How to deal with a Player that only wants to play evil characters


Murder is her go-to for acquiring anything her character wants. Typically, this is handled with "You can't just murder a man in plain view of everyone, you will be killed."
I do have one player, an avid board gamer, whose primary interest in RPGs is combat. I mention he's an avid board gamer because in my opinion he views RPGs as being similar to a board game. He's more interested in the tactical aspects and isn't as engaged when we play something with very little combat.

I want her engaged instead of tuning out. So aside from just playing VtM, what can I do? And no, I won't kick her out. She's (and her family) cool, just has her way of playing.... And I don't want to want to not come play either, though I think her parents would sort of make her.
I brought up my board gaming friend because ultiamtely I had to talk to him about what kind of games we played because his characters' behavior was getting a bit disruptive. As a matter of routine he'd start stupid fights the other characters didn't want to be in, kill important NPCs before they could give him clues, and would show very little interest in participating in games when we weren't fighting something. He once made a medic who showed no interest in healing the other PCs.

I'm considering Cyberpunk or Shadowrun maybe. Something that can have not just heroes as characters. With a bit more RP that wont get her slain by the town guards.... I don't know....
That's a good idea. Find a game everyone can have fun with. I'm going to pitch a Delta Green to my player. Finally a game where you can frame innocent people for serious crimes or shoot them in the face!

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Victoria Rules
I have a common group that I've been playing with for about 5 years.

The youngest, a now 16 year old, likes to play evil characters. Bordering on CE, to use a D&D term.

Murder is her go-to for acquiring anything her character wants. Typically, this is handled with "You can't just murder a man in plain view of everyone, you will be killed."

Out of all the games we've played (D&D being the most played), her favorite is Vampire the Masquerade, because she can be as evil as she wants and it's mostly fine. She also liked Paranoia because death is basically pointless and it can pay to be as chaotic as possible.

I want her engaged instead of tuning out. So aside from just playing VtM, what can I do? And no, I won't kick her out. She's (and her family) cool, just has her way of playing.... And I don't want to want to not come play either, though I think her parents would sort of make her.
Let her play what she wants, and have the game world react to what she does in a way that makes sense. Murder someone in the town square? It's the gallows for you, old chum. Now if she-as-player reacts badly to that out-of-game, you've got a bigger problem. But if she rolls with the punches and can laugh at the table while her character gets jailed or worse, you have a true gem of a player: gonzo players like that really can be the best.

Also, just because D&D says "heroic" on the tin doesn't mean any heroism is required. As long as she's entertaining the other people at the table with how she plays her characters, what more can you ask for?

And if worst comes to worst, she's 16. It's a phase. It'll pass.

the Jester

Not always. a couple guys I knew in HS who played evil characters consistently; one has since done a nickle or more hard time... for a variety of modern evil acts.
A couple from College, too.
I'm sure there are people who played good characters consistently who have ended up in prison for a variety of modern evil acts, too. I wouldn't read too much into their childhood choice of pcs.


What does the rest of the group think? Can you just lean in? D&D, Shadowrun or Blades in the Dark all easily accommodate groups of characters whose main interests are money and mayhem. Let them run wild and pile on the consequences.

If the other players are also bothered, then it is group intervention time and let everyone have their say.

You say you have been in the group for 5 years and this girl is now 16. Has she been playing in the group for the same 5 years and has she been obsessed with evil characters for the entire 5 years, since she was 11? Does she behave normally outside the games or is this a possible symptom of bigger issues that need to be treated professionally? Like others posted, some people who are like this in-game are also not good people in real life, so there is a chance that her behavior in-game is an outlet for her and helps keep her from doing actual bad things in real life. Have you, or anyone else, talked with her parents about this to see if this is purely an in-character thing or a warning for something more serious. Parents like to think they know everything going on with their kids, but there are way too many cases where they were actually oblivious to what was actually wrong.


Let her be evil. Then imprison her character and put it on trial. Hand her the character sheet for her public defender. See if she can work with the other PCs to save the evil character.
I like this. It's not just "Ha! You were bad, now suffer!" It's an opportunity. Need buy-in from the player and probably other players, but could be fun.
She is 16 and wants to play out fantasies of no rules and being able to get away with kicking butt on people. Maybe she will grow up. Have the others help show her being the good guy is better.
I recall my first game of Top Secret. We were kids, and we played Murder Hobos. We did not at all get the premise of a spy thing, and we killed everyone in Sprechenhaltersteil (do I remember that right?) like it was just another dungeon. At the end, our GM narrated out arrests for various criminal acts and we didn't play top secret again. Not for years.

Fantasies of no rules and being able to get away with stuff. Yeah.

If it's a problem in your game, try explaining first. Then... accomodate when you can, build in consequences for the worst of it, and try to find a compromise.

I only say this because shes a young, presumably new, player. If she were 40 and joining my game, I'd remind her once of the premise she agreed to play, and then narrate the consequences for the other players to explain why her character was no longer in the group. And not just would. I've had to do it. "Hey, remember the premise of no murder hobos?" "Hey, it seems you really want to play a different game than I'm running. I'll give the others your apologies." "Hey, everyone. Luna was arrested for murder and is no longer part of the crew. We continue on..."

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
1. Meet a rival party of evil NPCs who kills the PCs just for the heck of it.
2. Have a new session 0 where you discuss what kind of game everybody wants to play.

Hand of Evil

Old topic for me, define what is 'evil' in your game! Cold-blooded murder (sacrifice, relatives, kids too), slavery (including mind control), cannibalism (not eating parts for rituals but the whole cooking and feasting), arson (burn), oath-breaking, rape, worshipping 'evil' gods, and so on. The uglier, the more insane, the greater the evil. Players need to know what evil is, it is not just kicking puppies, it is skinning them and making clothes out of them.

Implement 'reputation" into your games.

Implement 'the law' into your games. Not alignment but the rule of law and there can be many, Country, city, guild, church, Noble vs Common.

Voidrunner's Codex

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