How old is your gaming group?

How old is your gaming group

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Three of us, the core of my local group, formed in 1979 in a different city in another province. Like so many Canadians, we moved as young adults to Toronto and continued to game with those we gamed with in high school.

Others have over the course of years joined the current core. The entirety of the local group has been together since ca. 1993.

Accordingly, I answered 31+.


First Post
Three of our current five players have been together 16 years. One is fairly new (2-3 years). The other was 1 when this group got together and started watching about age 6-7 and playing a little after that with some help from his dad. We've had other players come and go, some for just a campaign or less (they didn't work out) others who moved on when they left the area. One of three longtimers actually goes back with me 22 years.
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