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Heroes Season [Volume] 2 (#26)---10/08/07-'Kindred'


For some reason I liked the episode as a whole, despite the fact that I think it was a bad one for many of the reasons given above. My first thought was that Candace wasn't dead, but I'm more inclinded to think that she is now. No 'proof' either way. But, as much as I dislike Sylar as a character, I think they blew it big time with his actions.

What he 'knows' just before killing Candace:
He's in a shack somewhere.
He's recovering from multiple operations.
It hurts like heck to move too quickly.
The one person he's seen wants to help him.
The company she works for wants to help him get his powers back. (And how do they know he lost them in the first place?)

What he doesn't know:
Where the shack is.
What's outside the shack. (He didn't even bother looking out a window!)
What sort of monitors are being used to watch him. (Illusions might cover them, and with today's tech they just might not be noticable even with his 'how things work' power.)
What sort of security the company has in place to stop him if he doesn't look he wants to cooperate.

Now, he's one arrogant jerk, but he's not as dumb as a post, which he'd have to be in order to off Candace when he did. Wanting his powers back Right Now be d@--ed, he's smarter than that! And he's shown that he can be patient when he needs to be. The scene needed at least a few more minutes to be at all believable.

Claire: I too got the impression that she was overreacting to Peeping Tom's abduction. And she ought to tell her dad that he'll be recognized by him Right Now! Oh yeah, and dad needs to get a new set of frames for his glasses Right Now too!

Peter. I actually like the new Peter. And whoever decided that he needed a haircut deserves a medal!

Nikki: I could do without her, and especially Micah. Nice to see NN now that they've offed Sulu though.

The twins. Can't srand them. And, according to next week's TV Guide, they somehow hook up with Sylar. Blah!

Hiro: Great, as usual.

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Relique du Madde said:
Granted that would make things personal IF her dad did not use one of his hirelings to mind wipe her entire family shortly before he left the company. If anything, the fact that West was marked only should have opened old wounds and not create new one and reinforce the cruel nature of her dad's old work.
Her Dad did all this to keep her save. But West? Did he threaten (or even Claire)? And it's probably also pretty awkward because it's not like she could present West as a new boyfriend. Imagine him recognizing her Dad as HRG, and totally freaking out about it?

Peters tattoo - I immediately thought that it should "regenerate" away, but seeing it fading in the "Godsend" symbol before disappearing was surprising. Though I have no idea if it means anything.

I didn't expect Candice to die so quickly (and I am certain that she is dead. Everything being an illusion invalidates the point of Sylar in the middle of nowhere). I liked her - or at least the previous actress.


First Post
Remus Lupin said:
One more thing. I have a time-line issue with when West was "tagged." Some folks have said it was when he was ten, although I thought I heard him say "a couple" of years ago. At any rate, if it was any more than "a couple" of years, it can't work in the timeline, since HRG didn't get his glasses until shortly before the events of season 1. In "Company Man," Claire, approximately as old as she is now, helps him pick them.

I thought he said a couple of years ago as well. The flashback where Noah gets his glasses is three years prior to present time, which leaves more than enough time. I couldn't find any reference to when he was ten.

What I did see mentioned was that the car that was stolen by the American in Mexico was Claire's car.

Dog Moon

Steel_Wind said:
Little cheesey that Heroes could not get the original actress to play her - but it's a tough go for Canadians on Heroes. They all die it seems :)

Strangely, my first thought after the camera went out and showed that they were in the middle of nowhere was 'wait a second, didn't she say the cops were after them? They're in the middle of freaking nowhere. No one is gonna happen to come across them. She could be anyone she wanted.'

Just sayin.


I don't know why a tattoo on Peter would heal at all. It's just ink under the surface of the skin. It's not hurting anything- why wouldn't it just stay put?


Taelorn76 said:
The first ting I thought when I saw him getting a tattoo was the his body would heal it. It turning into the symbol I have no explanation for that

My only guess for that is, maybe the tattoo was based on the symbol (i.e. the symbol was already there in tha tattoo, just with more patterns around it -- and it was the rest of the pattern that faded first, and the symbol last for the audience to see that it was based on the symbol)

not necessarily a plausible explanation, but the one I work with in my head to make it okay. ;) if we found a clear picture of the tattoo, we could probably look at it to see if the symbol really is hidden in it.


Mustrum_Ridcully said:
(snip) I didn't expect Candice to die so quickly ... (snip) ...I liked her - or at least the previous actress.

I believe that the previous actress (from last season) has another job as a regular character for another show which may have played a part in her not being able to return due to time commitments. (just a random thing I think I read, but I can't recall the source).

Also, (just hoping on the "she's dead" boat) the fact that she "died" and changed in to a plus-sized woman, sort of makes it an official death for her character as far as i'm concerned. She hinted last season that her real form was that of a larger-woman who was always teased and so she wanted to be more shapley which is why she likes the slim 'hottie' appearance.. so showing as a larger woman upon death is (in my mind) her illusion fading cause she can't maintain it.


First Post
My ideas from this weeks episode:

West is a Company Man and so he knows what to say to get to Claire. OR...

Bennet is not the guy West is talking about, but Mohinder's new boss, Mr. Goldfinger, is.

Who is the dragon who Takezo hands his heart to?

Sylar has been brought to a foreign country to avoid American legal authorities, and it happens to be where the Twins of Death are. Alejandro heals him/cures the virus for Sylar, somehow.

Here is a complete conjecture, but the virus that is sapping people's powers is a mutated strain of a trigger-virus for the genetics that allow the powers in the first place. Maja produces yet another strain of the virus, and Alejandro can suppress the mutated strain.

YAY! Peter can use any power at any time! He held the guy up with telekinesis even as the bullet hole in his chest was closing up. WOO HOO! I know that some of ya'll don't like the idea, but I think it's awesome.

Claire is under-reacting to West and over-reacting about HRG.

That's all I can think of, right now.


The EN World kitten
This episode was quite obviously a setup for future episodes; things moved slowly, putting pieces into place for future events, and overall I found it dissatisfying. Still, I'm willing to forgive that, as that's the price we pay for thrills in future episodes.

I found quite a few of the characters' actions (Claire, Sylar, etc.) to be somewhat unreasonable. The flipside, as some people have mentioned, is that these aren't exactly usual circumstances, or usual people. The fact that Claire is a teenage girl pretty well explains that she's not going to be the most logical, rational person right now. Still, it's hard to forgive her for having survived Season One, then getting a big talk about keeping her head down and acting normal, only for her to then practically jump up and down screaming "Look at me!" all over the place.

As much as Claire annoyed me, though, West seriously ticks me off. From his overwhelming arrogance (classifying everyone by his two categories), to his stalking Claire, to his prodding her until he's satisfied with how she reacts to everything, he's a first-class stuck-up @$$hole. I REALLY hope something bad happens to him, and soon.

Regarding Sylar, I do feel that his murdering Candice/Michelle/Betty was a bit premature (and I do think she's really dead - her turning back into what the comics established was her natural form, something she didn't even do when unconscious before, seems to pretty well clinch that), but it makes sense for his character.

For one thing, despite what has been said, Sylar is not a patient man when it comes to having a new power right under his nose. Yes he pretended to be Zane for a few days (weeks?) with Mohinder, but every other time he was getting ready for a power and had to hide out for it, he eventually couldn't wait very long. While in the diner with Charlie, he hung out for a bit, and then murdered her as soon as she went into the kitchen. When waiting for Claire to come home, he pretended to work for Primatech Paper with Mrs. Bennet, until he eventually couldn't keep up the act anymore and started to torment her for fun. And that's him when he's at his most composed.

Also, I have to wonder if he not only saw her as a new power to acquire, but also as something of a threat. Her power is formidable, after all, and with his own powers gone, it makes sense that he'd worry about what she could do to him. If nothing else, killing her makes sense for that, particularly since she told him she was working for someone else.

Finally, Sylar is crazy. He's not a raving lunatic, but he's a homicidal maniac, and has been for a while; after all, at the end of the last season, he'd embraced the idea that he'd blow up New York, just for the sake of doing so. He doesn't need much reason to kill at this point, I'd say.

On a minor note, I hope that at some point we see Micah talking with Wireless online, like in the comics. I thought she was cool, and it'd be nice to see even a glimpse of her again.

EDIT: On a personal note, I'm not fluent in Japanese, but I know enough to know that they're taking some minor liberties with their subtitling. It's never anything major, but there's some artistic licensing going on with the literal meaning versus the gist of what's being said.
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