Holler (SWADE) Post-Mortem


If you were to try it again, I would recommend you advertise the subsystems - my absolute favorite part of the system (the Dramatic Task system in particular).
We got the chance to do a Dramatic Task to rescue some miners from a collapse. It ended up feeling gamist and artificial to the players (similar to the D&D 4e Skill Challenge issue). I think that's because it's not well implemented into the rest of the structure of the game. When you are used to games like 5e - with basically no subsystems - it's difficult to take.
In the last session, I ended the final combat (which was dragging on for well over an hour) with a dramatic task for the final round.

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We got the chance to do a Dramatic Task to rescue some miners from a collapse. It ended up feeling gamist and artificial to the players (similar to the D&D 4e Skill Challenge issue).
Dang yeah, it might just be a preference thing. I'm the kind of DM that prefers the "gamist" approach to the "blunt instrument", roll your d20, figure out the math of movement, etc.

For my table, it's just a hype machine. It helps to note that the entire system of Savage Worlds isn't striving for realism - it's striving for cinematic pulp. So you're intended to cut out the boring bits, and just go loud all the time.

But, you know, different strokes for different folks.

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