How has it changed to make you not want to play it? I am legit curious.D&D 1, no effect I play the D&D we want and we love it. 2024 5e "d&d", a 5, I want absolutely nothing to do with it because wotc has made a "game" that does not appeal to me, nor is marketed towards me, don't like it, don't play it, ok.
Feel exactly the same way. I've played D&D from inception to now, and Hasbro isn't the first bunch of chuckles to jam things up - only the latest and largest. But I won't buy another product from them until such time as they get their act together.I voted 1. If you'd asked if they affect my buying choices, it'd be a five. But they won't stop me from play the game I've love since childhood. They have no impact on that, only whether I buy new stuff from them.
I finally saw the light.You're preaching to the choir here, Snarf. I was objecting to Riggs' sensationalism before it was cool!
A) I rarely, if ever, get to work with DMs who are willing to deviate too much from by-the-book, current-edition D&D,
B) The vast majority of things I see DMs do tends to come from a particularly "RAW only, except the few pet house rules I like" perspective, and
C) This has been true for quite a bit longer than the current edition
The things WotC does as a game-design house affect me rather a lot, and thus affect my view of the product rather a lot.
The fact that they also do things that (usually negatively) affect my view of them is simply icing on the cake. So I voted 4. It's not perfectly deterministic....but it affects my play-experienece a LOT.