D&D (2024) How should the Psion/Mystic be implemented in 1DnD?

this could be interesting, and would allow for a short rest recharge of power pts.

from levels 2-11 you have 2 slots of the highest level you can cast that always recharge, what does that look like in mana?
if they cost 1 per level
2 1st level spells is 2
2 2nd level spells is 4
2 3rd level spells is 6
2 4th level spells is 8
2 5th level spells is 10
you can track that to level and say you start every day with your level (to a max of 11) in power pts and you regain them on a short or long rest, you can spend them on any power you know.
starting at level 12 that gets problematic though
Why 2 4 6 8 10 rather than have the cost and 1 2 3 4 5?
However, the short-rest spell point refresh is so excellent. So mechanically balanced. So simple. So intuitive. So narratively appropriate. The spell points are so much better, it is worth having the Players Handbook.

Indeed, now wish all the full caster classes − Wizard, Bard, Druid, Cleric, Warlock, Sorcerer − would use the short-rest spell points instead! It is so much better.
The big problem with power point systems is how spamtastic they get, especially in combat. There are normally optimal spells that you just cast again and again. Eldritch Blast is fine - but limited resource versions make the game less interesting because those are your shining moments and shouldn't be all the same. And short rests don't really work in 5e.

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Why 2 4 6 8 10 rather than have the cost and 1 2 3 4 5?
To be clear. A level 1 Psion has 2 points. A level 20 Psion has 21 points.

A slot 1 spell like Magic Missile costs 1 point.

A slot 9 spell like Wish costs 9 points.

And of course, the highest slot possible equals (level+1)/2. A level 10 Psion can only cast spells of slots upto 5 points like Telekinesis, namely = (10+1)/2 round down − so Wish remains uncastable until the highest tier.

The big problem with power point systems is how spamtastic they get, especially in combat.
Keeping the spell point pool small means, most of the time, one can only cast two highest level spells before needing to rest. At higher levels, one tends to reserve spell points in case of soon-to-come combat encounters before a rest becomes possible.

When advancing to higher class levels, to spam lower level spells is a reasonable choice but to cast a couple of higher level spells is also a reasonable choice.

The small short-rest point pool is self-balancing.

There are normally optimal spells that you just cast again and again. Eldritch Blast is fine - but limited resource versions make the game less interesting because those are your shining moments and shouldn't be all the same.
That narrowness is because of the spells themselves. If the 5e spells themselves are imbalanced, so that in the same slot one spell is strictly better than other spells, it isnt the players fault for choosing the better spell. The problem is the 5e design.

The 5e spells are in need of a drastic overhaul, to calibrate all of the spells so that every spell is roughly comparable in value and usefulness to the other spells in the same spell slot.

Hopefully, by the time the Psion becomes a class, all of the spells in 5e will balance better with each other.

And short rests don't really work in 5e.
Short rests work well with spell points.
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  1. A Psionic Spell list
  2. A Psion class that is an Int Based Full Caster uses Psi Points by default with unique features
    1. Augmentation: Psions can augment select cantrips with Psi Points. Augmentation is part of the psion class and cannot be snagged by wizards or other spellcasters
    2. Talent: Talents are nonspells that scale and transform in power and scope via spell point
  3. A Mystic Class that is a Int based Half Caster uses Psi Points by default
  4. Other classes get psioinc subclasses to cover aspects psions and mystics don't
    1. Fighter- Psi Knight
    2. Cleric- Mind Domain
    3. Monk- Way of the Mind
    4. Rogue- Soul Knife
    5. Sorcerer- Aberrant Mind
This would be perfect.

or go back to 2e

who remembers the contact power and the psychic attack and defenses?
I really liked the 2e method. Rolling stat-X to see if your power worked allowed psionics to be both different and powerful, without being unbalancing. You could fail, critically fail, succeed or critically succeed. It would need to be modified to go along with 5e's higher stat numbers, but could easily be done.

I really liked the 2e method. Rolling stat-X to see if your power worked allowed psionics to be both different and powerful, without being unbalancing. You could fail, critically fail, succeed or critically succeed. It would need to be modified to go along with 5e's higher stat numbers, but could easily be done.
Me and my ex did a work up to convert it back at the beginning of 5e you make ability's checks with or without prof against DCs. your prime disopline you got your prof but your other ones you didn't unless you took a feat to get it for a second one.
It never made it out of play test.
Back in 3e when star wars came out with force skills I had a DM that used the old 2e book to make psionic skills based on that but it never worked we tried it like a dozen times.

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