How to add more sorcery points?


I am working on an alternate sorcerer to accomplish two things, distinguish it more from wizards and make subclasses feel more distinct.

One of my approaches is to do more with sorcery points. I am giving more metamagic as well as subclass specific abilities that use them.

This runs even harder into the sorcerer's resource management problem. I am looking for suggestions on how to provide more sorcerery points to play with without letting a character just using them all for spells.

Is it class-destroying to remove flexible casting and just give a arcane recovery mechanic?

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Gives a feature that allow a free use of meta magic. Make it recharge on short rest.

Or allow for the free use of metamagic only under certain conditions, something that would engage the player and give them a little puzzle during combat, like a rogue looking for advantage. Not sure what flavor you're going for, so I can't really be more specific than that.


Morkus from Orkus
I am working on an alternate sorcerer to accomplish two things, distinguish it more from wizards and make subclasses feel more distinct.

One of my approaches is to do more with sorcery points. I am giving more metamagic as well as subclass specific abilities that use them.

This runs even harder into the sorcerer's resource management problem. I am looking for suggestions on how to provide more sorcerery points to play with without letting a character just using them all for spells.

Is it class-destroying to remove flexible casting and just give a arcane recovery mechanic?

Have you thought about types of sorcery points? Like an evocation point, a divination point, etc. That would limit the spells that they can be used on.


As long as i get to be the frog
I am working on an alternate sorcerer to accomplish two things, distinguish it more from wizards and make subclasses feel more distinct.

One of my approaches is to do more with sorcery points. I am giving more metamagic as well as subclass specific abilities that use them.

This runs even harder into the sorcerer's resource management problem. I am looking for suggestions on how to provide more sorcerery points to play with without letting a character just using them all for spells.

Is it class-destroying to remove flexible casting and just give a arcane recovery mechanic?

Start here: Give them all metamagic options, give them twice as many sorcery points, give them 1 thematic spell based on subclass per level.

This will be too strong. Start removing and making these added abilities toned down until you feel it’s more balanced.


Morkus from Orkus
Start here: Give them all metamagic options, give them twice as many sorcery points, give them 1 thematic spell based on subclass per level.

This will be too strong. Start removing and making these added abilities toned down until you feel it’s more balanced.

That causes hard feelings, though. People as a rule don't like to have things taken away. Starting low and adding until it's balanced is a much better way to go. Then people are getting increases which makes them happier, rather than decreases which upsets them.


As long as i get to be the frog
That causes hard feelings, though. People as a rule don't like to have things taken away. Starting low and adding until it's balanced is a much better way to go. Then people are getting increases which makes them happier, rather than decreases which upsets them.

Stop assuming the worst. Of course you don’t do that in play. You theory craft that way before offering that option in actually play.


Morkus from Orkus
Stop assuming the worst. Of course you don’t do that in play. You theory craft that way before offering that option in actually play.

I didn't assume. You said, "Give them all metamagic options, give them twice as many sorcery points, give them 1 thematic spell based on subclass per level." That doesn't say to figure it all out BEFORE you give it to them. It says to give it to them and then take it away. If you meant to sit down and start with double, figure out what is balanced by removing points, and then when you are done balancing the options, give the players the final result, you were very unclear about that with your wording. Your unclear wording isn't my fault ;)

Given them a certain number of uses of Metamagic each day for free and then sorcerery points. And let them use sorcery points to get more uses of Metamagic or more spells. They can burn spells to get more points (and thus more Metamagic) but they can't burn Metamagic for spells so their spells per day remains capped.

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