D&D (2024) Homebrew: New ability for Rangers; Rapid attack, it is fueled by spell slots, but adding more martial flavor to ranger.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
I like this concept, but would need to tone it down a little bit.

Make it cost a Bonus Action (maybe?)
Limit it to a 2nd level spell slot (as it is micro Haste)?

Have it more explicitly work like micro Haste, granting an additional Attack Action?

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I would rather the Ranger spend slots to do other martial things not extra attacks. That is a fighter thing. Lean into something rangery
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That's a backhanded way of saying you don't like OP's idea.
No, it isn’t. I don’t criticize others’ house rules. I don’t know what’s going on at another table, or what style of play a group prefers. Why then would I be bothered by someone’s house rules?

Official rules? That’s a different story, as bad rules mean more work for me at my own table.


You could always put a sort of cap on it. Spell levels 1-2 grant +1 attack, spell levels 3-4 grant +2 attacks, spell level 5+ grant +3 attacks.
If it was a magic action, it wouldn't stack with extra attack or action surge or two weapon fighting. That effectively level gates it and places a harder daily limit and a lower potential limit on the number of attacks.

Is spending a 5th level spell for 4 attacks twice per day good resource management?
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It's not a bad idea in theory. But in practice I see two issues:
1) Sharpshooter/Great Weapon Master. These two feats make these features incredibly broken when they are already some of the best feats in the game. Sharpshooter especially as it is easily the worse of the two and Rangers are well known for using bows.

2) Mechanics aside, I'd worry this might make the Ranger tedious to play for both the player and the rest of the party. Imagine sitting at a table playing with a necromancer or shepherd druid and they ask every freaking round "alright, what do I add to my roll again?" and the group all groans inwardly knowing full well they've got like 17 more attacks to resolve. What makes you thing such a ranger would be any different?


It's not a bad idea in theory. But in practice I see two issues:
1) Sharpshooter/Great Weapon Master. These two feats make these features incredibly broken when they are already some of the best feats in the game. Sharpshooter especially as it is easily the worse of the two and Rangers are well known for using bows.
Those 2 are already solved for 2024 with -5/+10 part removed.

2) Mechanics aside, I'd worry this might make the Ranger tedious to play for both the player and the rest of the party. Imagine sitting at a table playing with a necromancer or shepherd druid and they ask every freaking round "alright, what do I add to my roll again?" and the group all groans inwardly knowing full well they've got like 17 more attacks to resolve. What makes you thing such a ranger would be any different?
That is not the the GAME problem, that is the PLAYER problem.
Everyone should know what their character can and cannot do, especially when you get to those levels where this feature will give you 3+ extra attacks per Attack action.
In short, L2P.

Those 2 are already solved for 2024 with -5/+10 part removed.

That is not the the GAME problem, that is the PLAYER problem.
Everyone should know what their character can and cannot do, especially when you get to those levels where this feature will give you 3+ extra attacks per Attack action.
In short, L2P.
Getting 5x your proficiency modifier to damage in a single turn thanks to great weapon master (I'm talking about the new version) is not "fixed", and that is before taking into account the plethora of magic items, spells, or other features that grant extra damage dice on every Attack.

Nor does this feature also consider implications like how this would effect grapples, shoves, or trips (all of which use the Attack action)

As for players not knowing their abilities. I agree with you, it's a player problem. But you know what also helps with that? Having a game that doesn't have certain character builds that involve making an absurd number of attacks every round in a game where action economy is the most valuable resource. Playing a character who can have a 20+ minute turn shouldn't be possible.


Getting 5x your proficiency modifier to damage in a single turn thanks to great weapon master (I'm talking about the new version) is not "fixed", and that is before taking into account the plethora of magic items, spells, or other features that grant extra damage dice on every Attack.
prof bonus is ONCE per turn so that is again a non-issue.
Most bonuses to attack damage is also once per turn.
Nor does this feature also consider implications like how this would effect grapples, shoves, or trips (all of which use the Attack action)
Sure, can be limited to extra weapon attacks only. And with the same weapon to speed up the play.
As for players not knowing their abilities. I agree with you, it's a player problem. But you know what also helps with that? Having a game that doesn't have certain character builds that involve making an absurd number of attacks every round in a game where action economy is the most valuable resource. Playing a character who can have a 20+ minute turn shouldn't be possible.
If you can remember your attack modifier, then it's irrelevant if it's 2 or 7 attacks.

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