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How do you organise playing different RPGs?


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Well, the groups I'm playing with meet at most once a month, so it's not particularly difficult for me to find time for both. We rarely have scheduling conflicts.

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Majoru Oakheart

As the person who made the comment about having to quit playing D&D Next in order to play Numenera I can tell you what our situation is:

I was running a D&D Next game weekly on Saturdays and that was the only game I was playing in. One of my players really wanted to try DMing so he started a game once a month on Sundays.

His game concluded and he asked me if he could run more often as he felt there was just too much time between sessions so we agreed to do every second Saturday for each of our games.

Now that my D&D Next playtest reached its logical conclusion 2 weeks ago, I've decided to turn my game into a Numenera game and see how fun it is.

Although, my original group that introduced me to RPGs 20 years ago used to play weekly, but we'd play from noon until 2-4 am every saturday. We had about 15 different games running at once and each eek we'd vote on which game to play. If we got bored of a game or if the DM ran out of stuff planned, we'd just vote again and switch to another game.

It was difficult to keep track of sometimes but I really enjoyed it. Not only because I wish we could play that long in a session still, but because I was happy to play such a variety of systems. Now it's difficult to convince my group to stay for even a 4 hour session and the suggestion that we play a different game is met with stares of incredulity.


The group I have been a part of for about a year meets weekly for one campaign. We meet every Saturday around 4:30, game runs from 5:30 to 10:30. Most campaigns run about 8 months to around 1.5 years. Then the group votes on the pitched games. When someone's campaign us up, they have to wait until two campaigns have been run to pitch again- this lets everyone get a chance to run when they want, and take all the time they need to prep a game ahead of time.

The group has 7 members, and it seems everyone has a different favored system. Although, D&D 3.5 (now pathfinder) is really popular. Three GMs have shared homebrew setting featuring spelljammers, Krynn, Greyhawk, and Forgotten Realms, plus WoW stuff and every other bit of fantasy genre they get their hands on. This bleeds into other games where Dresden Files includes Percy Jackson, Highlander, and Buffy material notably featured in the powerful groups.

My only real complain about this group's playstyle is the kitchen sink approach. Every game gets loads of houserules and splatbooks which is a problem when someone is trying to learn a new system, or just make a character.

With so many GMs I'm hoping to be able to get some to play more often and have a smaller group meet up on a different day (maybe Fridays since my school doesn't have grad classes then) to play more games get more burdensome with large groups or just are an ill fit (like Burning Wheel).


First Post
In my groups it only works with a schedule. I have two every-14-days groups - Castles & Crusades and Call Of Cthulhu - and two every-4-weeks groups Traveller Tripwire and Traveller Skyraiders. We play usually wed, thu or fri 8pm to midnight - though four times a year we use a long saturday for deadlands :)


I run two 4e D&D games every other week, with entirely different groups. I'm in a monthly Shadowrun game, a monthly Mutants & Masterminds Golden Age group (with a rotating GM), a biweekly playtest for my upcoming game TimeWatch, and a biweekly game that plays different indie games. Total evenings of gaming a month: 8-10, depending on cancellations. When that happens, we fit in a D&D Next playtest.

Good lord. I hadn't really written it out like that before.

And honestly, if I weren't playtesting I'd cut out two of those games. The trick is having predictable scheduling.


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I run a once a month Shadowrun game, sometimes play or run in a once a month Golden Age supers game, run a weekly Pathfinder game (or play in something - we trade off GM duties) and run another weekly game; formerly M&M WWII supers, starting Eberron campaign next week.

The two weekly games, unfortunately, have been the least dependable. Only hitting abot 50% of those lately.


First Post
We play in one Pathfinder game, and I run a solo D6 game. We're about to start another Pathfinder game to teach some coworkers the rules. Other than that, we do board games with different groups of people on weekends. I would love to have more organized games, though.

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