D&D 5E Hopes for the 5E Fighter


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First off, I want to say that the following comes from the perspective of someone who has grown estranged from 4E and doesn't like Pathfinder. I started with 3E and grew dissatisfied with its many flaws, but neither of its replacements really suited me. I loved a lot of both the core ideas of 3E and many of the ideas implemented in its later books like the Tome of Battle, and the 5E announcement is giving me some hope that I might be able to play an improved version of that someday. So, to take advantage of this newfound spirit of inclusiveness, reconciliation, and player feedback WotC is promoting, I may as well offer my two cents.

To state it crudely, I hope 5E doesn't have a Fighter class. Or rather, I hope it doesn't repeat the mistakes of some older editions and try to create a single class that is somehow supposed to embody all the concepts of "a skilled warrior who fights without the aid of magic". All that does is create a generic, flavorless chimera of a class that inhibits the development of more interesting class concepts. I like seeing all kinds of different warrior variants. Heavily armored knights, archers, swordmasters who forego the use of armor, lightly armored cavaliers, etc. I hope 5E's rules leave room for all of these kinds of concepts and let different character types shine.

I also hope that 5E continues some of the good ideas from the Tome of Battle and 4E by letting such non-magical characters still perform impressive feats and use advanced combat techniques. Of course, the exact implementation could certainly be improved upon. For all kinds of reasons I'm not a fan of the extensive class-specific power lists that defined 4E. If nothing else, a broader separation between class features and powers would be nice, and creating class-independent fighting powers similar to 3E's arcane and divine spell lists could be really interesting.

I'd also like to see a broader range of magical warrior concepts be available in the game. This is one area where 4E's strict Power Source system failed, and even 3E was only partially successful. Similarly, it would be nice to see a variety of "not magical, but still supernatural" character concepts like the 3E Monk was or what the 4E Ki Power Source could have been (I'll admit it, WotC's announcement that the Monk was Psionic and the Ki Power Source was scrapped was the moment I realized 4E was drifting away from what I wanted it to be).

One final thing I would like to see is a good and simple set of rules for mounts and mounted combat that lets mounts serve an important role in the game. Older editions seem to have always marginalized such rules based on the idea that mounts don't belong in a dungeon, but if 5E really wants to let people play the way they want to play, it needs to move past that kind of thinking. 3E's Ride Skill system added a ton of extra die rolls and complexity for very little effect, and 4E's wasn't that much better. Some system where mounted characters had unique advantages and disadvantages (and maybe a dedicated Cavalier class) without significant complexity would be ideal.

Anyone else have some thoughts on the subject? Subjects? I think I rambled on a bit there...

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I'd like to see something similar to Trailblazer's combat reactions; something that makes a martial character faster and better at high levels.

I want to see flexible and usable combat maneuvers like PF or TB.

I want to see a fighter class or classes that fully cover a wide variety of fighting styles. I'd rather see the default fighter (heavily armored melee character) return, with variant classes for lightly armored, fast fighters, archers, and others.

I want to see tougher, more realistic damage and fatigue mechanics that let the fighter shine.

I want to see a fighter class that starts simple and remains feasible for beginners, casual gamers, and others who don't like the complexity of selecting a bunch of things. I also want to see a class that lets people take complex options at higher levels if they really want to.

I don't want to see anything that gives even a whiff of the supernatural to the fighter (he can multiclass or learn rituals, but I don't want it built in(. I don't want to see any kind of per-day mechanics for the fighter (or anyone, but especially the fighter).


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I want the 5E fighter to contribute at all levels, like they did in 4E, but not in 3.5.

I really do not think we need a fighter class exactly, unless somehow the world is 8% fighters with weapons and 20% everything esle.


I want an old school simplified damage dealing fighter as an option for those who like such things.

But for me, I prefer cinematic LotR moments like Legolas single-handedly taking out the Oliphants and its riders and then riding it down as it falls. And I want to be able to do that at Heroic Tier without having to make a series of difficult skill checks either.

I want powers and Tome of Battle style maneuvers to be an option for those like me who want more cinematic heroics. I'm cool with superhuman wuxia/anime style awesome-ness. Bring it on! :)

I'll pass on the death spiral and fatigue mechanics. No thanks on the "gritty" stuff. I get enough drudgery in real life. In the game, I want to be a BIG DAMN HERO! :)


I don't want to really see the fighter using supernatural wuxia-like moves. At the same time, they should still be able to hold their own and contribute to the group.

Give me a fighter who can fight like one of the 300 or Captain America, Robin Hood, William Wallace, Conan, King Arthur or the like. I don't want them to be like Neo and his gang (impressive yes, but not the default fighter).

Have the wizard screaming "Why...won't...you...die!" as he deflects, dodges or pushes through spells and keeps coming after his foe.


First Post
I don't want to really see the fighter using supernatural wuxia-like moves. At the same time, they should still be able to hold their own and contribute to the group.

Give me a fighter who can fight like one of the 300 or Captain America, Robin Hood, William Wallace, Conan, King Arthur or the like. I don't want them to be like Neo and his gang (impressive yes, but not the default fighter).

Have the wizard screaming "Why...won't...you...die!" as he deflects, dodges or pushes through spells and keeps coming after his foe.
XP is still off, but that's a good description of why you'd want to play a fighter.

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