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Heroes Season [Volume] 2 (#26)---10/08/07-'Kindred'


First Point: Candace and Sylar - What Could have Been

Being Beeman's blog notes that the original story arc called for Candace and Sylar to do several episodes together. The problem was, as noted above, the actress who played Candace got a full time gig as a regular on "Reaper".

That ended that plan.

She had agreed to shoot episode #3 as a one shot - but Reaper's production schedule interfered and so they had to recast the role as a one shot.

That's why Candace is dead.

Second Point: The Twins

I know that the premise of the show was to be about regular people discovering super powers. So there is a certain logical "truth" about showing normal people in their element - coping with the situation. And maybe latino teens/early 20 somethings looking confused and helpless in this situation could be "true". But come on...do they have to be so utterly stupid?

And maybe the fact I'm a Canadian distances me from latin Americans and their emigration problems...but...

Man-oh-man - the twins story is B-O-R-I-N-G. There's not much of a reason to like them or pull for them. Anybody stupid enough to steal a Cadillac at high noon from a town square - BY BREAKING A WINDOW pretty much deserves Midnight Express in the nearest Mexican jail.

It's just not working for me. And all indications are that it's just not working for *anbody*. Whether they are Canadian or from a Texas Border town. Suckage like this is international in its odor; it not saved by the frequency (or quality) of Tex-Mex cooking at your local roadhouse.

So where the hell are they going with this? Surely they can't be ignorant to the fact that this thing is just not working on the screen. Tim Kring is nobody's fool. Who came up with this - and WHY?
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Hand of Evil

Claire knows what her father did, I think she is realizing just what that means.

We also, know the a plot of this season, save Bennett. That is why the pic was 8/8, first even has happened, now for the rest.

Here is a thougth, do we know that Candice was a real person? WHAT IF, she was a manifestation, created by the big bad of the season. The thing Molly is warning everyone about. Maybe all those cockroaches were manifestations too!
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By the way, what I really liked is Hiro and his "mentorship" of Kensei.
I guess this is one of the few times in movie/TV history were we actually get to see the story from the mentors perspective. And yes, I am fully aware of the fact that Hiro is not an old, wise and white-bearded man (yet). I think that, at least for a few moments, Kensei really behaved as if Hiro was some kind of mentor figure to him.
The fact that Hiro isn't really the type of guy you usually associate with mentor makes it even more fun.


First Post
My thoughts:

Picture 8/8: The Claire we see in the picture isn't Claire at all. It is Sylar using Candace's power. Sylar has had the intention of killing Claire for sometime, and we know he has it in for HRG.

The Twins: In episode two, it is mentioned that Maya has the "Power to kill the Devil." My assumption is that her place in this season is to kill the BBEG. Other than that, I thoguht her switching from fear of her power to CHOOSING to use it in the jail a little hard to beleive.

Hand of Evil

Mercury said:
My thoughts:

Picture 8/8: The Claire we see in the picture isn't Claire at all. It is Sylar using Candace's power. Sylar has had the intention of killing Claire for sometime, and we know he has it in for HRG.
As they have introduced Kensei, who has healing like Claire and IF they go the way of Logan/Wolverine (see a relationship) Kensei can still be alive and ends up a victim of Sylar! :eek:


First Post
Mercury said:
My thoughts:

Picture 8/8: The Claire we see in the picture isn't Claire at all. It is Sylar using Candace's power. Sylar has had the intention of killing Claire for sometime, and we know he has it in for HRG.

The Twins: In episode two, it is mentioned that Maya has the "Power to kill the Devil." My assumption is that her place in this season is to kill the BBEG. Other than that, I thoguht her switching from fear of her power to CHOOSING to use it in the jail a little hard to beleive.
Hmmm, a bit to early for me to be speculating on whether or not the people in the 8th painting are really them or not. As for the twins, I could see her choosing to use her power if it was the only way to get her brother back. Especially after seeing him cure the stuff out of the border guide lady last episode. She probably figured that if she can get him out quick enough, then he will heal the two police officers as well. I would see that as an acceptable risk on her part. Afraid of her power? Yes. Afraid of her power without her brother around to keep it in check? YES YES YES! So in the end it's worth it and understandable I think.

As for Candace, even before hearing that the actress was gone I figured that the character really was dead and not manipulating the scene to 'fake' her death. Now Sylar gets to wait and see when the next food drop comes to supply him. Or when someone calls Candace's cell phone again. I wonder if he really does have the virus. It would be the easiest explanation for his loss of power(s) I guess. If that's the case though, he's not got much time to get outta there as it seems most people with the virus didn't last many days. Real interesting twist that if he has the virus only Mo can cure him. (Unless the company synthesizes an artificial one that they can use on Syler without Mo's knowledge.) Also, 4 MONTHS IN A COMA? Come on. Yes, I know it's possible. Even likely in the case of a head injury. But from a sword through the chest?

Peter's story is interesting, and the tattoo thing at the end was ...mysterious. Does he have the multiple personality thing Nikki had last season? Would explain his almost killing the thief guy. Has he looked in any mirrors yet that we've seen? What happens when they stop kissing and she looks down at her handiwork again and the tattoo is gone? Oh wait, that would like make somebody aware of the obvious things like that which aren't supposed to be noticed for a few more episodes.

I really don't get why Nikki is volunteering for the company? A cure? What are they doing, trying to use the part of the virus that removes powers without killing the person?

I would hate to see HRG go away, but a bullett in the eye is kinda hard to heal. Even for Claire. And was she kissing somebody in the painting behind her dead dad? If so, does that point towards West being his killer? He's got motive, we know that much.

Overall, fairly good episode but not spectacular like others have said. Too bad they killed off DL. Hiro/Kensei was entertaining as usual. Best part of the show I think. Hopefully now that they did some set up, next weeks episode will rock!


First Post
Steel_Wind said:
And maybe the fact I'm a Canadian distances me from latin Americans and their emigration problems...but...

Nope, nationality has nothing to do with it. It's just boring.

I think part of it has to do with how the first season introduced us to everyone. Right from the first episode or two things were moving for most (if not all) of the characters. Niki (er, Jessica) was killing people, Matt was getting in trouble, Mohinder was jetting around the world, etc. Not only that, but most of them had other people to reflect off of - Hiro had Ando, Isaac (and Peter) had Simone, and so on. The Honduran Death Twins (*snerk*) don't have either of those to keep it interesting. We could have had their entire three-episode-to-date storyline in exactly one scene as a set-up for an episode.

The Candace/Sylar stuff you posted is interesting. I have to say I like MP better on Heroes than on Reaper, even if I didn't like Candace.


First Post
How is that the logical thing? What, and have West zip down to the police station to have your dad arrested? That would be brilliant.

"Hi there! I need to report a bad guy running around. He's evil and he works for a company that finds people with magical powers, and he tags them then turns them loose again. His daughter goes to my school. Please arrest him, kthx!"

?? How exactly would that work?

Help me out here --- when Peter is kissing the Irish woman, the camera focuses in on his new tattoo, and it fades into the "heroes" symbol, and then fades entirely. Is this a Nikki/Jessica thing, or was it just a cool dissolve to the next scene?

Buh? Ok I must be going even more blind than I am already. I was watching the show on our big-screen and I could have sworn that the heroes symbol tattoo was on the Irish girl's arm, *not* Peter's. I'm going to have to go try to find an ep online so I can slo-mo it. *boggle*

Maya and Alejandro are from Honduras, not Mexico.

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