Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

Sylvar said:
"Uller turn your eyes upon your champion, look at my current condition. Another, lesser god has dared to curse your chosen. I implore you, come to my aid once again."

As Sylvar speaks these words, there is a loud, thunderous clap, that reverberates throughout the hallway. It is followed instantly by a flash of light, which momentarily blinds all onlookers.

[sblock=A Forward To The Post, For My Players; Please Read]
Dying Curse is a pact between a powerful being (like a deity, or major fiend) and a willing subject. What it allows the subject to do, is to designate, at the time of the subject's death, the person or persons whom the being should act against. It is not a spell, per se. It is more of a declaration. It's like telling the being, "Hey, this guy killed me. Go attack him."

As such, there normally isn't a saving throw for this sort of thing; it's almost impossible to resist the will of a deity.

However, when Sylvar asked, I told him that I would allow a Fort Save, at Lolth's DC (34), and if he could make it, he could resist the curse.

I also stated that a critical failure (natural 1 on the die) would be treated like a spell critical, and the transformation would be instantaneous, instead of taking 9 days to manifest.

Since the save was to resist the power of a deity (Lolth), I decided that, in the event that Sylvar could roll the natural 20 required to make the save, that Uller would intervene on his behalf, and save him from the curse. As you can see from the picture below, Sylvar pulled it off. Thus, the fantastic events that I am about to describe came about. These moments are rare in any D&D campaign, so I invite all of you to enjoy this boon, and to take full advantage of it. Sylvar's success will end up benefiting the entire party, as you will soon discover.


When everyone's vision clears, they notice a tall, winged, angelic-looking figure, which appears to be a handsome, blonde-haired man, with pure white wings, wearing silvery, chainmail armor, and carrying a massive, two-handed sword on his back. His wings seem to glow, with a silvery light, and you notice a yellowish, glowing aura, emanating from his head. Everyone has heard of such beings, but none of the party had ever thought that they'd ever see one: you are looking at a Solar, a divine messenger, an agent of power, a lieutenant, who serves a given deity directly.

The winged, angelic warrior looks at Sylvar, and smiles. “Your destiny was foretold. My master is joyous that you have finally embraced his calling.To that end, he will help you and your comrades, all of whom have done a great deed this day.”

With a wave of his hand, the Solar heals the party’s wounds, drives away their fatigue and exhaustion, and refreshes their minds. Collin is included in that healing and refreshment.

GM: The party regains all memorized spells.

Looking to Sylvar with a grim sense of urgency, he says, “The Drow Wizard has escaped you. Even now, he rushes to warn the Orcs of your incursion. The might of the Pomarj Army will be at your doorstep in less than 10 minutes. And mounted scouts, riding Manticores, will arrive in less than 8 minutes. If you have the will to fight, I have given you the opportunity to be at your best when you do so. But were I you, I would leave and regroup; the blow you have dealt to the dark alliance this day will set them back several months in their planning. If you stay, be warned that 16 Trolls lie in wait in the steading’s cellar, one of whom is a great war chief, and another, his brother, a great shaman. They are, even now, digging in and making barricades. They are very much on alert, therefore, leaving is probably the best course. However, Lord Uller rewards the brave, and thus, I shall not offer discouragement against another battle this day; but know that such a battle would be epic in scope, long in duration, and fraught with peril and attrition.”

After a moment’s pause, he continues, “If you choose to leave, there is a better place to rest than your former campsite; ask Collin for the hospitality of his mother, and he shall grant it to you quite willingly. Kraven was a great enemy of Collin’s family, and dispatching him was a great service to Collin's mother.”

Sylvar blinks, having been caught unawares. ~Who in the blazes is Collin?~ he muses, inwardly.

Lastly, he points out, “As a parting gift, all of the items you were planning to take from the ground level of this place are now within the confines of your magical pit, including the contents of Vulka’s and Delliak’s hidden treasure chests. There is still more treasure below, in the cellar, but you will need to wrest the master key from the Troll Lord’s grasp, if you hope to claim it. You now have 10 minutes or so before the Orcs are upon you. Uller wishes you well, in whichever endeavor you decide to pursue. Know that sometime within the next year, you must visit his temple in The Great Kundarian Seameast, in the city of Dane. There will you undergo the purification ritual. In the meantime, know that Uller has invested you with special powers, powers which you will begin to discover over the next few weeks. Use these powers in fulfillment of his greater glory. You are the chosen one, the one among Frey’s people, who is destined to unite the three shattered tribes. Your life shall be long, and your glories great.”

With that, the Solar is gone, as if he were never there to begin with. There is no thunder clap, or flash of light. He is simply and suddenly gone from your sight. The whole party gets a strange sensation, a sense of knowledge, that tells them that although the Solar spoke to them over the course of several minutes, only a moment of real time has passed.

Sylvar notices that he is once again in his proper clothes, wearing his Elven Chainmail, which is now un-blemished. Sylvar is now once again his proper height and weight.

Those among the party who were not in the Eastern Hallway when the Solar appeared suddenly have the knowledge of his appearance bestowed upon them, and there is no confusion; it is plainly a divine act, a gift of knowledge, which should simply be accepted, and not questioned.

Dewydd, Tam, and Collin all witness the following directly:

1] Dewydd's wounds are completely healed.
2] Collin's wounds are completely healed.
3] The equipment on the dead Ogres and Giants suddenly vanishes. (They are still wearing their ratty, sub-standard clothing.)

Hill Giant #4, who cannot charge because of having to turn the corner and pass through the doorway, nevertheless advances on Dewydd's position, standing over his freshly-fallen commander's body with a look of ire. Without saying a word, he attacks!

Calling 5 pts. of Power Attack.
Dewydd's current AC: 24.
Attack Roll: (27) Hits; 31 Damage.

The Giant brings his massive blade down upon Dewydd, who is almost able to step out of the way; instead of taking the full brunt of the blade squarely on the neck, as the Giant had intended, he instead takes a nasty wound to his right arm, as he is in the process of twisting away from the blow.

Dewydd, who was relieved a moment ago to be unwounded, grimaces as he receives the nasty gash. ~Ah well, it was fun while it lasted~ he muses.


THIS IS THE START OF ROUND 10! The Haste effect has now worn off! Tam's invisibility has now worn off! Respen, it's your turn! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

10th Round:

Respen: 25
Nelvandra: 21a

The Drow: 21c
The Troll: 21d
The Beautiful Giantess: 21e

Dewydd: 20a [31 Damage]
Koralynn Copperstrike (D1 / K): 20b
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b1
Dire Ape: 19b2
Sylvar: 19c

Duncan: 17b
Ebony: 17c
Lenny: 17d
Trav: 17e

Dire Wolves: 17f

Thallok: 16c

Hill Giant Guests (The Two Prone Brothers) (9 and 18): 16d
Hill Giant Guests (Dying / Bleeding Out) (12,15): 16e
Hill Giant Guests (Surrendered) (10,13): 16f

"Collin" The Gold Dragon: 16h

Remaining Hill Giant Commander (#3) [Bleeding Out]: 15a
Kleborn: 15b

Valoran The Axe: 10a
Vale: 10b

Remaining Hill Giant Guard (#4): 0 (DEAD LAST)

Prince Kraven = Dead
Snoggrella (M1)= Dead
Greenmuggella (M2)= Dead
Ogre Chef (Ogre #1) = Dead
Ogre Sous Chef (Ogre #2) = Dead
Ogre Sous Chef (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Dead
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 = Dead
Tiny = Dead
Tim = Dead
Bison = Dead
The Drider = Dead
Nosnra = Dead
Vulka = STASIS
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)=Dead Forever
Elder Kragg (S3)=Dead Forever
H1 =Dead
H2 = Dead
H3 = Dying (-5)
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs; Current Move Rate: 45 ft. (Potion)
H5 =Dead
H6 =Dead Forever
H7 =Dead
H8 = Dead
H9 =Severely Wounded (71) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H10 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H11 =Dead
H12 =Dead
H13 =Moderately Wounded (67) [Surrendered]
H14 =Dead
H15 = Dying (-8)
H17 =Dead
H18 =Severely Wounded (63) [Surrendered]
H19 =Dead
H20 =Dead
H21 =Dead
H22 =Dead

[sblock=Remaining Durations of The Party's Buff Spells:]
This total is as of the 10th Round of combat:

Dewydd's Buffs:
Abjurant Armor [+8] 10 hours [6,000 Rounds] = 5,973 Rounds Remaining
Alter Self 50 minutes. [500 Rounds] = 473 Rounds Remaining
Shield [+8] 12 minutes. [120 Rounds] = 93 Rounds Remaining
Protection from Evil 10 minutes. [100 Rounds] = 73 Rounds Remaining
Blur 5 minutes. [50 Rounds] = 23 Rounds Remaining
Sheltered Vitality 6 minutes. [60 Rounds] = 49 Rounds Remaining

Interfaith Blessing (Everyone) 6 minutes. [60 Rounds] = 33 Rounds Remaining

Bull's Strength (Lathir) 11 Minutes. [110 Rounds] = 83 Rounds Remaining
Cat's Grace (Lathir) 11 Minutes. [110 Rounds] = 97 Rounds Remaining

Shield (Nel) 4 Minutes. [40 Rounds] = 29 Rounds Remaining.

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Doing Things In Room #17: Dire Wolves

Doing Things In Room #1: "Collin" The Gold Dragon, H4, Dewydd

Dewydd's AC until his next turn: 24. (Heedless Charge)

The Dungeon Master said:
(on 12-16-2017, Chapter 4 Thread, pp. 27, reply #270)

For the sake of continuity, I am going to say that the following party members had the following amounts of arrows:

Tam = 2 Quivers
Thallok = 1 Quiver
Kleborn = 1 Quiver

It seems that I messed up; Sylvar shouldn't have the Elven Arrows on him. So I will say that the arrows had been split differently; instead of two quivers, Tam-Tam is only carrying one; that makes sense anyway, since he's a little guy.

Elven Arrows Remaining (Tam): [16] Fired so far: 9 (7 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.
Elven Arrows Remaining (Thallok): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Kleborn): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Sylvar): [20] Fired so far: 9 (11 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth


NOTE: I have identified the magic items here, for you; the knowledge was imparted to you by Uller, at the same time that he transferred all of this treasure into the portable hole. Happy sorting!

[sblock=Stuff That Was Added To The Portable Hole]

Mountain Breaker
Gargantuan Morningstar +3
Acts as a Maul of the Titans (Does x3 Damage to inanimate objects.)
(This weapon is 16’ long, and requires someone who is at least 11’0” tall, and has at least a 24 Str score to wield properly.)

Ring of Counterspells (Hold Monster)

Vulka's Gargantuan Morningstar +2
Emblazoned with a Black Widow Spider on the pommel.
(This weapon is 16’ long, and requires someone who is at least 11’0” tall, and has at least a 24 Str score to wield properly.)

Vulka's Large Composite Ironwood Longbow +3
Has two strings (25, 35 Str pulls, respectively) +3 To Hit & Damage.

Ring of Spell Storing (5 lvls: Drider)

Tome of Clear Thought +4 (taken from dead Wizard)

The Spider's Bite
Large Cold Iron Greatsword +3
Weapon Align: CE / Int: 10, Wis: 13, Cha: 13
Communication: Empathy; 60 ft. Vision and Hearing
Hold Person 3/day
Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+10) 3/day
Weapon continually drips Spider Poison (Huge Spider, DC 16, 1d8 Str Initial & Sec)
Lang: Undercommon, Giant

Glove of Storing

Huge Darkwood Composite Longbow +3 (set for 26 Str)
(Painted Yellow & Black)
(Endless Normal Huge Arrows When String Is Pulled / Works w/Manyshot Feat)
(Of Distance x2 Range Incr.)
Bow is 8’ long; Min height: 10’0”; Min Str to even hold it: 18

Horn of Dire Wolf Command
(Works like Trident of Fish Command, up to 30 HD worth of Dire Wolves)

Prince Kraven’s Helm:
Comprehend Languages, Speak With Animals, and Tongues at will. Also Underwater Action. Helm will size to fit ANY wearer.
LORE: Helm is actually The Helm of Vendomar, a famous Elven Druid (Vesve Forest, Wood Elf) from ancient times. The helm was thought to be lost forever; Vendomar was killed by a Drow assassin in CY 13, by the name of Solimok The Silent. The helm stayed in Solimok’s family for many years, until Solimok’s descendant, Matron Vonimar, gave it (recently) to Kraven, in return for his loyalty.

Ring of Spell Storing (5 Levels: Dimension Door, Magic Missile, Both at 7th Level Caster)
(Magic Missile: 4 Bolts, 1d4+1 each.) Owned by Kurok

Ring of Water Walking Owned by Kragg

Ring of Sustenance Owned by Kanor

Drow Banded Mail (Hill Giant Commanders + Hill Giant Guards) H1-H7 Plus Other (15 Suits)
(Masterwork, Mithral, Large-Sized Banded Mail) Type: Medium, 25% Fail, Max Dex +3, Check Pen -3,
Grants AC 6. Value of each suit: 500 + 13,500 = 14,000 gp. Metal is painted black, so party will be surprised! Under-padding (leather) is black also. Leather part is also masterwork.

Silenced Drow Chain (Stone Giant Elders; 2 suits) (Masterwork mithral LG) Type: Light, 20% Fail, Max
Dex +4, Check Pen -2, Grants AC 5. +5 Move Silent. Value of each suit: 300 + 6,000 = 6,300 gp.

Silenced Drow Chain +2 (Hill Giant Leadership; 4 suits) (Masterwork mithral LG) Type: Light, 20% Fail, Max Dex +4, Check Pen -2, Grants AC 7. +10 Move Silent. Value of each suit: 300 + 6,000 + 6,000 = 12,300 gp.

Drow Splint Mail (Masterwork, Mithral, Large-Sized Splint Mail) (5 suits); Type: Medium, 30% Fail,
Max Dex +2, Check Pen -4, Grants AC 6. Value of each suit: 400 + 13,500 = 13,900 gp.

Masterwork Large Greatswords (26 of them); Value of each: 600 gp.

Gold Piece Value Of Armor & Weapons So Far, Not Counting Specials: 356, 900 gp.

Treasure from various rooms in the Steading:

The giant wears a belt with a gem-set gold buckle. The 6 gems are worth 100 g.p. each. The gold in the buckle
is worth 100 g.p., but as a piece of jewelry the item has a value of 1,400 g.p.

On a shelf 9' above the floor are a beaten silver comb set with four 50 g.p. gems (value 300 g.p.), a copper mirror (200 g.p.), and a large gold hair pin with a 500 g.p. pearl (800 g.p. value)

The chest contains 980 c.p., 320 sp., 1,500 g.p., and 110 p.p.

In an iron chest under Snoggrella's bed are 3 bracelets worth 2,000—8,000 g.p. each, 3,000 g.p. and
4 potions (extra-healing, hill giant control, healing, poison)

A skull on the mantle is also valueless, but inside is a large gem worth 2,000 g.p.

3 Javelins of Lightning

Large-sized Otter Fur Cape w/ 2,000 gp.

Warhammer +2 (medium-sized, formerly owned by a Dwarf of the Goldbeard Clan, from the inscription.)

One torch burns smokily at the west end of the room in a wall sconce; at the other end is what
appears to be an unlit torch, but it is actually a giant slaying sword belonging to the cloud giant, and if it
is touched the special illusion is dispelled. Note that the sword is unique, with 14 intelligence, 8 ego, and speaking hill, stone, and frost giant languages in addition to the common tongue and the language of Neutral Good (which alignment the weapon is). It detects enemies, but the sword has no other powers. It is +2 in general and +4 versus any sort of giant.

one at the bottom holds 1,300 g.p. and eight 100 g.p. value gems

a leather pouch with 29 gems in it: one @ 5,000 g.p., three @ 1,000 g.p., four @ 500 g.p., eight @ 100 g.p.,
five @ 50 g.p., and eight @ 10 g.p. value.

a leather sack containing a potion of storm giant strength and a delusion potion.

A small chest on a stool in the northeast corner of the room contains some dwarven and elven ears, and one of them has an earring in it with a 100 g.p. gem.

Nosnra & Vulka's Chest:

Brass Statue (of Lolth) (1200 gp)
Bronze Ring set with Blue Quartz (200 gp)
Carved Ivory Drinking Horn set with Deep Blue Spinel (4000 gp)
Deck of Ivory Tarot Cards inlaid with Silver (6000 gp)
Red Dragonscale Talisman (600 gp)
Feathered Ribbon (30 gp)
Fine Leather Talisman set with Azurite (1000 gp)
Fox Fur Ribbon set with Turquoise (300 gp)
Freshwater Pearl Mask (200 gp)
Leather Ribbon (100 gp)
Painted Glass Necklace (10 gp)
Pewter Diadem (150 gp)
Platinum Pin inlaid with Fine Steel (1100 gp)
Polished Stone Dice (pair) (100 gp)
Polished Stone Urn (90 gp)
Rabbit Fur Vest (80 gp)
Rare Book (Moaine’s’ Tome of Planar Knowledge) (5000 gp) +5 Knowledge (Planes) checks
Rosewood Figurine (of a Serpent) (600 gp)
Sable Talisman (700 gp)
Mithral Full Plate Armor +3 (Dwarven-sized)
Silver Cloth Choker (1000 gp)

Delliak's Chest:

Bolt of Fine Cloth threaded with Copper (400 gp)
Bolt of Silver Cloth (1900 gp)
Brass Totem (of a Shark) set with Alexandrite (4000 gp)
Bronze Dice (pair) set with Lapis Lazuli (700 gp)
Brown-green Garnet Ring (100 gp)
Ceramic Dice (pair) (130 gp)
Copper Cloth Tabard (1700 gp)
Copper Figurine (of a Goddess of Love) (1000 gp)
Crystal Scroll Case inlaid with Fine Steel (1100 gp)
Dragonscale Talisman (500 gp)
Ebony Sundial wreathed in Continual Flame (5000 gp)
Electrum Cloth Vest (1100 gp)
Ermine Coat (5000 gp)
Ermine Hunter's Cap (600 gp)
Glowing (Blue) Ermine Sash (4000 gp)
Fine Steel Cloth Vest (500 gp)
Gold Cloth Pants (1600 gp)
Gold Cloth Tabard (1000 gp)
Hematite Puzzle Box set with Red Spinel (1700 gp)
Large Carpet threaded with Brass (2000 gp)
Large Tapestry threaded with Fine Steel (2000 gp)
Leopard Fur Ribbon set with Azurite (400 gp)
Painted Glass Necklace (20 gp)
Pewter Armlet (100 gp)
Pewter Buckle (110 gp)
Platinum Pendant inlaid with Fine Steel (1600 gp)
Polished Stone Miniature (of a Spider) (90 gp)
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Aust Thale

Respen’s Action/s & Primary Concerns

~ I...am amazed!~

~ Nel, we should take this solar’s counsel and heed it! I feel like a fight, but I’m unsure we can fight 150 orcs alone. Come, let’s take our leave. This Collin fellow should be helpful! I wonder if he is with Dewydd or Tam! ~

The Solar’s communication is felt as much as heard. Respen takes it in quickly, noting his own polytheistic faith in the Elven pantheon.
His had been a more academic faith, less reliant on miracles or acts of divine benevolence. This good fortune, although not alien to him, was more often distant and ethereal than tangible. He listened carefully, and he resolved to drink among his own Elven beliefs more deeply.

Feeling the previous haste spell leave him, Respen nevertheless moves quickly as he is speaking, intercepting Vale as Vale stops for the Solar, taking note of several things the Solar imparts about their spoils of this battle in the portable hole. “Vale, here!!!” Unfurling the portable hole like a rug on the steading floor, he quickly reaches in and retrieves several items from it. Like Vale’s haversack, the magical storage removes the desired items by magical intuition: Five (5) large leather sacks and the Dire Wolf command horn, as well as Kraven’s helm, and one of the Elven greatswords.. Respen hands the horn and helm to Vale. “Take these, and lets see if we can’t free our Wolves as purposely as these giants enslaved them. We don’t want them tracking us; quite the contrary, they should be free or protecting us.” Respen gives Vale the Helm & the Command Horn.

GM: This is what you do during Round 10.

OOC: Following the round/round combat actions

Combat waning, Respen moves quickly toward Nosnra’s fallen corpse, taking the Elven greatsword, and placing it like a vegetable pairing knife below the giant’s adam’s apple. With a firm, steady shift of his weight, Respen severs Nosnra’s head and throws it into a leather sack, arrow and all. Talking as he works, he speaks to those within earshot. “Let some other fool play with the giant-witch. I’ll gather the other leaders’ heads before we depart.

GM: Nosnra's head = Round 11. Full round action.

He moves to the doorway, lopping the dead bear’s head off in similar fashion as he passes. “And I think this one would make a good blanket. I wish that I could skin him or his twin before we leave. Ah well; can’t have everything.

GM: Bear's head = Round 12. Full round action.

He moves at an urgent clip back toward the great hall, intending to take Delliak’s Head next.

He speaks as he passes through the trophy room and entry to the hall, “Give this place back to the remaining giants who surrendered, a reward for making a good decision.”

GM: Movement and speech = Round 13.

After taking Delliak’s Head in similar fashion, he will move south to check on Dewydd & Co., and barring interruption, he will instruct Dewydd to take Kraven’s head as well, putting both it and Delliak’s heads into individual large leather sacks, and tossing them back into the portable hole. He will do it himself if Dewydd is otherwise preoccupied.

GM: Delliak's head = Round 14. Full round action. Moving south / talking = Round 15.

If time allows, he will draw his dagger with the great sword and skin the bears (should take 1 minute each given his proficiency as a hunter)

GM: You don't have enough time for this. See DM's Note about Profession: Hunter, below.

[sblock=Profession, Hunter]
Skinning Animals (Profession: Hunter)

Base DC By Size:

Tiny or Small: DC 5
Medium: DC 10
Large: DC 15
Huge or Gargantuan: DC 20
Colossal: DC 25

Base time = 30 seconds (5 rounds) + 1 round per 5 pounds.

So the base time to skin a 10 lb. Jackrabbit = 7 rounds.

Base time to skin a 1,400 lb. Bison = 285 rounds (28.5 minutes)

Base time to skn an 8,000 lb. Dire Bear = 1,605 rounds (160.5 minutes, or 2 hours 41 mins)

You cannot fail this task; skill check indicates time required.

For each point that you fall short of the DC, increase the required time by 5 rounds. (No max.)

For each point that you exceed the DC by, decrease the required time by 5 rounds. The time can never be less than 6 rounds.

OOC: rolls for Profession (Hunter) are as follows:
Nosnra’s head: 14
Delliak’s head: 21
Kraven’s head (if Dewydd doesn’t do it): 18

After stowing the magical device in his backpack, he will proceed south toward the door he came through, adjusting to events as necessary. He watches the party’s flank as well as the skies for the manticores the Solar mentioned.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Nelvandra Contributes To The Offense.

Nelvandra follows Respen as he moves around. As Respen is doing things, a thought occurs to her, and she grabs a scroll from her pack, and hands it to him.

~You probably have a better chance of getting this thing to work than I do. I've looked at it, and it makes my head hurt, it's so darn complicated!~

GM: Round 10: Nelvandra hands a scroll to Respen. Details in private message on LINE chat.

The Drow does something.

The Troll does something.

The Beautiful Giantess does something.

UPDATED MAP OF ENTRY FOYER: (With Tam's Updated Position at S20.)


DEWYDD: It's your turn! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

10th Round:

Respen: 25
Nelvandra: 21a

The Drow: 21c
The Troll: 21d
The Beautiful Giantess: 21e

Dewydd: 20a [31 Damage]
Koralynn Copperstrike (D1 / K): 20b
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b1
Dire Ape: 19b2
Sylvar: 19c

Duncan: 17b
Ebony: 17c
Lenny: 17d
Trav: 17e

Dire Wolves: 17f

Thallok: 16c

Hill Giant Guests (The Two Prone Brothers) (9 and 18): 16d
Hill Giant Guests (Dying / Bleeding Out) (12,15): 16e
Hill Giant Guests (Surrendered) (10,13): 16f

"Collin" The Gold Dragon: 16h

Remaining Hill Giant Commander (#3) [Bleeding Out]: 15a
Kleborn: 15b

Valoran The Axe: 10a
Vale: 10b

Remaining Hill Giant Guard (#4): 0 (DEAD LAST)

Prince Kraven = Dead
Snoggrella (M1)= Dead
Greenmuggella (M2)= Dead
Ogre Chef (Ogre #1) = Dead
Ogre Sous Chef (Ogre #2) = Dead
Ogre Sous Chef (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Dead
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 = Dead
Tiny = Dead
Tim = Dead
Bison = Dead
The Drider = Dead
Nosnra = Dead
Vulka = STASIS
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)=Dead Forever
Elder Kragg (S3)=Dead Forever
H1 =Dead
H2 = Dead
H3 = Dying (-5)
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs; Current Move Rate: 45 ft. (Potion)
H5 =Dead
H6 =Dead Forever
H7 =Dead
H8 = Dead
H9 =Severely Wounded (71) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H10 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H11 =Dead
H12 =Dead
H13 =Moderately Wounded (67) [Surrendered]
H14 =Dead
H15 = Dying (-8)
H17 =Dead
H18 =Severely Wounded (63) [Surrendered]
H19 =Dead
H20 =Dead
H21 =Dead
H22 =Dead

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Doing Things In Room #17: Dire Wolves

Doing Things In Room #1: "Collin" The Gold Dragon, H4, Dewydd

The Dungeon Master said:
(on 12-16-2017, Chapter 4 Thread, pp. 27, reply #270)

For the sake of continuity, I am going to say that the following party members had the following amounts of arrows:

Tam = 2 Quivers
Thallok = 1 Quiver
Kleborn = 1 Quiver

It seems that I messed up; Sylvar shouldn't have the Elven Arrows on him. So I will say that the arrows had been split differently; instead of two quivers, Tam-Tam is only carrying one; that makes sense anyway, since he's a little guy.

Elven Arrows Remaining (Tam): [16] Fired so far: 9 (7 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.
Elven Arrows Remaining (Thallok): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Kleborn): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Sylvar): [20] Fired so far: 9 (11 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.



"Did you not just see all of my wounds go away?! Are you seriously dumb enough to keep attacking me instead of running???" I ask, indignation oozing from my words. Taking a 5-foot step, I move closer to the giant and put my greatsword to work.

GM: He was in the hallway when it happened. He did not see anything.

[sblock=Meta Junk]
To Hit:
+10/+5 BAB.
+2 ST (+12/+7).
+1 Magic Weapon (+13/+8).
+2 Interfaith Blessing (+15/+10).
+2 Inspire Courage (+17/+12).
Attack 1: 17 + 17 = 34.
Attack 2: 8 + 12 = 20.

GM: 34 hits, 20 misses. Giant has taken a total of 61 pts. damage so far.

Attack 1:
2d6+4 Normally.
+1d6 Punishing Stance.
+2 Inspire Courage.
Total = 3d6+6 = 17.

Attack 2:
2d6+4 Normally.
+1d6 Punishing Stance.
+2 Inspire Courage.
Total = 3d6+6 = 16.

10 Base.
+1 Dex Mod.
+8 Abjurant Armor Spell (4+Abjurant Champion Level of 4, Abjurant Armor [Su]).
+8 Shield Spell (4+Abjurant Champion Level of 4, Abjurant Armor [Su]).
+8 Natural Armor (Alter Self - Tren).
+2 Protection From Evil Spell (Deflect).
-1 Vulnerable Flaw.
-2 Punishing Stance.
Total = 34 AC.
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Tam, seeing the giant (H4) is still a threat to his friend, Dewydd, he moves up another 5', (to S19), and let's fly with two more arrows.

First arrow: (18) Hit; 6 Damage.
Second arrow: (20,18) Crit; 11 Damage.
Total Damage Inflicted: 17 pts.
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Aust Thale


Total Current Weight In Portable Hole: 9,220 lbs.
Maximum Weight In Portable Hole (subject to DM discretion): 18,000 lbs.

Three periods of Loot Included:
Skorane (includes All Party Members Except Kleborn & Duncan & Co.)
The Raided Caravan & Patrol (All Party Members Except Respen, Nel, & Duncan & Co.)
The Steading Primary Assault (All Party Members)

Current g.p. estimate for Arms & Armor from Steading only: 356,900 g.p.
Does not count specials, magic items, any armor/specials from Skorane or The Raided Caravan / Patrol

The following magic items are NOT identified:

Unknown - Potion (Light Green Liquid)
Unknown - Potions (3) (Faint Transmutation)
Unknown - 1 Ogre Leader's Hide Armor [Large-sized] (looks WAY better than the others)
Unknown - 1 Ogre Leader's Greatclub [Large-sized] (looks WAY better than the others)

Unknown - Large-sized Magical Chain Shirt (Strong Abjuration)
Unknown - Large-sized Magical Naginata (Strong Evocation)
Unknown - Large-sized Magical Cloak (Faint Abjuration)


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Lathir / Orc takes a deep breath, quite surprised by the turn of events. He smiles to himself and and bobbles his head at his own private thoughts. He moves deliberately back toward the others he does not yet know and asks,

"Are any of you known as Collin?"

Having no affirmation, he will continue toward the direction that he hears others to be be making the same inquiry.

Sylvar B.

Sylvar is relieved to be back to his normal self and makes a mental note. One year to visit Uller's temple in the Great Kundarian Seamest, that should be easy enough, unless these fellows get me killed first... Although a year is a long time, especially since recently it feels like time has been moving more slowly, as if a few moments last a week, Sylvar laughs and shakes his head, I'm losing my mind.

He snaps to, and yells out so the group can hear. Lets find Collin and get out of here, Uller can reward my bravery another day, he must be a small fellow to have escaped our notice.

With that, Sylvar joins Lathir in his search for Collin.
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Duncan, Ebony, Travis & Leonard
:: Mop Up Part 2 ::

Battle Mop 2.jpg

Having not been witnesses to the divine spectacle in the other room, the mini troupe marches orderly down the hall. Popping out around the door to get a look at the room beyond.

GM: PLEASE NOTE: The Solar placed the knowledge of the event, complete with visuals, into your minds. You have full knowledge of the event as if you had seen it through the Solar's eyes, and as if he had been speaking directly to you. You are all fully aware that this event happened out of your range of sight, and that it occurred mere moments ago.

Duncan whispers to his companions. "We're not looking to engage. If you run across any more civilians let them be unless they prove to be hostile."

[sblock=Order of actions in game terms]
The twins moved down the hall, into their shown positions. And took the total defense action.
Ebony and Ducan being slower in their heavier armor, double moved into position behind the twins.

All four drop max points into combat expertise for +5AC. The twins then used their standard actions to turtle up for an additional +4AC. Neither can take attacks of opportunity this round.

:: Just In Case Rolls ::
In case they are attacked by an archer. Both Ebony and Duncan can swat an arrow that would hit them down with their weapons for free without a roll. ( Their bows are also equipped with "Bow Blades" Bayonet like daggers on the ribs they can slash with like melee weapons. Complete Adventurer has them I believe. )

Active Effects:
Bless Morale Bonus ( 4 Rounds +1 Attack +1 vs Fear ) ( Currently Over Written By Sylvar's +2 Bard Song )
Aura Of Courage (10 Feet): +4 Morale Save vs Fear
Marshal Auras ( Circumstance Bonuses Ongoing )
Within 60 Feet of Duncan: +1 Attack, +4 Will Saves
Within 60 Feet of Ebony: +1 Armor Class, +3 To Reflex Saves

[sblock=Stat Blocks - Current Bonuses Applied]
Duncan: ( Shield Wall In-Active )
Hit Points: 51 / 51
Fort: 13, Ref: 10, Will: 15
AC: 18(23), Touch: 12(17), Flat: 16(21)
Passive Spot: 11, Listen: 11, Sense Motive: 17
Battle Rap/Perform Urban: 20
Perform Break Dance: 14

Ebony: ( Shield Wall In-Active )
Hit Points: 34 / 34
Fort: 6, Ref: 6, Will: 11
AC: 18(23), Touch: 12(17), Flat: 16(21)
Passive Spot: 10, Listen: 10, Sense Motive: 13
Battle Rap/Perform Urban: 20
Perform Break Dance: 15

Travis: ( Shield Wall In-Active Max Combat Expertise + Total Def )
Hit Points: 38 / 38
Fort: 7, Ref: 6, Will: 7
AC: 18(30), Touch: 13(22), Flat: 19(28)
Masterwork Broad Sword + Shield Bash = +9 / +9; Damage: 2d4+4 (20: x3: 6d4+12) / 1d4+4 (20: x2: 2d4+6)
Masterwork Broad Sword +11(+6); Damage: 2d4+4 (20: x3: 6d4+12)
Passive Spot: 11, Listen: 11,
Perform Break Dance: 12

Leonard: ( Shield Wall In-Active Max Combat Expertise + Total Def )
Hit Points: 38 / 38
Fort: 7, Ref: 6, Will: 7
AC: 21(30), Touch: 13(22), Flat: 19(28)
Masterwork Battle Axe + Shield Bash = +9 / +9; Damage: 1d8+4 (20: x3: 3d8+12) / 1d4+4 (20: x2: 2d4+6)
Masterwork Battle Axe +11(+6); Damage: 1d8+4 (20: x3: 3d8+12)
Passive Spot: 11, Listen: 11,
Perform Break Dance: 11
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