D&D (2024) How should the Psion/Mystic be implemented in 1DnD?

Ok do I thought I might do a new one of these threads every few days, in order to see how people want certain class/subclass concepts handled in the new system. I'm focusing on the most suggested and talked about classes first, and maybe I'll move onto some more obscure ones later.

So first, lets start with the psion/mystic. This one is notable for getting its own class unearthed arcana in 5e, but never making it through to release. With the, aberrant mind, psi-warrior, and soulknife taking up aspects of the concept in the form of subclasses instead.

So in 1DnD, how should this character concept, and by extension the entire concept of psionics at all be handled? Should it be identical to 5e with the three subclasses, or maybe different subclasses? Should it get its own class, and if so how should that class be handled? Should the psi-die mechanic return? Or should it be a spellcaster? If so spell slots or will points, and how will it work with only the arcane, primal, or divine lists to pick from?

Or would you rather the concept of psionics and every class/subclass linked to it wasn't a thing in DnD at all?

Other Threads:

Artificer - How should the Artificer be implemented in 1DnD?
Summoner/Pet Class - https://www.enworld.org/threads/how-should-the-summoner-pet-class-be-implemented-in-1dnd.697591/
Warlord - How should the Warlord be implemented in 1DnD?
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So here's what I want:

-Psionics to use spells just like other classes, now it doesn't have to be with spell slots like most classes, but they should be spells simple enough. Those spells should be a mixture of existing spells like Charm Person since there's no use in re-inventing the wheel, and some new spells like Psychic Crush.
-There's a Psionic spell list, I've been saying that there should be a 4th general spell list for a while.
-There's should be a base Psion class.
-There should be psionic subclasses for other classes too
-Now there was a concept for Psions which never even made it to a UA used "super-cantrips" that could be enhanced by spending spell slots, they should try something like that.


Caveat that I hate psionics so it is hard for me to set that prejudice aside, but I recognize that the game is for everyone, so:

Like artificers, they'll come in through a supplement of some kind - Planescape would seem like an obvious fit, and I think there should be three sub-classes. I don't think they should be spell-slot based, or they may as well just be a sorcerer sub-class or something. Primary attributes would be intelligence and charisma.

Actually, if they were brought in with Planescape, they would have the distinction of being the first OneD&D class, though artificers are arguable.

Caveat that I hate psionics so it is hard for me to set that prejudice aside, but I recognize that the game is for everyone, so:

Like artificers, they'll come in through a supplement of some kind - Planescape would seem like an obvious fit, and I think there should be three sub-classes. I don't think they should be spell-slot based, or they may as well just be a sorcerer sub-class or something. Primary attributes would be intelligence and charisma.

Actually, if they were brought in with Planescape, they would have the distinction of being the first OneD&D class, though artificers are arguable.
Dark Sun seems like the most obvious fit, but WotC announced that they're no longer covering that setting.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
By far, IMO, the best version they released was the Mystic (link goes to the UA pdf).

It was not perfect, and like a lot of UA material needed some finetuning. But it was an excellent attempt at making a psionics class for people that like psionics.

What they did with subclasses? That isn't for people that like psionics.

I know it's not going to happen based on what we've seen, but an official Mystic class, similar to what they did in that UA release, as an expansion or optional class would be what I would want.


Prince of Dorkness
Dare I dream that they just convert the 3.5e Expanded Psionics Handbook to 5e? Otherwise, I'd prefer to see a new Psion class that is INT-based, rather than a subclass. I'm not a fan of the CHA-based Aberrant Mind Sorcerer.

Until then, I'll have to tweak my Psionic Wizard subclass when 1DD finally gets released. Although, I haven't finished play testing it yet to know whether it's worth converting.

Also, Forgotten Realms has a history with Psions - there's a whole house in Menzoberranzan that were Psions.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Well, unfortunately there seems to continue to be the "let's make this a spell" trend in OneD&D, so if OneD&D was to implement a full-psionic class I'd expect to see it look like a full caster, or perhaps a Warlock. And hybrid classes will continue to look like hybrid classes, though it's possible we could get half-casters, or third-caster subclasses, this time around.

I don't think they will rock the boat to come up with a new large mechanic until 6e. The 50th Anniversary Edition seems to be shaping up just to be tweaks like 3.5 core books were on 3.0 core books. Perhaps after it has been out for a few years they would shake it up with a new mechanic like Bo9S did for 3.5, but not in core.

Well, unfortunately there seems to continue to be the "let's make this a spell" trend in OneD&D, so if OneD&D was to implement a full-psionic class I'd expect to see it look like a full caster, or perhaps a Warlock. And hybrid classes will continue to look like hybrid classes, though it's possible we could get half-casters, or third-caster subclasses, this time around.

I don't think they will rock the boat to come up with a new large mechanic until 6e. The 50th Anniversary Edition seems to be shaping up just to be tweaks like 3.5 core books were on 3.0 core books. Perhaps after it has been out for a few years they would shake it up with a new mechanic like Bo9S did for 3.5, but not in core.
In 5e I'd have said make it a caster, use spell point casting as its default, and design its spell list to have all the spells which suit it.

However as 1dnd has set things out as three standard spell lists (arcane, divine, primal), that will no longer work. You can't just slap a wizard spell list onto a psion.

So it has to be a unique mechanic for it to work for me (or add a 4th spell power source - psionics).

OK... Hear me out... First, is my hot take, I don't believe Psionics would need to exist in the story of D&D except that it has a history and some people love the concept. It exists because there are people who prefer it over the Alt-Vancian style of magic. It is essentially an entire alternate magic system that wants to replicate the D&D Alt-Vancian magic system, but in a way that feels different for those who like that kind of magic system. Why have 2 versions of Charm Person? We don't want to be the same as Charm Person, so we rename it something psuedoscientifically cool, tweak it, and say it is different. Do psionics lovers really want D&D magic spells to be reskinned and renamed or do they really want a system that does most everything Magic does, but different? Does shoehorning it into the existing Alt-Vancian magic system really give psionics lovers what they want? Which I believe at its core is a robust power point system with Psionic Combat Modes, just more balanced than the old days.

It deserves to exist in a system that centers around it, and D&D Alt-Vancian is not that system, no matter how many iterations it has been recreated (and all of them have been different.) Ideally, it is not core and deserves an entire sourcebook dedicated to how it fits into a universe, from the using power points, to imbued Items, to the Monsters that use it.

That said, there is a market for it, and if done well, people will buy it. I can see a "spell-point Sorcerer" chassis, sure. That is an obvious option, even if you allow different ability scores for power use. Use can use a variant of Metamagic to alter it on the fly. It really is the best way, in my opinion.

But I like theorycrafting, so here is an alternate idea:
  1. A spellpoint Psion that uses a variant of the Warlock chassis which is a half-caster, with "Talent" options that take the place of "Invocations."
  2. They can choose their mental ability score, which determines their Discipline subclass which changes the Psion's complete tone. We don't want it to rely on MAD.
  3. Have a Talent (spell) list for early levels, and Talents can unlock more powerful Powers.
  4. Talents can unlock options that make melee or ranged better. That way the Mystic can opt into the paths they want to take.
  5. Perhaps rather than Tome, Blade, or Chain, they choose Psicrystal (caster buff), Mindblade (weapon buff), or Astral Construct (pet buff)
.... actually... I kinda like that. Maybe I need to rethink my position after all.

Voidrunner's Codex

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