D&D 5E Heroes of Hydellor

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Shadowfell/Eobald’s Tower
Moonday, Emperorweek, 6 Moon, 897 AF/Time 1805
Weather: Chilly, no wind, no rain
Lighting: Dim
Round 1

Mindra sent an arrow at the dark creature, striking it in the center mass. It jerked, and took damage, but didn’t seem to react to the pain. The elf ducked back away from the door and out of the creature’s sight.

Theremin told the others of an idea they might try.

Coriana stretched out a hand sending lightning through the door at the creature. It dodged most of it, but enough struck to leave its dank robes smoking.

Sayine ducked her head, tucking it un


The frightening creature gave an unholy scream and rushed at the party, through the open door, to engage with Coriana and punched at her with its fist, though she managed to dodge out of the way..

PLAYERS ARE UP! Remember to state if you are looking away and taking disadvantage on your attacks. If you end your turn within 30’ of the bodak, take 5 necrotic damage.

Combat Map:
@Lord Twig
@Steve Gorak
@Charwoman Gene

Initiative: Enemy beats the player average and so goes first.
Enemy 19

Mindra 21
Theremin 13
Coriana 10
Sayine 7

Coriana (+2) AC 16 38+9 thp/38 PP 15
Mindra (+4) AC 15 33/35 PP 18 Darkvision
Theremin (+5) AC 15 27+9 thp/27 PP 14 Darkvision

Sayine (+5) AC 15 14+9 thp/14 HD 4/4d4 PP 13 Darkvision, Breath, Spells (Yellow, 1/d): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, color spray, mirror image

Bodak (+3) AC 15 (natural armor) 29/58 PP 14

Marching Order:
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:

Find a way home from the Shadowfell
Find Mached Pakelan

300 gp
Magic spear (unidentified)

Steve Gorak

A chill comes down Theremin’s neck when he sees the creature enter the room. He takes a few steps back towards the exit and casts a spell to help strikes find the creature true. He also hums a song that bolsters coriana, and says to Sayine: « stay close love, we may need to run soon »

OOC: action: cast fairy fire. Dex save dc 15 or creature is illuminates and attacks are at advantage
Bonus action: bardic inspiration on Coriana (1d8)
Move closer to exit


Shadowfell/Eobald’s Tower
Moonday, Emperorweek, 6 Moon, 897 AF/Time 1805
Weather: Chilly, no wind, no rain
Lighting: Dim
Round 0

The undead creature took Coriana’s lightning bolt straight through the chest (rolled a nat 1), The spectral tentacle she summoned behind it slammed into it as well. The unholy light in its eyes went out and it slumped forward, unmoving.

(Mindra can save her arrow, and Theremin can save the spell slot from faerie fire).

The tower dungeon settled into silence once more.

COMBAT OVER! Good job!

Combat Map:

@Lord Twig
@Steve Gorak
@Charwoman Gene

Coriana (+2) AC 16 38+9 thp/38 PP 15
Mindra (+4) AC 15 33/35 PP 18 Darkvision
Theremin (+5) AC 15 27+9 thp/27 PP 14 Darkvision

Sayine (+5) AC 15 14+9 thp/14 HD 4/4d4 PP 13 Darkvision, Breath, Spells (Yellow, 1/d): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, color spray, mirror image

Marching Order:
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:

Find a way home from the Shadowfell
Find Mached Pakelan

300 gp
Magic spear (unidentified)

Steve Gorak

Colour returns to Theremin’s face as the creature drops. “Are you ok my dear?” He asks Sayine, genuinely concerned about her.

We definitely want you at your peak!” He answers Coriana. “Let me cast a ritual that will give us a safe haven. We can explore the room and then rest”.

Theremin proceeds to take a look at the room where the creature came from, and then proceeds to cast tiny hut.

OOC: note that Theremin positions the tiny hut about 15 feet from the next door the group will open

Voidrunner's Codex

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