D&D 5E How Does A Fighter Deal With Falling In Battle?


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Guys, I need some help. I'm a fighter. I'm tough. I've got 145 hp and fixing to have +11 to hit. Tonight I had 3 battles and was downed for the majority of 2 of them because I was doing my job (and my best). We got out alive and successful, but JEEZ man, I was mad. I'm still kinda mad. How do you deal with feeling that useless? How do you deal with knowing that your one job was to go in, deal massive damage and gain attention and just fall down before the fight's even half over? Anyone got some comforting/inspiring words there?

It's not the healer's fault, btw. She ran out of spell slots. This was an INTENSE battle.

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I mostly deal with it by buying a half-dozen healing potions and reminding my party that I'm better off with 4 hp than with 0. ;)

If you're group's letting you drop and not hauling you back up on the regular, there are *probably* better tactics they could be using. Healing potions and the Dodge action are all great resources to avoid that.

If it just happens once or twice, well, c'est le vive. Some days you're the windshield, some days you're the bug. :) I tend to think of my next character when my current one is in a bad state, maybe even begin whipping it up. Nothing takes the sting out of dying more than having a new character you're excited about playing!

You may need to rethink your tactics. The Fighter is good in many different combat situations, but Barbarians are the tanks. If the damage coming your way is getting too hot to handle, consider dropping your greatsword and grabbing your shield, or even just dodging.

Remember, if the enemy is already in a position where they're better off hitting you than anyone else, you don't actually need more of their attention. You've got it. Instead, consider dodging, or even trying to knock the enemy prone and action surge disengage.

The best way to start a fight is to bring your own party favors. Denying ground to the enemy with caltrops, bottles of lamp oil and of course, rope! is a cheap opening move with AoE benefits that helps you create chokepoints where there are none, allowing you to sit back and dodge until it's time to open up a can of whoopass.

Of course, if you need to both take and do all the damage, then maybe it's time to question your parties tactics, rather than your own.

I get rid of my fighter and make a paladin. Paladins are in almost every way better than fighters. I thought fighters were doing ok when we first started 5E. They are perhaps better off than in 3E/Pathfinder. Fighters still pale in comparison to paladins. The only reason the paladin in our group looked bad was because the player was playing the paladin poorly. When watching a well played paladin versus a well played fighter, it's not even a contest.

By....falling? And dreaming bad thoughts about the enemy?

Perhaps not helpful :) Once you have the enemies' attention, sometimes taking the dodge action will...let you dodge some more a little longer as your allies safely pepper the enemy from behind your metal-clad exterior.

I get rid of my fighter and make a paladin. Paladins are in almost every way better than fighters. I thought fighters were doing ok when we first started 5E. They are perhaps better off than in 3E/Pathfinder. Fighters still pale in comparison to paladins. The only reason the paladin in our group looked bad was because the player was playing the paladin poorly. When watching a well played paladin versus a well played fighter, it's not even a contest.

What makes the Paladin better? Is it fixable?

I've only fallen in battle once in my current campaign, and that was about 3-4 levels ago (Currently level 6). I deal with it by not getting into a position where that happens but if it does I just remember that it can and will happen, it's not the end of the world. As a Fighter you should play up their flexibility in terms of weapons you can use since they can use everything unless your DM also puts exotic weapons in the campaign but I digress. Additionally better tactics would help you out, and if your DM allows feats Mobile is amazing for a melee orientated Fighter (It's quite underrated but it really does help, at least ime). If feats are not allowed then you need to discuss better battle plans with your party, a well thought out plan trumps just rushing in there and going ham.

Guys, I need some help. I'm a fighter. I'm tough. I've got 145 hp and fixing to have +11 to hit. Tonight I had 3 battles and was downed for the majority of 2 of them because I was doing my job (and my best). We got out alive and successful, but JEEZ man, I was mad. I'm still kinda mad. How do you deal with feeling that useless? How do you deal with knowing that your one job was to go in, deal massive damage and gain attention and just fall down before the fight's even half over? Anyone got some comforting/inspiring words there?

It's not the healer's fault, btw. She ran out of spell slots. This was an INTENSE battle.

What's your AC?

18. I use a magic hammer that does 2d6+1d8+5 so I've sacrificed defense for damage. Normally, I'm fine. But I just get really mad when I'm knocked out in like...2 turns like last time. I got paralyzed turn one and knocked out by turn three because every attack from 5 feet in front of you is a crit and I got hit with 2 of those like 8 d10 damage.

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