How happy are you with your table/group?

How happy are you with your table/group?

  • Very satisfied

    Votes: 31 45.6%
  • Satisfied

    Votes: 22 32.4%
  • Somewhat satisfied

    Votes: 7 10.3%
  • Neutral

    Votes: 3 4.4%
  • Somewhat unsatisfied

    Votes: 4 5.9%
  • Unsatisfied

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Very unsatisfied

    Votes: 0 0.0%

I'm between games at the moment, but all four of the last groups left me satisfied with the table. The rules, not quite so much over time hence "between games", and for one group things ended as half the table graduated and moved away which just happens with college students. Even grads leave eventually - usually. :)

Not counting the any of the one-shot demo stuff I've been involved in over the same period. Literally, I can't remember how many there were. None were actually bad tables, and a few led to new people joining the four "real" games, so that's a win in my book.

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I like the guys in my group. We've been playing for about 8 years now. Sometimes the pace of the game gets slow, and one player spends way too much time roleplaying (IMO), which takes away from combat and exploration.
Would you call this someone taking more than their fair share of time in the spotlight for roleplaying, or is it the simple act of roleplaying (acting) at all?
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Long-time D&D group. Includes family, friends, and some of our kids.

Satisfied. There’s an obvious generation gap in styles. The older players just get on with their turn while the younger ones try to meticulously describe all their actions, no matter how irrelevant. It’s almost like they take the idea of “spotlight time” too literally and try to strike a pose with every action. Most of us are laid-back casual players but one older player is a hardcore min-max power gaming munchkin.
So this might be a clash in mix of experience/age/style?

I have been playing with the same group of players since I started playing 5e three years ago. So I am satisfied with my table group. :) We have one player whose characters who all come from the same family, and who the other members of the party look up to as the party's leader. In the two adventures I've played in, Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus and Tyranny of Dragons, this player's characters weren't elected into the role. Everyone else just gravitated toward the idea of seeing his characters being the party leader. The player and his characters are that likeable. ;) Also when it comes to splitting up the party for side missions, I often find my characters working alongside his. :)
My group has another player who likes homebrewing up psionic character classes for himself to play in our adventures. This player has played as a teleporter, an eccentric pre-cog, and as a thieving psychic.

So it's been a rather interesting three years of role-playing in 5e for me. :)


So outside/real world issues making their way into the game time?
Yes, unfortunately. Usually it’s little things like who does what chore or what they’re bickering over lately and how on earth that matters to my game I’ll never know or care. They both also can’t get out of their own way to roleplay their characters and instead roleplay themselves with all the baggage that entails.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I have roughly an extended group that I've been slowing bringing together from other groups, where games I run/play are made up of subsets of them. I am very satisfied with this group. It's basically a curated group of all the people we like to play with and/or run for, with multiple GMs in the mix.

I also am running a Vaesen (19th century Scandinavian folklore horror/mystery) for my kids, niece and nephew. This is the third campaign I ran for them, starting with a several year D&D 5e "teaching" campaign and a year+ Masks: A New Generation teen superteam game. I am very satisfied with the group, but a bit unsatisfied with the scheduling. My niece is in college, my nephew is a senior in high school but with an unholy list of extra-curriculars (mechanical head of robotics team, marching band, jazz band, track, another band I forget, plus is a boy scout and in several AP courses with lots of homework), and my kids have their own schedules. Every other game we've played in person, but this one we're trying online.


B/X Known World
So this might be a clash in mix of experience/age/style?
It absolutely is.

Everyone but the power gamer is casual, so clash of play styles.

The older gamers know time is limited and we need to get on with the game so put the group first. Whereas the younger gamers know that when it's their turn it's their time to shine and will hold that spotlight as much as possible and milk it for everything they can. They're putting themselves ahead of the group, so clash of experience, age, and style.

It absolutely is.

Everyone but the power gamer is casual, so clash of play styles.

The older gamers know time is limited and we need to get on with the game so put the group first. Whereas the younger gamers know that when it's their turn it's their time to shine and will hold that spotlight as much as possible and milk it for everything they can. They're putting themselves ahead of the group, so clash of experience, age, and style.
I shouldn’t laugh but this does sound amusing. It probably isn’t! 😂

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