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how to convince people that D&D is not evil


Have them listen to this. A lot of people trust NPR, and it's a pretty good article. It's pretty true to the game, and has folks explaining how it builds teamwork skills and creativity. It talks about how early computer games were heavily influenced by D&D, so if your folks don't mind computer games it will either weigh them towards D&D or pull them away from computer games. ;)

Warning, it's seven minutes long, and there's no transcript (unless you want to buy it).


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First Post
Harmon said:
It is, to that you are right, but somethings are evil completely and without question.
Still subjective IMHO. Killing babies may be deemed as wholly evil and unredeemable, but to others, it may be reasoned out. Everything is subjective...I could get more specific off the boards. I just avoid the whole right/wrong, good/evil duality thing altogether.
Harmon said:
My post might be read that I think its evil,...
I didn't read your post, so nothing was aimed at you. sorry for the confusion.

corvidae said:
It isnt discussing politics or religion...

It's skirting it. I thought Bento's post would prolly be enough, but someone will nuke it pretty soon, but I hope not.

The real problem is caring what other people think of you :p


First Post
I'm glad I'm an apostate and don't have to justify my every breath and thought to these gasbags anymore. There are some people you can't argue with or convince. These modern day Pharisees are impossible to reach. I taste, touch, and want whatever I want.


Corvidae said:
if you really want to hear it,
my rents had someone in the apartment above them who played using "real" artifacts, and trying to cast "real" spells right when they were married. Making it very difficult for them to justify it.

I basically think if people can understand it they will be more likely to try it and less likely to judge it.


i gamed with people who believed they too had the power to cast real spells. does that make them evil?

yes, they believed it. no, i'm not kidding.


I almost want to say something to either (a) get this post nuked or (b) get kicked off of EN for a week, so here it goes:

Suck it up - you can't make people either like you or see your way. If they are so stuck in their dogmatic view of the world, nothing you do or say will change it.

You spend your time playing a game where you kill things, though the be imaginary, still speaks volumes about your character. Just hearing from another fellow Christian, Mercule, who claims that he's from THE SNIPER NEST makes my stomach turn.

Where, oh where, is your Christian love that you so profess?

As I said before, nothing anyone says here is really going to help you. Either come up with your own story where you can rectifiy your two passions, ask another Christian in similar circumstances or just tough it out.

Can we close this post before we really start offending people with our personal religious views?


First Post
I am not trying to justify my every action.

I explained my reasoning before, and I think it is fine. If you want to judge me on that, that is your problem



First Post

The rest of us were getting along fine without flaming eachother, or offending eachother.

Please do not do anything to get this thread nuked just because you do not like it.


p.s. if there are admins out there who are thinking about nuking this thread, please let us know how we went too far, and help us prevent it in the future. Thanks guys.
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First Post
bento said:
You spend your time playing a game where you kill things, though the be imaginary, still speaks volumes about your character. Just hearing from another fellow Christian, Mercule, who claims that he's from THE SNIPER NEST makes my stomach turn.
Ummm... so... you think D&D is evil? That D&D players have bad character? I don't understand this paragraph in its context.

EDIT: And the "sniper's roost" thing... something tells me you've chosen to take offense at that for dramatic effect. Mercule is not, to the best of my knowledge, espousing homicide or anything like that.
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