The question is here, my friend told me “in RAW oil can produce 5 fire damage EVERYTIME your fire damage dealt,” but I think the sentence “If ... takes any fire damage, ... takes an...” is about “ONCE in the duration.”If the target takes any fire damage before the oil dries (after 1 minute), the target takes an additional 5 fire damage from the burning oil.
I've seen 2024's words, and it's absolutely the same as the 2014's words.
So... Who is correct? Everytime+5? Or Once+5? Or Neither?
BTW, +5 every time is IMBA in my opinion. The flask of oil is an mundane object that costs only 1sp. And both the Hex spell and the Hunter's Mark spell use the word “whenever” to figured “them function every time”, but the flask of oil isn't using that word.
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