D&D 5E Heroes of Hydellor


Shadowfell/Eobald’s Tower
Moonday, Emperorweek, 6 Moon, 897 AF/Time 1935
Weather: Chilly, no wind, no rain
Lighting: Dim
Round 0

Coriana noted the lock still looked solid. The door was thick oak, but looked aged and worn. It could possibly be broken with some effort.

OOC: You could do Athletics or Thieves Tools.

Combat Map:

@Lord Twig
@Steve Gorak
@Charwoman Gene

Coriana (+2) AC 16 38+9 thp/38 PP 15
Mindra (+4) AC 15 33/35 PP 18 Darkvision
Theremin (+5) AC 15 27+9 thp/27 PP 14 Darkvision

Sayine (+5) AC 15 14+9 thp/14 HD 4/4d4 PP 13 Darkvision, Breath, Spells (Yellow, 1/d): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, color spray, mirror image

Marching Order:
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:

Find a way home from the Shadowfell
Find Mached Pakelan

300 gp
70 electrum
Magic spear (unidentified)

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Steve Gorak

I can try with my dagger, it worked last time in the cart. I’ll have to recast this protective enclosure before we open the next door though” with that, Theremin dismisses the tiny hut spell as he steps out, takes out his dagger and tries to pick the locknut as much as he tries, he’s not successful

let me cas the protection spell before we open the new door”.

OOC: Thereminnpositions himself 20 feet in front of the next door and ritually casts tiny hut again


Shadowfell/Eobald’s Tower
Moonday, Emperorweek, 6 Moon, 897 AF/Time 1950
Weather: Chilly, no wind, no rain
Lighting: Dim
Round 0

Unfortunately, the door was sturdier than Corianna’s attempt to bash it down and the lock better than Theremin could pick with a dagger, as might be expected in a dungeon. There didn’t appear to be anything else down here in the dungeon but darkness, and they had the hut to protect them if they wanted to rest or not.

Combat Map:

@Lord Twig
@Steve Gorak
@Charwoman Gene

Coriana (+2) AC 16 38+9 thp/38 PP 15
Mindra (+4) AC 15 33/35 PP 18 Darkvision
Theremin (+5) AC 15 27+9 thp/27 PP 14 Darkvision

Sayine (+5) AC 15 14+9 thp/14 HD 4/4d4 PP 13 Darkvision, Breath, Spells (Yellow, 1/d): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, color spray, mirror image

Marching Order:
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:

Find a way home from the Shadowfell
Find Mached Pakelan

300 gp
70 electrum
Magic spear (unidentified)


Shadowfell/Eobald’s Tower
Moonday, Emperorweek, 6 Moon, 897 AF/Time 1955
Weather: Chilly, no wind, no rain
Lighting: Dim
Round 0

Coriana found a pouch on the body in the cell that contained eight sardonyx gems worth 50 gp each. Nothing else in the cell seemed of worth.

Combat Map:

@Lord Twig
@Steve Gorak
@Charwoman Gene

Coriana (+2) AC 16 38+9 thp/38 PP 15
Mindra (+4) AC 15 33/35 PP 18 Darkvision
Theremin (+5) AC 15 27+9 thp/27 PP 14 Darkvision

Sayine (+5) AC 15 14+9 thp/14 HD 4/4d4 PP 13 Darkvision, Breath, Spells (Yellow, 1/d): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, color spray, mirror image

Marching Order:
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:

Find a way home from the Shadowfell
Find Mached Pakelan

8 sardonyx gems worth 50 gp each - Coriana
300 gp
70 electrum
Magic spear (unidentified)

Charwoman Gene

Coriana pockets the pouch, "We'll split it later," and gaseous forms back out of the cell. "I'm waiting an hour in the hut to get my magic back before we open that door, if you don't mind."

Steve Gorak

"Lucky you, I would love to be able to get my magics in one hour! You'll have to teach me how to do that one say!" Theremin proceeds to cast again the tiny hut as a ritual; he positions it about 20 feet in front of the next door that will be opened.

Charwoman Gene

"Just get washed overboard and drown and have the Lord of the Deep spare you but demand a price to be paid in the future and you can be like me...." Coriana is impatient after resting and wants to see what's next.

Voidrunner's Codex

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