D&D 4E How hard 4e common core/SRD?

They at least hinted (I wont get into the argument of weather they lied or promised or anything) that older editions would go Core and SRD... 4e is my favorite edition, and even as I see people on here work on alterations and I still have my old old character builder (Until that old laptop crashes for good) I REALLLY want a 4e SRD. How hard do you think itis?'

I imagine they don't want to drop the 3 PHBs + the two essential books whole sale. However you do need the classes and atleast a few powers. How much would they have to scrub to not give away too much?

Second part... if they did do you think we would get a roll20 or foundry set of drop and use powers?

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Just some comments:

1. On the D&D 4E discord you can find a lot of working fanmade digital tools, so even if your laptop crashes you can get for example a character builder again.

2. There are also several fanmade implementations for 4E for virtual tabletops which you can find.

Of course some fanmade tools is not the same as an official SRD. As for an SRD, its not the same, but Orcus the 4E retroclone is quite close to an SRD, although it uses different classes. The base mechanics had sometimes to be renamed but at least for the rules it works as SRD: GitHub - Sanglorian/orcus: Orcus is a retro-clone of 4th Edition

As for an official SRD: What I would want more than that, would be just a good license, which makes it easy to make actual 4E material without jumping through too many hoops. (For me especially for revisions for weaker classes which I made, but which I cant put into any really official or working for, so they only exist on reddit)

On what would be needed for an 4E SRD

  • The basic rules, what is already in the Orcus SRD
  • The 4 core classes from the 1st Essential book up to level 20
  • The base races from the 1st Essential book
  • The feats and paragon paths from the 1st Essential book

At least that would be my guess, that if they make an 4E SRD, they would just make the first Essential book "Heroes of the Fallen Kingdom" into the SRD. It has what you need to basically play and not really more. (No rituals, no character themes, simple useable feats).

I would definitly not expect a d20 or foundry module drop. They really dont care enough about 4E. Several books on Drivethru which could have print by demand dont have it...

I don’t think it would be that hard. The math is solid. There are four classes, really. Defender, striker, leader, and controller. The individual powers are a bit all over, but they follow the same patterns. The monster math is solid from MM3. Feats come in 5-6 varieties. Rituals are a bit more loose. Skill challenges are a worse version of clocks and countdowns.

Considering the 5E warlock is basically the same as the general 4E power structure, you could get most everything you’d need, as a basic framework, from the CC-BY SRD.

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