How happy are you with your table/group?

How happy are you with your table/group?

  • Very satisfied

    Votes: 31 45.6%
  • Satisfied

    Votes: 22 32.4%
  • Somewhat satisfied

    Votes: 7 10.3%
  • Neutral

    Votes: 3 4.4%
  • Somewhat unsatisfied

    Votes: 4 5.9%
  • Unsatisfied

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Very unsatisfied

    Votes: 0 0.0%


Satisfied. My group has been together since 1992, with a couple changes. Our games are good fun but I really wish they would play more seriously. They go through silly names and things like that which twists my noodle as a GM and fellow player. Then we have one guy who is only interested in role-play and another who only wants to hit things.

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I voted “very satisfied”. While the frequency of our games would have me vote only “satisfied”, that doesn’t appear to be in the intended scope of the poll, so I disregarded it. I have a few quibbles (e.g., players lapsing into bad habits or making baffling decisions), but overall everyone is engaged and having fun.


Very satisfied. I've been playing with them since 2008. Latest addition to our group is my yunger brother. We are also very good and close knit friend group outside of gaming. I couldn't wish for better group of people to enjoy this hobby.

Somewhat unsatisfied. We've been playing together for about 40 years now (heavy 1e through 2e, fell off 3e, skipped 4e, back with 5e for a few years), and I'm realizing I don't want to spend my time playing systems I don't enjoy (5e), and dealing with the same stuff as I get older (i.e. people in my group haven't changed much - and I realize and verbalize that I probably fall into that category too. I'm a work in progress). So I've been trying to get games going using OSE or Beyond the Wall, but to little uptake. I'm trying to find an online OSE group that I can mesh with, because I don't think my current group will, and I'm too old to go to game stores or facebook, or wherever the kids these days find games.

Now, games with my son have been fun, he likes the B/X approach better than 5e, but he's also super busy, so actual game time is limited.


B/X Known World
Somewhat unsatisfied. We've been playing together for about 40 years now (heavy 1e through 2e, fell off 3e, skipped 4e, back with 5e for a few years), and I'm realizing I don't want to spend my time playing systems I don't enjoy (5e), and dealing with the same stuff as I get older (i.e. people in my group haven't changed much - and I realize and verbalize that I probably fall into that category too. I'm a work in progress). So I've been trying to get games going using OSE or Beyond the Wall, but to little uptake. I'm trying to find an online OSE group that I can mesh with, because I don't think my current group will, and I'm too old to go to game stores or facebook, or wherever the kids these days find games.

Now, games with my son have been fun, he likes the B/X approach better than 5e, but he's also super busy, so actual game time is limited.
The Necrotic Gnome fan discord has a good mix of younger and older players looking for games.


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