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Heroes Season [Volume] 2 (#26)---10/08/07-'Kindred'


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Grymar said:
Peter is actually interesting and not nearly as painfully emo as last year. It's cool watching him be able to use his powers reflexively but not intentionally. Did anyone else think of Spiderman when he was trying to use his power...

It's funny, my first thought was that being emo must be Peter's power - he can still do it even when he's an amnesiac. :)

Steel_Wind said:
Little cheesey that Heroes could not get the original actress to play her - but it's a tough go for Canadians on Heroes. They all die it seems

Or get full-time roles on other, seemingly successful, programs, like Reaper.

Still, I'm glad Candace is gone. Never liked her, nor her power, and I hope Sylar didn't acquire it.

Maya and Alejandro? Snooze.

Claire and West? More snooze. I had to justify Claire putting up with his jerkiness and creepy stalking by realizing that Claire has finally found someone her age she can relate to. Everyone else was older.

Hiro and Kensei were good, and I liked how Ando got worked in (and still has the sword). However, I feel bad for JKL because his character is a regular and he's barely in the show. I guess that's the problem with large ensemble casts.

Did they really need to waste time with Nikki and Micah this episode? These were scenes that could have been moved to another episode where they were a little more involved. They were nice, but just so meaningless in the context of the episode.

Peter was good. I'm not sure I'll have the patience for a rehash of "what am I?" Peter from the first season, but MV sells it pretty good.

It would have been nice if NBC hadn't made a big deal of Sylar coming back. If he does have the virus, that makes it interesting since Mohinder would have to decide to heal him or not. I do like that Sylar has memory but not power, and Peter has power but not memory. It's an interesting contrast.

Is it wrong that I'm finding myself uninterested in the "Series of 8" HRG/Mohinder storyline? I mean, it's interesting, but I just don't think they're doing a good job highlighting it. Maybe two elders will get offed in one painting? HRG certainly isn't one of The Nine.

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Remus Lupin

Help me out here --- when Peter is kissing the Irish woman, the camera focuses in on his new tattoo, and it fades into the "heroes" symbol, and then fades entirely. Is this a Nikki/Jessica thing, or was it just a cool dissolve to the next scene?

I agree Candace was too dangerous to be on her own, but after reading her online comic backstory, she just came off as so pathetic, that I couldn't help but feel badly for her.

Sylar is really bad at advaced planning. Ok, I get he wants to eat her brains (braaains!), but you'd think he'd be shrewd enough by now to wait till he knew what the score was, where he was, and how to get out. Now he's stuck in a Jungle with no powers and no way to escape. Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll get eaten by a boa constrictor.

One more thing. I have a time-line issue with when West was "tagged." Some folks have said it was when he was ten, although I thought I heard him say "a couple" of years ago. At any rate, if it was any more than "a couple" of years, it can't work in the timeline, since HRG didn't get his glasses until shortly before the events of season 1. In "Company Man," Claire, approximately as old as she is now, helps him pick them.


First Post
Relique du Madde said:
I want someone to slap Claire up the side of her head for her stupidity. I mean HELLO, her dad worked for the "bad guys" who wants her dead and dissected, so why in hell are is she surprised that he tagged found and tagged your boy friend when he was 10? Doesn't she remember that long talk he must have had with her family about why they are in hiding? Did she forget about the time he said that he did alot of bad things while working in the company and that he was afraid about what would happen if they found out her secret?
I entirely agree with this. Maybe it was bad directing, or whatever, but I thought her reaction was completely unwarranted.

Overall, a very uneven episode that, IMO, was flat-out not very good.

But I'm glad Candace died (though I didn't notice the top of her head removed, so that just added to the plain mess this episode was). Too bad Nikki is still infecting the show. She continues to suck.


First Post
Remus Lupin said:
Help me out here --- when Peter is kissing the Irish woman, the camera focuses in on his new tattoo, and it fades into the "heroes" symbol, and then fades entirely. Is this a Nikki/Jessica thing, or was it just a cool dissolve to the next scene?

The first ting I thought when I saw him getting a tattoo was the his body would heal it. It turning into the symbol I have no explanation for that

Hand of Evil

I don't know if Candice is dead, IF the COFFEE cup was an part of the illusion, would it move by a mental command? Her illusions seem to have some programbility in them but...I think they want Saylar to believe he has lost his powers and that they can give him a drug to get them back. Holding them for ransom!


First Post
Arnwyn said:
But I'm glad Candace died (though I didn't notice the top of her head removed, so that just added to the plain mess this episode was). Too bad Nikki is still infecting the show. She continues to suck.
I really don't think she's dead. It just seems like it would have been stupid move on her and her employers parts to keep her so vulnerable considering how dangerous Sylar is. Plus she's able to make pretty realistic illusions, which feed off of the person's interpretation of his senses, so if Sylar wanted to see himself performing surgery on Candace that was what he saw. I'm just not convinced that he has the virus just yet. I noticed when she was turning into various people she was coming from different directions, almost phasing out and in. That is an amazing range of her ability, too smart to be caught by a coffee cup.

There were also other small things which made me think that he was still in an illusion. He went through the motions of performing his powers, but they never worked. If it was an illusion, Candace would be in charge of how well he perceived his powers to work, just like when mica and the apartment maze.

My guess is that there's a broader illusion and the panning out of the camera was to show how realistic Candace can make her power.

Brown Jenkin

First Post
I'm inclined to agree that there is a good chance that Candice is still alive and manipulating Sylar. I was thinking the same thing that she could just be making him think his powers don't work and that she is dead.

Hand of Evil

Also, Peter's memory loss: Is it or is it a second personality being created from exposure to Nikki (IF, big one, Nikki's spilt personality was a power).

Relique du Madde

Fast Learner said:
Again, it was about making it personal. If you found out your dad used to kidnap some people and tag them, that would be shocking. If it turned out your dad kidnapped your new friend seven years ago, that would be something else, bringing it home, making it personal. The abstract isn't the same thing as the specific.

Granted that would make things personal IF her dad did not use one of his hirelings to mind wipe her entire family shortly before he left the company. If anything, the fact that West was marked only should have opened old wounds and not create new one and reinforce the cruel nature of her dad's old work.

How is that the logical thing? What, and have West zip down to the police station to have your dad arrested? That would be brilliant.

I don't think that would happen since West seems smart enough to realize that sending Mr. Bennet to jail for what he did while working for the company would place Claire's life in immediate danger. Then again, Claire's life may already in danger assuming that the company is already be watching her as a result of monitoring West.

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