D&D (2024) How Does Greyhawk Fit In To The New Edition?

Dungeon Master’s Guide contains a sample setting—and that setting is, indeed, Greyhawk.


According to Game Informer — “the surprising importance and inclusions of what is arguably the oldest D&D campaign setting of them all – Greyhawk.”

So how does Greyhawk fit in? According to GI, the new 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide contains a sample setting—and that setting is, indeed, Greyhawk. Not only that, but the book will come with a double-sided poster map with the City of Greyhawk on one side and the Flannaes on the other—the eastern part of one of Oerth’s four continents.

Even as the multiverse of D&D worlds sees increased attention, the Dungeon Master's Guide also offers a more discrete setting to get gaming groups started. After very few official releases in the last couple of decades, the world of Greyhawk takes center stage. The book fleshes out Greyhawk to illustrate how to create campaign settings of your own. Greyhawk was the original D&D game world crafted by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax, and a worthy setting to revisit on the occassion of D&D's golden anniversary. It's a world bristling with classic sword and sorcery concepts, from an intrigue-laden central city to wide tracts of uncharted wilderness. Compared to many D&D campaign settings, it's smaller and less fleshed out, and that's sort of the point; it begs for DMs to make it their own. The book offers ample info to bring Greyhawk to life but leaves much undetailed. For those eager to take the plunge, an included poster map of the Greyhawk setting sets the tone, and its reverse reveals a map of the city of the same name. "A big draw to Greyhawk is it's the origin place for such heroes as Mordenkainen, Tasha, and others," Perkins says. "There's this idea that the players in your campaign can be the next great world-hopping, spell-crafting heroes of D&D. It is the campaign where heroes are born."
- Game Informer​


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Community Supporter
I remember reading those books...
I actually photocopied the Sagard maps, blew them up, and then tried to tape them to my existing Greyhawk map. It was a hopeless endeavor (Sagard's adventures are Conan-style "prehistoric" era Greyhawk), but I was convinced I'd stumbled onto some forgotten Greyhawk lore that nobody knew about (because the books were uh...not great).


Getting lost in fantasy maps
I will never for the life of me understand Greyhawk fans.

You want the setting to come back, but you don't want ANY changes to the setting, NOTHING new. What do you want? Them to copy and paste the exact text from 2E books, same art of course since yall usually get mad over new art, and then put it into a new book with "5E" on the logo????????

I've never understood the inability to embrace change to an IP. Evolve the idea, play with it, and if you don't like it you have all the old stuff still remaining.
Definitive long time Greyhawk fan here (you might guess from my name)

I am excited for a fresh take. A take that brings in everything the PHB2024 offers. A new take that makes “Greyhawk-frozen-in-amber” rage. A take that generates rants that there is a conspiracy to ruin the childhoods old timers.

I get excited reading about everyone’s different variants of Greyhawk! I loved the 80s box. I loved the hard cover. I love From the Ashes. I love The Adventure Begins era. I love LGG (helped run the Shield Lands region). I love the Paizo-hawk era.

In my opinion, new takes on Greyhawk are the whole point of Greyhawk. New takes can never affect your love of what you fell in love with.

Per the full magazine article, Greyhawk is the sample Setting in Chapter 9 of the DMG, and the DMG will come with a poster map that has a map of the Flannaes on one side and a map of the City of Greyhawk on the other side.
I'm not at all surprised, just disappointed.

As I've pointed out in previous threads many times, WotC has consistently shown, for the whole time they've owned the D&D property, an irrational and fannish obsession with Greyhawk, and have repeatedly tried to "make it happen". To be fair, TSR did the same thing. In both cases, it just failed and failed because fundamentally, Greyhawk is one of the worst and most boring D&D settings.

No doubt it won't be updated meaningfully either, because it's nostalgia nonsense and trying to "bring back" something rather than an astute rational analysis that now is the time or the like.

I'm not at all surprised, just disappointed.

As I've pointed out in previous threads many times, WotC has consistently shown, for the whole time they've owned the D&D property, an irrational and fannish obsession with Greyhawk, and have repeatedly tried to "make it happen". To be fair, TSR did the same thing. In both cases, it just failed and failed because fundamentally, Greyhawk is one of the worst and most boring D&D settings.

No doubt it won't be updated meaningfully either, because it's nostalgia nonsense and trying to "bring back" something rather than an astute rational analysis that now is the time or the like.
Since they are using it as a bare-bones sample, "boring" is precisely what they are going for here.


Book-Friend, he/him
I'm not at all surprised, just disappointed.

As I've pointed out in previous threads many times, WotC has consistently shown, for the whole time they've owned the D&D property, an irrational and fannish obsession with Greyhawk, and have repeatedly tried to "make it happen". To be fair, TSR did the same thing. In both cases, it just failed and failed because fundamentally, Greyhawk is one of the worst and most boring D&D settings.

No doubt it won't be updated meaningfully either, because it's nostalgia nonsense and trying to "bring back" something rather than an astute rational analysis that now is the time or the like.
It's a generic example, so being generic is fit to purpose.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I will never for the life of me understand Greyhawk fans.

You want the setting to come back, but you don't want ANY changes to the setting, NOTHING new. What do you want? Them to copy and paste the exact text from 2E books, same art of course since yall usually get mad over new art, and then put it into a new book with "5E" on the logo????????

I've never understood the inability to embrace change to an IP. Evolve the idea, play with it, and if you don't like it you have all the old stuff still remaining.
I am a Greyhawk fan and I want new stuff for it.

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