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Hollow's Last Hope [IC]

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Jared draws his weapon (move action) and waits for the wolves to get nearer. (ready an attack action)

This is the same day as the Hag Hut fight?


First Post

Moving with draconic speed the elf Loricallior darts forward and to the left. He draws on his fire magic and waits for the lupine attackers to enter his field of fire.
[sblock=Loricallior Action]Move 10' to T13 and readies attack with breath weapon[/sblock]
Hakkara sets her teeth. "Dare they stalk us, dare they strike? Taste my blade!" Her sword drawn and ready, the barbarian sword-maiden awaits.
[sblock=Hakkara Action]Ready attack vs. wolves[/sblock]
Jared draws his weapon and waits for the wolves to get nearer.
[sblock=Jared Action]Draws morningstar and readies an attack[/sblock]
The party stands ready to defend themselves as the wolves, howling loudly, charge! The first wolf bounds like the wind across the grassy hillock. Loricallior greets it with a jet of flame from his open mouth, but the wolf is merely singed, and continues unerringly for the closest target. Leaping at Cyryn, the snarling beast closes its jaws horribly on the rogue's neck and face, ripping through flesh and bone. Cyryn reels, bleeding very badly, but somehow remains standing despite the horrific wound.
[sblock=Wolf #1 Action]Charge Action (90' Move) to attack Cyryn. Loricallior uses readies action, breathes fire. Wolf #1 REF save succeeds, takes 2 damage. Wolf attacks Cyryn, hits with bite for 7 damage(!) disabling the rogue.
Wolf #1 Reflex Save (1d20+x=17) succeeds
Loricallior fire breath, half damage (1d3=2)
Wolf attacks Cyryn, charging (1d20+x=18) Hits!
Wolf #1 bite damage (1d6+1=7)Cyryn is disabled...again![/sblock]
The second wolf follows after its packmate, its howling echoing through the dim twilight. Sensing blood on the wind, the wolf charges also for the closest prey...Cyryn! This second wolf leaps at the wounded rogue, jaws snapping! Cyryn crumples to the ground under the force of the savage wolf's weight, his life blood glistening under the light of the newly risen moon. His life surely hangs in the balance, as the wolves bite and tear at his unmoving form.
[sblock=Wolf #2 Action]Charges Cyryn, move of 85 feet. Attacks with bite, hitting for
Wolf #2 attacks Cyryn, charging (1d20+5=17) Hits!
Wolf #2 bite damage vs. Cyryn (1d6+1=6) Cyryn falls to -6 hp, dying![/sblock]
Initiative and Status
18: Hakkara (11/14 hp)
14: Jared (9/9 hp)
12: Loricallior (12/12 hp)
12: Wolf #1 (-2 hp)(-2 AC from charge)
12: Wolf #2 (-2 AC from charge)
8: Cyryn (-6/7 hp, Dying)
8: Jebbo (8/8 hp)

OOC: Azgulor, I'm sorry for your luck, man! Two straight fights where Cyryn goes down early. Well, Jebbo is up next, and then back to the top with round 2, so I'll look for actions for Loricallior, Hakkara, and Jared as well.

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Loricallior moves forward a step then turns and a line of fire lashes out licking over both wolves.

ooc Move to S14 and blast a 30' line to catch both wolves.


Seeing Cyryn fall, Hakkara flies into a fury, recalling the spirits of her feral ancestors, friends of the wolf -- but not these wolves!

"Foul cur," she cries out. "You'll not last a moment longer. No mercy!"

Her sword flashes at the wolves, seeking blood.

[sblock= Hakkara, Round Two]Hakkara takes a 5ft step forward and enters a rage. She uses her attacks to swipe once at each wolf.

1. Full Round Attack (Bastard Sword): 1d20+3=20, 1d20+3=20 - HEY THE SAME ROLL TWICE! :D :D
2. Damage Rolls (if necessary): 1d10+6=13, 1d10+6=13 - WEIRD!

NOTE: Hakkara's AC is 18 while in rage.[/sblock]


First Post
Jebbo looks on in horror as the wolves pounce onto and begin tearing apart his friend. Shocked for a moment, tears welling up in his eyes, he stands in shock, glancing towards Jared, expecting that he will know what to do.

[sblock=OOC]OK, this is a critical situation, everybody. We seriously need to discuss this for a moment, since we do NOT want to lose Cyryn (and might I suggest that Cyryn try the vanguard from now on?). If need be, I can try a crapshoot Heal check, since Jared is out of spells. Now, Jared, you REALLY might want to consider spontaneously converting one of your 0-level spells to Heal Minor Wounds, just to stop the bleeding, or at least make a Heal check to stop the bleeding. I'm not sure if the wolves will back off, we can only hope that they do... We need to appear as dangerous as possible so these guys might leave Cyryn down and alone and attack one of us instead. Hakkara, I think that that's where you come in.

Regardless, I'm going to delay initiative until after Jared, since if, for whatever reason, something goes wrong and Cyryn isn't stabilized, I'm going to go in there and try first aid. We'll get you out of this, Cyryn.

Now, if Cyryn is stabilized because of a Cure Minor Wounds, then I'll take a five-foot step to U10, draw daggers and throw one of them at Wolf #1. I REALLY hope that you don't assign that -4 penalty for throwing into melee. Cyryn isn't threatening the wolves, but I guess it depends on if they're still focused on him. I'll snap to my senses, start yelling furiously at the wolves and let fly.

If Cyryn is not stabilized (for whatever reason), then it's time for a last-ditch effort - I'll go in for a Heal check. Jared, if you attempt a Heal check instead of CMW, then I'll Aid Another on the check, also in U10, then I'll draw daggers. Good luck, Cyryn.[/sblock]


Jared knelt and prayed to his Goddess to save his ally's life.

[sblock=ooc]These encounters are becoming familiar. Cyryn gets hurt Hakkara kicks @$$. ;)
Full Round action to cure minor wounds. I think that cures 2 HP with my Augmented Healing Feat. (zero level spells are counted as half a level for such things?)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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