First Post
Guys, I need some help. I'm a fighter. I'm tough. I've got 145 hp and fixing to have +11 to hit. Tonight I had 3 battles and was downed for the majority of 2 of them because I was doing my job (and my best). We got out alive and successful, but JEEZ man, I was mad. I'm still kinda mad. How do you deal with feeling that useless? How do you deal with knowing that your one job was to go in, deal massive damage and gain attention and just fall down before the fight's even half over? Anyone got some comforting/inspiring words there?
It's not the healer's fault, btw. She ran out of spell slots. This was an INTENSE battle.
It's not the healer's fault, btw. She ran out of spell slots. This was an INTENSE battle.