider: [-7, Dying]

On his turn, Nosnra invokes one of the powers of his sword.

GM: DM Note To Self: 14

Current Position of All Combatants:


Sir Duncan: It's your turn! The Drider is down! The feast hall is a swarming mass of chaos, filled with obvious spell effects, dead Giant-kin, and the din of continuing battle! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

4th Round:

Respen: 25[9 Damage]
Kleborn: 22
Nelvandra: 21
Dewydd: 20[5 Damage]
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [16 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [12 Damage]
Priestess Vulka (W): 19d1
Huge Drider (D): 19d2
Chief Nosnra (N): 17a
Duncan: 17b
Ebony: 17c
Lenny: 17d
Trav: 17e
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b
Thallok: 16c1 [21 Damage]
Hill Giant Guests: 16c2
Ogre Guards (All Except Chefs): 15
Hill Giant Commanders (2,3): 13
Vale / Badger #1: 10 [9 Damage]
Ogre Sous Chef (#2): 9
Orc Servants: 7
Hill Giant Guards (4,5,6,7,22): 0 (DEAD LAST)

Ogre Chef (#1) = Dead
Ogre Sous (#2) = Injured (8) + (9 Non-Lethal = 17 Total) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Ogre Sous (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Moderately Wounded (11) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 =Gravely Wounded (25) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Tiny = Dead
Bison = Dead
The Drider = Dying (-7)
Nosnra = Severely Wounded (104) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Vulka =Grievously Wounded (228) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level Not visible
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3) Not visible
H1 =Dead
H2 =Moderately Wounded (56) Half Move 24 Hrs
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H5 =Dead
H6 = Dying (-2)
H7 =Injured (23) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H8 =Lightly Wounded (36) Half Move 24 Hrs
H9 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H10 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H11 =Grievously Wounded (90) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H12 =Grievously Wounded (93) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H13 =Moderately Wounded (67) [Surrendered]
H14 =Severely Wounded (76) [Surrendered]
H15 =Grievously Wounded (91) [Surrendered]
H16 =Injured (4) Not visible
H17 =Gravely Wounded (95) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H18 =Severely Wounded (63) [Surrendered]
H19 =Significantly Injured (13) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H20 =Significantly Injured (15) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H21 =Lightly Wounded (27) Not visible
H22 =Moderately Wounded (47) Not visible

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Doing Things In Room #19: Ogre #8, Hill Giant #4

Doing Things In Room #17: Hill Giant #22

Doing Things In Room #1: Hill Giant #16, Sous Chef Ogre #2, Hill Giant #19, Hill Giant #20, Hill Giant #21, Ogre #4, Ogre #5

Doing Things in Room #10: Elder Kurok, Elder Kragg

Doing Things in Room #7: Nosnra, Vulka

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Duncan, Ebony, Travis & Leonard
:: The Infantry Arrives ::
Soldiers Arrive.jpg

The Drider having being conjured, starts to disappear in it's death throws so Duncan strolls through it's dissipating form to maximize the dramatic effect. Stepping forward to survey the field, and waving his companions forward with his shield arm; swapping his sword for a wand as he does. He passes the two elves and comes to stand beside the Dwarf. He takes a measured look at the battle in front of them.

Ebony takes another shot at the giant (G17) she can see, then advancing beside her mate swaps out how bow for sword and shield. Joining the line in front of the elves between Ducan and the grey cloaked human. Like Duncan she is in her own battle trance. The flow of battle has slowed and she's set her attention to looking out for her fellow humanoids.

The lovers have a unique way of approaching battle. Their fighting is accompanied by the flowing babble of battle rap. The two keep up a near constant dialogue during combat that is both descriptive of the battle around them, while at the same time, lyrical, entertaining, and interposed with retorts, directions and warnings. Like listening to a sermon in church each ally on the field would swear the couple are speaking directly to them. Helping to guide their strikes and defensive maneuvers.

Despite this constant chatter, they don't seem to have any trouble mixing in conversation and spell casting. Their ongoing lyrical prose can easily be interrupted it seems with slow time or quick time word play, and then right back into the flow of the battle rap.

Duncan: "Beware my friends it looks as if magic aplenty is on this battlefield."
Leonard asks the question before they advance. "With the chaos of battle who should we engage?"
Duncan: "Thus far we've encountered Giant's and Driders, and Bears. So for now if it's decidedly bigger than you kill it."
Ebony: "Oh my!"

For their part the twin brothers Bronzeblade stomp forward, joining the chant and forming an interposing shield line in front of the two officers.

"Giant's, and Driders, and Bears.....Oh my!"
"Giant's, and Driders, and Bears.....Oh my!"
"Giant's, and Driders, and Bears.....Oh my!

Once in place Duncan addresses the field holding his wand above his head with a flare. "May the blessings of Heward the Traveler fall on all of you. So that each step forward brings you closer to your goal!" ( Casts Bless )

Giant Fight 1.JPG

[sblock=Meta Actions]
Duncan used move action to move forward, swapping his sword for his wand as part of the action. ( Due to having a BAB +1/Better )
Duncans Standard action he used his Wand of Bless. Taking what he perceives to be allies, which are all the medium sized humanoids within 50 feet. ( 10 Squares )
Bless = +1 Morale Bonus to Attack and Saves vs Fear CL1 ( 10 rounds )

Ebony used her standard action to fire her short bow at giant G17.
Ebony: Shortbow - Attack= 23, Damage= 8 Piercing.
She used her move action to advance beside Duncan, swapping her bow for her sword and shield as part of the move. ( Due to having a BAB +1/Better )

Travis and Leonard used their move actions to move in front of Duncan and Ebony, and have readied attack actions vs apparant enemies stepping into their threatened areas.
Travis: Broadsword Attack=28 Damage=7
Leonard: Battleaxe Attack=24 Damage=9

Active Effects:
Bless Morale Bonus ( 10 Rounds +1 Attack +1 vs Fear )
Aura Of Courage (10 Feet): +4 Morale Save vs Fear
Marshal Auras ( Circumstance Bonuses Ongoing )
Within 60 Feet of Duncan: +1 Attack, +4 Will Saves

Within 60 Feet of Ebony: +1 Armor Class, +3 Reflex Saves

Shield Users adjacent to either Duncan or Ebony recieve an additional +2 Shield Bonus to AC and +1 Shield Bonus to Reflex Saves due to the shield wall effect.

[sblock=Stat Blocks - Current Bonuses Applied]
Duncan: ( Shield Wall Active )
Hit Points: 51 / 51
Fort: 13, Ref: 14, Will: 15
AC: 23, Touch: 12, Flat: 19
Passive Spot: 11, Listen: 11, Sense Motive: 17
Battle Rap/Perform Urban: 20

Ebony: ( Shield Wall Active )
Hit Points: 34 / 34
Fort: 6, Ref: 10, Will: 11
AC: 23, Touch: 12, Flat: 19
Passive Spot: 10, Listen: 10, Sense Motive: 13
Battle Rap/Perform Urban: 20

Travis: ( Shield Wall Active )
Hit Points: 38 / 38
Fort: 7, Ref: 7, Will: 7
AC: 21, Touch: 13, Flat: 19
Passive Spot: 11, Listen: 11,

Leonard: ( Shield Wall Active )
Hit Points: 38 / 38
Fort: 7, Ref: 7, Will: 6
AC: 21, Touch: 13, Flat: 19
Passive Spot: 11, Listen: 11,

GM: +500 xp to both Sir Duncan and Dame Ebony for this entertaining post!
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
The Infantry Advances!

Nelvandra, Kleborn, Respen, Sylvar, and Vale all gawk at the newcomers, as they form ranks and advance, singing in a lively fashion. It is readily apparent that they are not hostiles, as they march past some of the party members without making any offensive actions. Their intent seems to be focused upon the Giants.

When Lenny & Travis reach the front ranks, Sir Duncan's comment is still fresh in their minds:

Sir Duncan said:
"...So for now, if it's decidedly bigger than you, kill it."

Knowledge, Nature Checks: Lenny 8, Travis: 3 (Both Fail.)
Sense Motive Checks: Lenny 7, Travis: 20 (Lenny = fail, Travis = success)

As Lenny is about to take a swing at the big Crocodile in front of him, believing him to be a foe, Travis stops him.

Travis warns, "Hold, brother! I think it's a spell! That Crocodile is wearing bracers! I think it's their mage!"

Lenny pauses, having noticed that the Crocodile has not reacted to his proximity. "Thanks," he snorts, cheerfully.

GM: Lenny DOES NOT attack Lathir.

Sir Duncan's Bless spell will affect the entire party; 50 ft. burst centered on caster is a really big radius.
(The entire party receives a +1 Morale Bonus to Attack, and to Saves vs Fear, at Caster Level 1 for the next 10 rounds.)

Firing at H17: (23) = Hit. Damage = 8 pts.
H17 has taken a total of 103 pts. of damage. H17 goes down!

The Hill Giant, already gravely wounded, with two of Tam's arrows protruding from his left calf and his neck, respectively, gets struck by yet another arrow, from one of the newcomers, a comely Touvan woman clad in partial plate mail (Breastplate armor) who is carrying a bow.

The arrow lodges itself in the Giant's neck, right beside Tam's arrow. The blood loss from the second arrow is too much for the Giant to endure; clutching at his throat, he collapses into a spent heap, and begins to spill the remnants of his lifeblood onto the cold, stone floor.

[sblock=The Touvan People]
Taken From The Scarlet Brotherhood Sourcebook:
The Touvan people have dark brown or black skin; blue or brown eyes, with black eyes being rare: and straight or wavy hair. They have rounded facial features and are typically shorter than most people of the Flanaess, with the tallest Touv reaching about 5'10"' in height. While most Touvan males do not have facial hair, certain subgroups can grow narrow beards from their chins. Women's figures are often rounded and lush. The Touv hail from Hepmonaland, a jungle continent in the extreme Southeast quadrant of the Flanaess.[/sblock]

H17: [-1, Dying]

Elsewhere, Elder Kragg takes two swings at a Celestial Dire Badger, and kills it outright.

GM: To-Hit rolls: 28, 24 (Both hit); No need to roll, minimum damage is more than enough to kill it DEAD.

Elder Kurok picks up a bundle of objects (as part of his move action) and smiles. He then uses a spell-like ability.

Current Positions of All Combatants:


THALLOK: It's Your Turn! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

4th Round:

Respen: 25[9 Damage]
Kleborn: 22
Nelvandra: 21
Dewydd: 20[5 Damage]
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [16 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [12 Damage]
Priestess Vulka (W): 19d1
Huge Drider (D): 19d2
Chief Nosnra (N): 17a
Duncan: 17b
Ebony: 17c
Lenny: 17d
Trav: 17e
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b
Thallok: 16c1 [21 Damage]
Hill Giant Guests: 16c2
Ogre Guards (All Except Chefs): 15
Hill Giant Commanders (2,3): 13
Vale: 10 [9 Damage]
Ogre Sous Chef (#2): 9
Orc Servants: 7
Hill Giant Guards (4,5,6,7,22): 0 (DEAD LAST)

Ogre Chef (#1) = Dead
Ogre Sous (#2) = Injured (8) + (9 Non-Lethal = 17 Total) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Ogre Sous (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Moderately Wounded (11) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 =Gravely Wounded (25) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Tiny = Dead
Bison = Dead
The Drider = Dying (-7)
Nosnra = Severely Wounded (104) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Vulka =Grievously Wounded (228) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level Not visible
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3) Not visible
H1 =Dead
H2 =Moderately Wounded (56) Half Move 24 Hrs
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H5 =Dead
H6 = Dying (-2)
H7 =Injured (23) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H8 =Lightly Wounded (36) Half Move 24 Hrs
H9 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H10 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H11 =Grievously Wounded (90) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H12 =Grievously Wounded (93) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H13 =Moderately Wounded (67) [Surrendered]
H14 =Severely Wounded (76) [Surrendered]
H15 =Grievously Wounded (91) [Surrendered]
H16 =Injured (4) Not visible
H17 = Dying (-1)
H18 =Severely Wounded (63) [Surrendered]
H19 =Significantly Injured (13) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H20 =Significantly Injured (15) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H21 =Lightly Wounded (27) Not visible
H22 =Moderately Wounded (47) Not visible

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Doing Things In Room #19: Ogre #8, Hill Giant #4

Doing Things In Room #17: Hill Giant #22

Doing Things In Room #1: Hill Giant #16, Sous Chef Ogre #2, Hill Giant #19, Hill Giant #20, Hill Giant #21, Ogre #4, Ogre #5

Doing Things in Room #10: Elder Kurok, Elder Kragg

Doing Things in Room #7: Nosnra, Vulka

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Thallok is pleased to find himself out of the mud. He also hears a familiar friendly voice behind him. He says to the voice, though he cannot see him, "Hello Tam, wherever you are. Lets finish this, what do you say?" He sees that the giant he was battling surrendered, and decides not to attack him anymore. He then moves between where he thinks Tam is and Vale, to get a better shot at giant # 7. He drops his Falcion and picks up his bow and fires three shots at the Giant.

first shot=23
second shot=16
Haste shot=18
Damage from first shot=6

I forgot to post this last night, but Thallok will use Revitalizing Strike in an attempt to heal himself a little. 3d6=7 points healed

GM: Sorry, dude, I told you that you could use RS, but I forgot it was melee attacks only. So you can't use it on a bow shot. My bad.

Double Darny McDarnface ;)
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Arrows Flying, Giants Fleeing!

Thallok's first arrow finds flesh, lodging in the Hill Giant's hip, just below the lip of his armored shirt. The Hill Giant winces with annoyance, and growls in defiance!

The last two arrows get stuck in the shirt, the leather-wrapped chain links preventing them from piercing. It appears that the Drow have done exquisite work, and that their masterful craftsmanship has been paying off for their Giant-kin allies.

GM: Hill Giant #7 takes 6 pts. of damage. It is little more than a scratch.

At this point, the Hill Giant guests, who are all congregated on the far, Western side of the room, begin to kneel on the tops of the tables upon which they had been standing. They were demoralized before, but it seems the arrival of new opponents, who seem to enjoy battle to the point of singing, oppresses their will even further.

One of the giants snorts an admonishment to Hill Giant #7: "Hadi Targ! Dövüldüğünde, bilmiyor musun? Çok fazla kardeşimiz düşmüş! Onları daha fazla kızdırma!"

[sblock=If you speak Giant]"...Come on, Targ! Don't you know when you're beaten? Too many of our brothers have fallen! Don't anger them any further!"[/sblock]

Hill Giant #17 continues to bleed out and die.

Hill Giant #8, who fled instead of surrendering, continues to flee. His superior officer, who is right behind him, takes a swipe at him as he does so.

Attack of Opportunity: Hill Giant #3 still has 10 points of Power Attack called since his last turn.
Attack Roll: (23) = Hit.
Damage: 42 Pts. (This is a major injury!)
Hill Giant #8 has taken a total of 78 points of damage.

The Hill Giant Commander slices the fleeing Giant down his back, ripping open his Drow Chain, tearing his flesh savagely! The fleeing Giant screams in pain, as he suffers a grievous wound, but he continues to flee, running at full speed, crying out in his native tongue!

Hill Giant #8: "Grolantor, sadık hizmetkarına merhamet et! Beni züppe kardeşlerimin çılgınlığından kurtar!"

[sblock=If you speak Giant]"...Grolantor, have mercy on your loyal servant! Save me from the insanity of my zealous brethren!"[/sblock]

Elsewhere, to the South, the sounds of battle can be heard!

GM: You think that something odd is going on, in the direction of the front entrance, where Hill Giant #16, Sous Chef (Ogre #2), Hill Giant #19, Hill Giant #20, Hill Giant #21, Ogre #4, and Ogre #5 all went.

One of the Hill Giant Commanders (H#2) turns on the Hill Giant who spoke up about surrendering, and attacks!

Hill Giant #2: "Korkak! Şimdi öl ve artık topluluğumuza musallat! Grolantor güçlü olanı destekler ve cesurluğu ödüllendirir, ama zayıflar, aptallar ya da korkaklar için hiçbir faydası yoktur!"

[sblock=If you speak Giant]"...Coward! Die now, and infest our community no longer! Grolantor favors the strong, and rewards the brave, but has no use for weaklings, fools, or cowards!"[/sblock]

Hill Giant #2 calls 10 points of Power Attack. He attacks Hill Giant #11.
To-Hit Roll: (23) = Hits.
Damage: 35 pts.
Hill Giant #11 has taken a total of 125 pts. of damage.
Hill Giant #11 has been beheaded!
Hill Giant #11 [-23, Dead]

The Commander brings his two-handed blade down on the kneeling, badly-wounded Hill Giant, and beheads him with a clean, precise stroke!

Hill Giant #3 growls, and pursues Hill Giant #8 off to the North!

Current Positions of All Combatants:


VALE: It's Your Turn! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

4th Round:

Respen: 25[9 Damage]
Kleborn: 22
Nelvandra: 21
Dewydd: 20[5 Damage]
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [16 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [12 Damage]
Priestess Vulka (W): 19d1
Huge Drider (D): 19d2
Chief Nosnra (N): 17a
Duncan: 17b
Ebony: 17c
Lenny: 17d
Trav: 17e
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b
Thallok: 16c1 [21 Damage]
Hill Giant Guests (8,9,10,12,13,14,15,16,17, & 18): 16c2
Remaining Ogre Guards (4,5, & 8): 15
Hill Giant Commanders (2,3): 13
Vale: 10 [9 Damage]
Ogre Sous Chef (Ogre #2): 9
Orc Servants: 7
Hill Giant Guards (4,5,6,7,22): 0 (DEAD LAST)

Ogre Chef (Ogre #1) = Dead
Ogre Sous Chef (Ogre #2) = Injured (8) + (9 Non-Lethal = 17 Total) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Ogre Sous Chef (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Moderately Wounded (11) Half Move 24 Hrs
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 =Gravely Wounded (25) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Tiny = Dead
Bison = Dead
The Drider = Dying (-7)
Nosnra = Severely Wounded (104) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Vulka =Grievously Wounded (228) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level Not visible
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3) Not visible
H1 =Dead
H2 =Moderately Wounded (56) Half Move 24 Hrs
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs Not visible
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H5 =Dead
H6 = Dying (-2)
H7 =Injured (29) Half Move 24 Hrs, Fatigued
H8 =Severely Wounded (78) Half Move 24 Hrs Not visible
H9 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H10 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H11 =Dead
H12 =Grievously Wounded (93) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H13 =Moderately Wounded (67) [Surrendered]
H14 =Severely Wounded (76) [Surrendered]
H15 =Grievously Wounded (91) [Surrendered]
H16 =Injured (4) Not visible
H17 = Dying (-2)
H18 =Severely Wounded (63) [Surrendered]
H19 =Significantly Injured (13) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H20 =Significantly Injured (15) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
H21 =Lightly Wounded (27) Not visible
H22 =Moderately Wounded (47) Not visible

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Doing Things In Room #19: Ogre #8, Hill Giant #4, Hill Giant #8, Hill Giant #3

Doing Things In Room #17: Hill Giant #22

Doing Things In Room #1: Hill Giant #16, Sous Chef Ogre #2, Hill Giant #19, Hill Giant #20, Hill Giant #21, Ogre #4, Ogre #5

Doing Things in Room #10: Elder Kurok, Elder Kragg

Doing Things in Room #7: Nosnra, Vulka

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Tam, who was getting ready to answer Red (Thallok), watches as one Giant falls next to him and Thallok striking another. He decides now is not the time to distract anyone with blithe chitchat.

Aust Thale

Vale Redirects His Attention

~ Where did you go? ~

His summoning having been only partially effective in engaging and/or delaying the stone giant elders, the hill giant leader and his Lolth-loving priestess's absence in the main hall evokes mild discomfort.

Vale loudly barks a divine spell in Dwarven as his withdraws back east into the hall, "Oh Zwerg Gottheiten, suchen Sie das Symbol der Lolth von der riesigen Priesterin gehalten! Bring mich zu ihm, damit ich den Riesen und ihren Kumpel zerschmettern könnte!"

[sblock=If you know the Dwarven language]
Oh dwarven deities, locate the symbol of Lolth held by the giant priestess! Take me to it, so that I might smite the giant and her mate!

OOC: Vale casts Locate Object on the Lolth symbol that Vulka is / was wearing, believing that wherever it is, she is. He is careful to pay close attention to the results of the spell, checking its whereabouts as to whether it is close by (thereby perhaps they are managing a counter-strike) or far away (thereby having retreated away from the building or into any dungeon or basement)

OOC: Waiting on a direction for the symbol, if there is one, before Vale takes his move action. To be continued. He will move his entire movement (20') either into great hall around the eastern/southeastern/southern edges of the hall outside of the reach of the stone spikes, or he will move back east into the corridor along the southern wall back toward the door that Tam locked before the party came into this part of the corridor. He will look North up the corridor the party came into the building.

Voidrunner's Codex

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