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Heroes Season [Volume] 2 (#26)---10/08/07-'Kindred'


Hand of Evil said:
If Sylar has the virus, is it possible that he may have cured himself too...that is IF Candice was cured when Sylar did his thing!
That would be an interesting twist...when he eats a power from an uninfected hero, it sets the virus into remission, for a time. But it wouldn't cure it...he has to eat other heroes just to stay alive for a little bit longer.

I'll second what's been said with the Honduran Death Twins...I don't really like 'em. They would be believable, and a little more interesting, if the characters were about 5-10 years younger. I could see 13-year-old kids making the kinds of choices M&A do...they're scared, naive, and completely helpless on their own. There's no reason that 20-something adults can't be scared, naive and helpless, but it would be more sympathetic if they were younger. As it is, it's just kind of pathetic.

I do think that Maya's reaction to using her power on the guards was believable. She's completely paralyzed without her brother. She panics, and uses the only tool she has available to her. I don't think she thought it through to the point of "Alejandro could save the guards", though. She was just thinking of her own situation, not the fact that unleashing her power in the middle of a densely populated city could have killed MILLIONS of people. It bugs me that neither of them even mentioned or considered this.

IF the twins meet up with Sylar, it could get interesting. Maya has already shown a bit of a dark side. Maybe Sylar corrupts her to the dark side? Convinces her to embrace her powers of death, rather than fear them? It's a power that he probably doesn't want, since it's dependent on another to control, and he knows he can't eat it at this point, so she's probably safe. However, if he has the virus, and Alejandro can cure the virus, then Sylar's dependent on him. You have sort of a 3-way co-dependent relationship going on...may be interesting. Probably will be annoying. We'll see.

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Steel_Wind said:
Anybody stupid enough to steal a Cadillac at high noon from a town square - BY BREAKING A WINDOW pretty much deserves Midnight Express in the nearest Mexican jail.

I see what you've missed, you think they went through all that for story purposes.

Nope, it was just to meet the american kid and introduce the Nissan Rogue.

Just like last season, Hiro's entire cross country trip was simply to push the Nissan Versa.


Remus Lupin

Vocenoctum said:
I see what you've missed, you think they went through all that for story purposes.

Nope, it was just to meet the american kid and introduce the Nissan Rogue.

Just like last season, Hiro's entire cross country trip was simply to push the Nissan Versa.


"Nissan Versa!! Nissan Versa!!!"


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LightPhoenix said:
Still, I'm glad Candace is gone. Never liked her, nor her power, and I hope Sylar didn't acquire it.
I liked Candace, she was the consumate liar. I haven't read the down-time comics, and it's actually disappointing to me that the "fat chick" stuff was true. It worked for me as the casual sort of lie I liked Candace for. Michelle was a vapid seductress illusionist and I'm glad she's dead. I only wish that Sylar was dead with her...

I also disliked the "I dragged you from the street" thing. Sure it could have been a lie, sure it explains some things (as illusion would cover it), but it doesn't mesh with the cockroach stuff and such. I wonder if they'll explain how he survived at all.

Claire and West? More snooze. I had to justify Claire putting up with his jerkiness and creepy stalking by realizing that Claire has finally found someone her age she can relate to. Everyone else was older.

I think the show is just trying to show us that the jerk gets the girl, since they are now an "item".

Of course, I guess the thought never occurred to her that her dad could fly, and he can fly...

Not that her dad would have illegitimate children of course...

Incest is best!

Hiro and Kensei were good, and I liked how Ando got worked in (and still has the sword). However, I feel bad for JKL because his character is a regular and he's barely in the show. I guess that's the problem with large ensemble casts.
My only problem with it, is the idea that Hiro's time travel doesn't work as he'd want. Why leave a note for Ando, when he could simply hope forward in time, then back again? WHy doesn't a Future Hiro come back and explain things? Is there a reason Future Hiro doesn't come back to save his father? Is Hiro just a jerk?

Did they really need to waste time with Nikki and Micah this episode? These were scenes that could have been moved to another episode where they were a little more involved. They were nice, but just so meaningless in the context of the episode.
I just found it amusing. "Sorry guy, you were married to a good looking girl. We need her unattached, so you have to die..." "But I'm the only black actor!" "oh, right, one more reason to kil you off..."

Peter was good. I'm not sure I'll have the patience for a rehash of "what am I?" Peter from the first season, but MV sells it pretty good.

I like the Peter storyline well enough, but it sucks that the group is so split up. You get what, 2 minutes of each person before skipping to someone else? We've no clue about his mother, they just dropped that after a phantom attack last episode.

Is it wrong that I'm finding myself uninterested in the "Series of 8" HRG/Mohinder storyline? I mean, it's interesting, but I just don't think they're doing a good job highlighting it. Maybe two elders will get offed in one painting? HRG certainly isn't one of The Nine.

The Elder storyline: Have to wait for more depth.
The paintings: His paintings have been proven fallible, so not a lot of incentive from a viewing standpoint.
The Virus: Do they explain why this is a virus, I wonder? A virus that strikes first Mohinders sister, then Molly, then Haitian? Now, possibly Sylar, though I was originally of the mind that he simply lost his powers when he died...
The Big Bad: The only little girl that can see the guy lives with someone that can read thoughts. Too bad he couldn't see things very well...

My real main problem with Heroes Season Two is the lack of a baseline. We knew the base of first season "normal world". For second season, I'm not sure how the world handled the nuclear blast. I don't know where Nathan's kids are, or if Nathan is a politician of any sort, or anything. They didn't establish the most basic stuff in Episode 1, and it's leading me to a point where I haven't liked any of this season much really.

(Plus, I'd have prefered Hiro to embrace himself as Kensei and display some swordsmanship, rather than continue the charade of Kensei as British)


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F5 said:
IF the twins meet up with Sylar, it could get interesting. Maya has already shown a bit of a dark side. Maybe Sylar corrupts her to the dark side? Convinces her to embrace her powers of death, rather than fear them? It's a power that he probably doesn't want, since it's dependent on another to control, and he knows he can't eat it at this point, so she's probably safe. However, if he has the virus, and Alejandro can cure the virus, then Sylar's dependent on him. You have sort of a 3-way co-dependent relationship going on...may be interesting. Probably will be annoying. We'll see.

What would keep Sylar from killing both them and then controlling the black oil himself.


Hijinks said:
Buh? Ok I must be going even more blind than I am already. I was watching the show on our big-screen and I could have sworn that the heroes symbol tattoo was on the Irish girl's arm, *not* Peter's. I'm going to have to go try to find an ep online so I can slo-mo it. *boggle*

Actually, that's how I remembered it, too. When folks said it was Peter, I just assumed I was wrong.

But at least I know that if I was wrong, I wasn't the only one!


First Post
I like Peter's character, but I still think he and Sylar should have stayed dead. Uber-powers are boring (and if Hiro was any less cool, he'd need to go with them). Joining the chorus that the Latin American twins are boring. Which leaves the Molly/Parkman/Mohinder storyline, Hiro/Kenzai, and the Bennets as the only part worth watching. And wondering when Claire's going to deck West for beeing a creep.


Taelorn76 said:
What would keep Sylar from killing both them and then controlling the black oil himself.
At the moment? Only the fact that he knows he can't get the powers, yet. I think it will turn out that Maya's lack of control isn't just her inexperience, but intrinsic to the power. Ted's radioactivity could get out of control, but it was possible to reign it in through concentration. This seems completely out-of-control, you switch it on and the Black Oil Plague kills whatever it can until someone else (Alejandro) contains it. You can't actually shut it off. I don't think this would appeal to Sylar.

Of course, if eating Alejandro FIRST would let him shut it off himself, maybe absorbing the Oil back in, then they're both toast...

Relique du Madde said:
An incompetent writer.
Well, yeah...or that.

Oh, and as for HRG and the 8th picture? I am confident that, by the time episode 4 airs, he will have a plan. That IS his super power, after all...
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Relique du Madde

F5 said:
Oh, and as for HRG and the 8th picture? I am confident that, by the time episode 4 airs, he will have a plan. That IS his super power, after all...

I'm hoping that the producers are not stupid enough to kill off one of the only compelling non-powered characters this series has. I'm betting that what we are seeing is actually West's corpse covered with an illusion and that the person holding Claire is Sylar.

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