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Heroes: Season One

Hiro (The nerd's nerd) stole the show with his crazed enthusiam. I wonder how it will go in 1500's Japan.

Peter has the means to survive but so far what I am hearing is a lot of flashbacks with Nathan and Peter.

There are to be more new superpowered people introduced.

The "Boogyman" is to appear early in the season.

Matt may or may not survive the entire season. He is alive in the beginning.... just a bit riddled by bullets.

The two things in my mind are-

1) Who or what is this Boogieman that Molly fears so much and is he even a bad guy? She fears him simplily because he can see her when she "detects" him. This would mean the Company knows of him also I would guess.

2) Peter, Nathan and Hiro's parents seem to be involved in a long term scheme to use superpowers for world domination. Besides Ledderman, whom else is involved (Boogieman?) and how wide scope is this?

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My other observation (not meant to detract) is the various themes borrowed from existing comicbooks.

Watchmen- The use / creation of a great evil to create "peace" on the world

Harbinger- The ability to assimulate superpowers and become alllll powerful and try to control the world through corporations and businesses instead of just politics and force.

Ivar- Timewalker- some the fun and craziness of Hiro trying to learn the control of his power reminds me a bit of Ivar. How he attempts to avoid certain things and instead becomes the cause of said event occuring.

Rising Stars- One hero / villian killing the others to gain power as a mystery to solve

I'm sure there are others.

So true.

I believe I read a bit that his story will be about his recovery and..... look at the blood trail leadingt to the sewer-

crawl or dragged?


Relique du Madde said:
He's not done, but he's not going to have a big role this year since they guy that plays him is in the new Star Trek movie.

I don't think that's true at all. Sylar is a regular cast member now and has been signed for the entire season. He is one of the most popular characters on the show.

What we can expect is Sylar evolving into a slightly more gray villain with occasional anti-hero overtones. We saw this element to Gabriel the watchmaker initially - and again in his tragic groping back towards his humanity in the episode with his mother.

There will be other villains and one that "outranks" Sylar introduced early this season but I don't think that is the same thing as having Sylar play a smaller role - simply a slightly different one.

I think it is virtually certain that they are going to give Sylar the "hero plague" - so that he needs Mohinder's help to stay alive. That need for ongoing treatment together with some other BBEG who Sylar may be able to assist with may may allow Mohinder and Sylar to reach a quid pro quo of sorts.

Sylar was never better than when he and Mohinder were together. I think the writers of the show are going to give that a reason to surface now and then.

His role as Spock will be shot when Heroes concludes filming. It is not expected to interfere at all with his Heroes gig.
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LightPhoenix said:
Actually, according to this EW article (spoilers!) ZQ will be absent for most of the final third of the season, due to filming.

Hadn't seen that one before.

That said, the article says he's leaving after Ep 16. That should be during during the six in a row eek hiatus - and it also says he returning for the end of the season...

Seeing as Heroes started production about two months before other series this year, it might not even be that many episodes. Three or four episodes missed, at most -assuming they have Star Trek principal photography firing on all cylinders at that point - which I suppose is also flexible.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
EricNoah said:
first three seasons of Smallville are kind of my recent high-water mark for this kind of supernatural sci-fi drama stuff, and I don't think Heroes is there yet.

Oh Eric, you didn't.

Man, you and I have some seriously differing tastes. I watched the first three seasons of Smallville and just couldn't take it anymore after that. How could you rank it as a high water mark? I can understand liking it for the popcorn teen-fluff it is, but a high water mark of supernatural sci-fi, ranking over Heroes? Over X-Files? Heck, over 4400? Wow...

Heroes is fantastic. There is a reason it dominates the ratings.
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I kinda wish X-files got a redo or something. I loved that show.

Smallville is nearing its end. The actor that plays Lex wants out so this will either be the last year or second to last. I assume this will lead into JL.

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