WotC How much does Hasbro / WotC impact your feelings towards D&D?

How much does Hasbro / WotC impact your feelings towards D&D?

  • 5

    Votes: 62 18.3%
  • 4

    Votes: 28 8.3%
  • 3

    Votes: 52 15.4%
  • 2

    Votes: 61 18.0%
  • 1

    Votes: 135 39.9%

I voted 1. If you'd asked if they affect my buying choices, it'd be a five. But they won't stop me from play the game I've love since childhood. They have no impact on that, only whether I buy new stuff from them.

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Complete impact for me.

Many of the things I see changing in D&D 2024 are things I've wanted to see for decades. But I've not made a return to D&D since leaving it in 2006 because the company is just too toxic and the company refuses to do something as simple as let me get a PDF of it.

Pathfinder 2E has a lot of the changes I want in terms or removing racist / sexist tropes, removing troubling themes, and giving rules I can deep dive into, lots of lore I can enjoy, and a steady supply of adventures. And it does it from a company that cleaned house a few years back and is just a lot less toxic.

D&D 1, no effect I play the D&D we want and we love it. 2024 5e "d&d", a 5, I want absolutely nothing to do with it because wotc has made a "game" that does not appeal to me, nor is marketed towards me, don't like it, don't play it, ok.

I gave it a 3. I like a fair bit of the stuff they did for 2024, but also recognize that there's some very unpleasant stuff coming from the corporate side. I bought the books, but won't buy any secondary products from them (including D&D Beyond).

At the very least, I don't mind buying the books at my local gaming shop, as it's not just Hasbro that benefits there.

D&D 1, no effect I play the D&D we want and we love it. 2024 5e "d&d", a 5, I want absolutely nothing to do with it because wotc has made a "game" that does not appeal to me, nor is marketed towards me, don't like it, don't play it, ok.
How has it changed to make you not want to play it? I am legit curious.

I voted 1. If you'd asked if they affect my buying choices, it'd be a five. But they won't stop me from play the game I've love since childhood. They have no impact on that, only whether I buy new stuff from them.
Feel exactly the same way. I've played D&D from inception to now, and Hasbro isn't the first bunch of chuckles to jam things up - only the latest and largest. But I won't buy another product from them until such time as they get their act together.


A) I rarely, if ever, get to work with DMs who are willing to deviate too much from by-the-book, current-edition D&D,
B) The vast majority of things I see DMs do tends to come from a particularly "RAW only, except the few pet house rules I like" perspective, and
C) This has been true for quite a bit longer than the current edition

The things WotC does as a game-design house affect me rather a lot, and thus affect my view of the product rather a lot.

The fact that they also do things that (usually negatively) affect my view of them is simply icing on the cake. So I voted 4. It's not perfectly deterministic....but it affects my play-experienece a LOT.

1 - I just don't give a ratshit about them. Changes I like I introduce in my games, changes I don't like I don't introduce to my games. They provide some of many sources of inspiration for my TTRPG hobby.

edit: and just in general I try to not let corporations have a grip on my emotions, especially if they are not actively making the world a worse place like idk Nestle or Heckler & Koch or BP for example. I have very negative feelings about corporations like these, but WotC I am like... whatever.
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A) I rarely, if ever, get to work with DMs who are willing to deviate too much from by-the-book, current-edition D&D,
B) The vast majority of things I see DMs do tends to come from a particularly "RAW only, except the few pet house rules I like" perspective, and
C) This has been true for quite a bit longer than the current edition

The things WotC does as a game-design house affect me rather a lot, and thus affect my view of the product rather a lot.

The fact that they also do things that (usually negatively) affect my view of them is simply icing on the cake. So I voted 4. It's not perfectly deterministic....but it affects my play-experienece a LOT.

Out of curiosity and not just based on Ezekiel’s reply, if the poll was how does TSR affect or impact your feelings toward dnd back when they were the stewards of the game, what would people, who were playing back then think? Of like me, just a teenagers, no online stuff other than dragon or dungeon magazine and didn’t know about their internal issues, sueing 3rd party often until years later since we not have social media and the internet to know news pretty quickly. Back then I would have voted a 1 cause I didn’t know anything behind the scenes, now. Just like WoTC I voted a 1, they did some stupid decision making but I still enjoyed the game with friends and that what it comes down too for me.

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