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D&D 5E Heroes of Hydellor


Haldor sees the commotion in the town and sees the goblin and halfling burst from the tavern. "This can't be good," he mutters, breaking into a run to intercept the goblin. He pulls out his warhammer and stands in its path. "Halt, and explain yourself!" Perhaps a dwarf wearing robes is not intimidating enough, but he bares his teeth and hopes his bristly beard helps.
OOC: Move adjacent to Goblin 4 (T0, I guess?)
Draw Warhammer
Intimidate: [roll0]

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Steve Gorak

After his lofty words to the other, Theremin looks around to see if he can spot a crossbow or a bow. He then walks to the center of the room and says a few arcane words.

OOC: Perception [roll0]

Wisdom save DC14, or [roll1] damage and next attack (until end of next round) is at disadvantage


Torban Ingpol, Omri Bine, goblins
Essess/Bredonshire/Bredon/The Sawtooth Inn
29 Mother/8:06 PM (after sunset)
Weather: 80 F/27 C; No wind; Light rain
Round 5.2

[sblock=OOC]No OA on Coriana since she never left the goblin’s threat range.[/sblock]

Theramin doesn’t notice any weapons in the kitchen except for kitchen knives.

The goblin yelped and ducked as Liam threw the handaxe at him, but evaded the attack. He spins around as a robed dwarf with a warhammer rushes up. The goblin spins around and stares at the dwarfs glower. You smell the scent of goblin piss.

His situation isn’t helped any by Theremin’s vicious mockery.

“Eee!” the goblin screeches. The nimble bastard dodges and weaves as it slips past you all and runs, disappearing around the corner of the inn and into the night.

As you give chase, you can see that much of the chaos in town is starting to die down. The town militia seems to have gathered and the goblins, not appearing to want a straight up fight, are slipping back into the night outside of town with whatever they had grabbed.

In the town square in front of the inn, the heroes can see a figure in what appears to be some kind of uniform shouting orders and instructions to a small group of other uniformed people and citizens with weapons and farm implements.

“Bring anyone injured to the inn, and someone go get the priestesses!” she yelled. “Get those fires out!”

[sblock=OOC]And we’re out of initiative.[/sblock]

Map Sawtooth Inn

Coriana = Dashes to engage g4

Theremin = Vicious Mockery

Liam = Moves and throws handaxe at g4

Garrett = Dashes outside to engage g4

Mindra = Retrieves bow and dashes back to kitchen

Haldor = Runs up and engages g4

Torban = Gets a drink

Goblin 4 = Wisdom check vs Intimidate: 1D20-1 = [2]-1 = 1
Frightened rounds: 1D4 = [3] = 3
Playing this by ear, but there are no real rules about using social skills in combat in 5e. But I feel if you give up an action, you deserve some chance at some success. I think on a success, the target would be Frightened for 1 round. Since the goblin failed by 5, I made it 1d4 rounds. Seem fair? 3/3
Wisdom save vs Vicious Mockery: 1D20-1 = [11]-1 = 10
Bonus Action Disengage, Move and Dash to Y12
Disadvantage on next attack roll
Omri = Dodge

Goblin 4: 6/7 AC 15 (Full sack)
Coriana: 12/12 AC 17
Theremin: 5/10 AC 15
Liam: 7/10 AC 16
Garrett: 12/15 AC 18
Mindra: 11/11 AC 15
Haldor: 11/11 AC 12
Torban: 4/4 AC 10
Omri: 9/9 AC 10

Coriana - 23
Theremin - 21
Liam - 21
Garrett - 17
Mindra - 16
Torban - 16
Goblins - 6
Omri - 3


The goblin quickly got out of Liam's range, and he could tell the sounds of battle further out were dying down. his first goal was to retrieve his thrown handaxe. Sliding that in to place, he returned to the inn, walking over dead goblins with a surety of foot that betrayed his empty eye sockets. He found where he had dropped his walking cane, and picked it up. He regarded the scimitar for a moment. it wasn't anything special. Crudely made. Still, it would be ok until he could afford a longsword. He slid it into his belt and took one last "look" around the tavern, memorizing the location of everything around him before letting his mental discipline slip.

He was once again cast into darkness, unable to detect what was around him. That was fine. Keeping a mental discipline wasn't hard, exactly, but he always felt a little more free when he relaxed his mind.

He was once again the blind man reliant on his walking stick to help him find his way around.

He made his way out of the tavern, his cane tapping back and forth, warning him of walls, bodies and doorways.

"Well that was exciting," he said when he got close to the others. "Anyone know why a tavern in the middle of a town would get attacked by creatures like that?"


Haldor uses control flames to put out as many fires as possible. He also approaches the other adventurers if the opportunity arises to ask, "What is this ruckus about? I'm a visitor to these parts. I was expecting to meet a crone in this tavern, not vile goblins!"

Lord Twig

Mindra trots out of the inn to join the others and hears the dwarf newcomer as she steps outside.

"If you were looking to meet with an old crone you are in the right place," Mindra says. "All of us here were given a similar message, but there has been no sign of this crone so far." Mindra then looks around at the activity of the town around her. "I wonder what could have driven the goblins to raid a town of this size? Were they that desperate for food? Or did something drive them to it?"

Charwoman Gene

"I told you all, it's a bloody trap. The old crone hired a bunch of thieves and scallywags and are trying to bait us into becoming heroes, so we'll provide a distraction from what ever she has going on!" She looks around the and says with a chuckle, "Well maybe not all of us are thieves and scallywags."

"Before I barred the inn door, I saw a procession of torches coming down from the hills, If we really want to investigate this, that's gonna be the way to go."


Liam raised his hand. "Scallywag," he admitted.

"If we're going to be going somewhere, would someone be so kind as to lead me? I can handle small rooms, but navigating outside is a little tougher."

Steve Gorak

Liam raised his hand. "Scallywag," he admitted.

"If we're going to be going somewhere, would someone be so kind as to lead me? I can handle small rooms, but navigating outside is a little tougher."

Theremin also goes back to the inn to join the others. He sits, while gently plucking his lute for a background melody as he listens to his companions in arms.

"I will need to rest a bit before I can go out" His eyes going over his injury. "One more like this one and I would not be here. Thank you for your courage, we made for a good team" he says in a genuine tone.

OOC: hoping for a short rest to use a hd, or to get healing from someone. Theremin is 5hp down.

Voidrunner's Codex

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