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Heroes of the Day [Dawnforge] (Ended)

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
Widowmaker said:
Just to help with my characters background, how does the group intially meet and/or get together?

Path of Legends opens with a celebrated annual obstacle course race as a means of introducing characters to each other.

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Isida Kep'Tukari said:
Starman, anyone you'd want to particularly see in your game?

Whichever one seems to fit with the rest of the group, really. All of your ideas sound good. That said, I think Targ and Laraska seem to have to the most potential. But, whichever one suits your fancy will work.

RobotRobotI said:
Hm. I haven't heard from the guy running the WarCraft game, and I've got a bad feeling about whether I'll get into the M&M game - mind if I bump myself up from Alternative if I don't hear from them/get accepted by tomorrow?

That shouldn't be a problem. There are still some empty slots.

Isida Kep'Tukari

After due consideration, I have realized that the Shadow focus of the shaper includes the feat Fortune's Favor for free. That's not listed anywhere. And the Vitality focus includes the use of the Life domain, also not listed anywhere. To keep things simple, I shall use Targ instead.

Targ: [sblock]Targ
Male Ogre Fighter 5

Medium Humanoid
Alignment: Neutral Good
Region: Stormfells
Legend Points: 1 [1st Circle Path of the Mighty]

Height: 8' 3''
Weight: 608lbs
Skin: Olive
Eyes: Black
Age: 15

Str: 23 (+6) [13 points, +4 racial, +1 level, +1 legendary]
Dex: 10 (+0) [4 points, -2 racial]
Con: 19 (+4) [8 points, +4 racial]
Int: 7 (-2) [1 point, -2 racial]
Wis: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Cha: 6 (-2) [0 points, -2 racial]

Racial Abilities:
+4 Str, +4 Con (levels), -2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha, low light vision. Racial talents – Talent Feat [Power Attack], Ox Back (AoL) [carrying capacity increases 50%], Unblinking Gaze (AoL) [cannot be intimidated and ignores effects to become shaken]. Racial transformations – Darkvision 60ft., Transformation Feat [Endurance].

Class Abilities: Proficient in light, medium, and heavy armor and all shields (including tower shields). Proficient in all simple and martial weapons. Fighter bonus feats. +20 bonus on Strength checks for 23 concecutive rounds. Use Str instead of Dex for Open Lock checks.

Hit Dice: 5d10 + 14 +5 (Improved Toughness)
HP: 61
AC: 20 [+10 armor, +0 Dex]
Armor Check Penalty: -7
Init: +0 (+0 Dex)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +8 [+4 base, +4 Con]
Reflex +1 [+1 base, +0 Dex]
Will +3 [+1 base, +2 Wis]

BAB: +5
Melee Atk: +12 (1d6+7/x4/P, +1 heavy pick)
+12 (1d4+6/x2/B, heavy steel shield bash)
Ranged Atk: +5 (1d6+6/x2/10 ft./S, thowing axe)

Profession (tanner) +6 [8 cc ranks, +2 Wis]

Quick Draw (1st level)
Power Attack (talent feat 1st level)
Cleave (fighter bonus 1st level)
Improved Bull Rush (2nd level)
Improved Shield Bash (fighter bonus 2nd level)
Shield Charge [CW] (4th level)
Endurance (transformation feat 4th level)
Improved Toughness [CW] (fighter bonus 4th level)

Languages: Common, Giant

+1 Heavy plate (Races of Stone) – 3,150gp
+1 Heavy pick – 2,308gp
"Little Shield" - Legendary Item MW heavy steel shield, red with a white deer reclining – 170gp
10 throwing axes – 80gp
2 daggers – 2gp
Backpack - 2gp
Bedroll - 5sp
Waterskin - 1gp
50 ft. hemp rope - 1gp
Winter blanket - 5sp
Traveler's outfit - free
Flint and Steel - 1gp
Belt pouch - 1gp
Mug – 2cp
Trail rations (20 days worth) - 10gp
40 lbs salt pork – 120gp
Full barrel (32 gallons) of bitter – 62gp
5 square yards of oiled canvas – 5sp
-100 lbs of various hides (bear, wolf, deer, ram) – 50gp
Chest – 2gp
-Spare suit of chainmail – 150gp
-57 fifty gold piece trade bars – 2,850gp

Current load: 609 lbs, heavy load

Carrying Capacity light – 259.5 lbs or less, medium 260.5 – 519 lbs, heavy 520 – 780 lbs. Lift 780 lbs, Lift and Stagger 1560 lbs, Push/Drag 3,900 lbs

38gp, 4 sp, 8cp

Appearance: Targ is a particularly tall and hulking brute of an ogre. His long, dark, unkempt hair is dressed with grease and wrapped in a knot on his head. Dark and deep-set eyes peer dimly out of scarred and craggy face. He wears very heavy plate armor, probably well made under the many layers of road grime, but it’s hard to tell. A heavy pick rests in a loop at his hip, and a crude quiver of throwing axes rests on the other hip. A prodigious load rests on his mighty back, including a sloshing barrel, latched chest, bulging backpack, and a large roll of furs wrapped up in canvas.

Personality: Targ’s crude appearance and foul odor is matched by his awful manners and grunting voice. His words tend to be monosymbolic and simple, though he often strives to make himself understood. Targ has a curiously gentle soul, despite his almost stereotypical appearance. He likes pretty things, and he doesn’t care to see them fouled. Despite a lifetime learning fighting, he finds more pleasure in tanning a good hide and giving it to a chilled child than crushing skulls.

Background: Targ grew up in the Stormfells in the service of the stone giant Malbrok. Trained for battle from an early age, his clan leaders had high hopes for him, due to his particularly massive size. He learned what they cared to teach him, and could easily bully his way though any battle, but when put to making an example of a rebellious human village in his master’s lands, Targ found he could not crush the woman and children under his weapons.

His clan leaders were embarrassed in the extreme, but Targ had too much skill to assuage their embarrassment with his life. Instead they exiled him, telling the dim young lad it was to “season” him for Malbrok’s guard. He was not to return until he was called for, and was told to simply learn how to fight better. Targ regarded his exile with typical ogrish stoicism. He took himself to the lowlands, fighting orc and lowland raiders that tried to kill him, running away from farmers and tradesmen who attacked him out of fear. He made a bit of a living with a childhood skill of tanning hides in the outermost villages, but still wandered, wondering, in his vague way, what was to become of him…

He found his reception in some of the villages suddenly went from cold or fearful to welcome after he had defended himself against orc raiders. With his prodigious strength and skill, he had utterly slain an entire clan's worth of fighters, and the villages he had spared them from enjoyed their first unharried harvest in years. Dimly pleased by their reaction, Targ realized he had done something right and good, and people appreciated that he had killed the nasty raiders. Eager to please, Targ began to look for other people to save.[/sblock]
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First Post
Hm. I was looking at Psychic Warrior, but they're pretty much just fancy fighters (less BAB in exchange for a psychic power every level), and since Isida's playin' a big scary fighter...

How would you feel about a Thinblood Psion (probably either a Shaper or Kineticist), Starman?
Although, if you think a party with two melee-flavoured combatants would work out, I'd prefer a Yuan-ti Thinblood Psychic Warrior.
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Tureborn Spirit Adept

I'd love to play a Trueborn Spirit Adept if you've got room. A Moon elf Duskblade would also be a blast.
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Since Yeti really wants to play a Trueborn, I don't mind playing Either a dawn elf, or Moon elf Duskblade. I could really adapt and play whatever is needed however, as I just want to play in this setting.


Welcome aboard scranford, TheYeti775, and RobotRobotI.

I do believe that Widowmaker is moving forward with a Trueborn character, so you will have to choose another race, Yeti, unless he changes his mind.

I have no problem with a Thinblood, RobotRobotI. Don't forget that your heritage could make things difficult when people discover it.

It's up to you guys on classes and filling roles. I don't care if you have a party consisting of the four classic roles or if you are all fighters. You guys figure it out. However you do it, I'll find ways of challenging you. :]


I updated the first post with it, but here it is again. As of right now, this is what I have people playing:

Widowmaker: Trueborn knight or fighter
Isida Kep'Tukari: Ogre fighter
Mark Chance: Lizardfolk spirit adept
RobotRobotI: Yuan-ti Thinblood psychic warrior
scranford: Dawn elf or Moon elf duskblade
TheYeti775: ? fighter or sorcerer
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First Post
Starman said:
I have no problem with a Thinblood, RobotRobotI. Don't forget that your heritage could make things difficult when people discover it.

It's up to you guys on classes and filling roles. I don't care if you have a party consisting of the four classic roles or if you are all fighters. You guys figure it out. However you do it, I'll find ways of challenging you. :]


Well, since neither Psion nor Psychic Warrior is much of a, ah, classic role, I suppose I'll go with the Warrior. I'll get to work statting him tonight or tomorrow morning (depending on how tired I decide I am.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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