His approach here also stretches credulity. The party probably spends a fair amount of time together and your players are likely not roleplaying every single moment of that time. It is not unreasonable to assume that a group of people, whose lives depend on each other, are having conversations about their abilities and tactics that never get roleplayed. Unless the assumption is that the party becomes mindless zombies staring into space when they are not actively role playing then your player isn't thinking things through.I remember the incident well. "The Wizard never explained to me what his spell did, so I had no reason to know the Web would burn".
And really, while you could say "well, common sense", the fact is, it could have produced non-burning webs, the same way magical Grease may or may not burn (depending on which edition of D&D you're playing in, or what the DM rules).
We had a similar situation come up with Hypnotic Pattern, where he attacked a charmed character because "I had no way of knowing why he was just standing around not attacking anyone!".
And while that's true, the only thing stopping him from asking was "my character has a low Wisdom, he's impatient". To which I replied, yeah, but you were the person who decided that!
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