D&D 5E Heroes of Hydellor

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Seaday, Emperorweek, 2 Moon/12:11 PM
Weather: Normal late summer temps, light wind, light rain
Round 0

Liam was successful in stabilizing Mindra, but she remained unconscious. Coriana heard no sounds from below yet.
[MENTION=5044]Charwoman Gene[/MENTION]
[MENTION=31754]Lord Twig[/MENTION]
[MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION]


Combat Map: https://app.roll20.net/join/4021378/4L_4ZA
Player Overview Map:

Coriana (+2) AC 15 24/24+5 thp PP 14
Liam (+2) AC 14 14/18 PP 14 Devil’s Sight
Mindra (+4) AC 15 0/19 PP 18 Darkvision
Theremin (+5) AC 15 5/19 PP 14 Darkvision
Sayine (+5) AC 15 8/14 PP 13 Darkvision, Mirror Image (3) Breath, Spells (Yellow, 1/d): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, color spray*, mirror image*

Engir AC 15 30/64 12r to engage characters again.

Marching Order: Mindra, Coriana, Theremin (Sayine), Liam
Travel Pace: Normal
Travel activity: Mindra (watch), Coriana (map), Liam (watch), Theremin (watch), Sayine (watch)
Light: Daylight

300 gp
Potion of Healing (Theremin)


“Keep watch over her. I’m going to try something,” Liam said, going over to the table. This time he set the sphere into the central impression.


Seaday, Emperorweek, 2 Moon/12:12 PM
Weather: Normal late summer temps, light wind, light rain
Round 0

As Liam set the ball into the little cup on the stand in the center of the round, black table, at first nothing happened. Then the arcane rune on the ball began to glow. The glow spread to the runes that marked the lip of the cup. The glow moved around the runs in a cycle until it stopped at the rune that matched the ball. A vibration started in the table. The blue glow of magic spread down formerly invisible lines in the table to the floor. Then the seams between the stonework started to glow brightly. The shaking of the tower increased, becoming even more violent, making it difficult to maintain standing. Dust and a few pieces of loose debris fell from the ceiling. The light became blinding.

OOC: Dex save DC 15: On a fail you are knocked prone and take 1d6 damage from just generally being knocked around. I will let another character voluntarily fail and cover/protect Mindra, otherwise she will take 1 Death Save and have to start saving again.

Con save DC 15: On a fail, you are blinded. You can make a new save with a DC -1 with each subsequent post.

And then it stopped. Other than some dust and the clatter of small stones, it was eerily silent. Outside the windows, the cloudy noon summer sun had gone dark, the light wind and rain even more chill in the air. And then the howling, frightened wails of kobolds came from below.

“I can’t see!”Sayine whimpered.
[MENTION=5044]Charwoman Gene[/MENTION]
[MENTION=31754]Lord Twig[/MENTION]
[MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION]


Combat Map: https://app.roll20.net/join/4021378/4L_4ZA
Player Overview Map:

Coriana (+2) AC 15 24/24+5 thp PP 14
Liam (+2) AC 14 14/18 PP 14 Devil’s Sight
Mindra (+4) AC 15 0/19 PP 18 Darkvision
Theremin (+5) AC 15 5/19 PP 14 Darkvision
Sayine (+5) AC 15 8/14 Blind DC14 PP 13 Darkvision, Breath, Spells (Yellow, 1/d): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, color spray*, mirror image*

Engir AC 15 30/64 11r to engage characters again.

Marching Order: Mindra, Coriana, Theremin (Sayine), Liam
Travel Pace: Normal
Travel activity: Mindra (watch), Coriana (map), Liam (watch), Theremin (watch), Sayine (watch)
Light: Daylight

300 gp
Potion of Healing (Theremin)

Lord Twig

Mindra does not react at all to the shaking and continues to lie on the floor.

OOC: Yep, I am going to role-play unconsciousness. :)

Seriously though. I just want everyone to know I am still following the thread and will act when I can. Sorry for the horrible rolls and getting myself knocked out.

Steve Gorak

OOC: Sorry about not posting in a while guys, I had some RL issues. Things should be back to normal from now on.

Dex save: [roll0]
Con save: [roll1]

Steve Gorak

OOC: damage [roll0]

Theremin was tending Sayine's wounds, and was not minding the actions of his companions. In his mind, he had warned them not to play with themagical device, and that was that.

But then, after the fleeting satisfaction that Sayine had received some magical healing, he saw Mindra fall limp. This was the last thing he saw before becoming blind, and falling on the ground.

''What, what just happened'' he said in surprise. ''I can't see! Sayine, are you allright? Are the rest of you there?''


Seaday, Emperorweek, 2 Moon/12:13 PM
Weather: Chilly temps, light wind, light rain
Round 0

“I can’t see either, Theremin!” Sayine said, carefully crawling along the stone table. Her wings stretched out, knocking the black stone ball from the pedestal, sending it rolling with a clatter off the table.

Constitution save: 1d20+1 15

“Oh!” Sayine exclaimed, blinking as her vision cleared. “I can see again! Yee!” she cheered excitedly. She crawled over to Theremin and licked his face. “Mindra needs help. She hurt!” she told him, looking at the unconscious and bleeding elf. “Where are we? Why it so cold?”

Indeed, a chilly breeze blew through the open windows of the tower, definitely not the late summer warmth of a few minutes ago.

OOC: DC 14 Con now to recover blindness. Liam is immune to that already, I guess LOL And Mindra should make a Death Save (she has 1 Fail). Sayine will Help and provide Advantage to a Medicine check to stabilize her. DC 10, or automatic if you have a healer’s kit.

[MENTION=5044]Charwoman Gene[/MENTION]
[MENTION=31754]Lord Twig[/MENTION]
[MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION]

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