D&D General How Was Your Last Session?


Nothing too interesting, except when our party cleric tried to tap my PC's ass. That came out of nowhere, and the DM told him to roll attack which missed, and i promptly step back and cast Firebolt in his face. I was so hoping that it was a crit.

I always knew the cleric player was kind of a tool, constantly looking for hookers, trying to bone every female NPC (and recently my PC, since she's the sole female in the party who just joined). He even said that his character wanks during downtime. But this is just ridiculous.

I am a little worried that the next time my PC goes down in a fight, he would cast a touch spell on me by touching inappropriate places.

Zards always quick to boot disruptive players.

My session the players explored a bit and powered up an ancient war machine until it ran out of juice again.

They found some slaughtered Gnolls and defeated a Marilith.

Then the discovered a beautiful oasis with a brand new pyramids and temple built by the reborn Tiberish an ancient pharoah.

It's actually a giant scam.

He sent then to retrieve some Dragonlances from an ancient vault where they had the right alignments and RP to get them without combat solving a puzzle.

Set up for next week, adult blue dragon hunt. They each have a dragonslayer spear/Lance as the Dragonlances.

But the phony pharoah is going to aid the dragon, try to kill then and retrieve the Lance's. His men are Dragonkin who are trying to recruit Lazullia (the Dragon).

PCs might be able to recruit her brother as he has a weakness for ale and couple of the PCs have an ale business in the side.
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Cobalt Meridian

For various irl reasons my group is very amicably splitting into two and last night we ran through the event that caused that. The hexblade warlock, whose cult has secretly (from the other characters - they players knew) been working on opening a portal to the Shadowfell, had to admit what he was up to when his cult accidentally summoned a demon into the city where they are currently living.
The cult isn't actually evil - this was a genuine error because they enlisted a pair of Yeenoghu worshipping Gnolls to help (long story) and used an unstable device "liberated" in an earlier adventure.
So as to avoid capture by the authorities, who view summoning unbound demons in residential areas rather dimly, the warlock fled the city. Some characters followed him, some stayed.
Much fun was had by all and tomorrow I start with the first game of the group that stayed and will be joined by a completely new player so I'm really looking forward to see how that turns out.

For tomorrow I have a session prepped where my players will be exploring the Isle of Mazes. It is a magical island made from a maze of coral, by the copper dragon Cathaltrixx. From the outside the island looks like it has steep rocky walls with some jungle growing on top. From the inside, it is dark twisting coral maze full of riddles and challenges that the dragon enjoys throwing at his visitors. The dragon itself has claimed an old shipwreck as his nest, inside a large cavern. It will be the first time the party goes toe to toe with a dragon, and they are nearing epic level already. They are a little bit anxious, because they know my dragons are nothing to sneeze at. If it comes to a battle, this could be deadly.

Currently I'm DMing for two groups.

Group 1 are all total noobs to D&D. We're playing through the Essentials Kit adventure, Dragon of Icespire Peak, which I've already begun to modify and mangle. We've had 6 sessions thus far. Most recently, the players had just recovered the Wand of Winter from an ancient temple, then fought off a warband of kobolds led by a dragonborn knight who want to claim the wand for the white dragon Cryovain. (If you're familiar with the adventure, I made up most of that.) Next session they hit level 3 and finally arrive at Gnomengarde. (FWIW I love the Essentials Kit as a perfect introduction to the hobby and think it needs more recognition.)

Group 2 is composed mostly of my old buddies from grade school. We play online. Our goal is to run a full 1 to 20 level campaign. Characters are currently at level 12 after 74 sessions. The storyline is a Realms-set mashup of Storm King's Thunder with Tyranny of Dragons/Scales of War/Dragonlance. Basically, giants and dragons, independent of one another, are tearing up s--t, and the characters have to stop them. Last session was the climax of the characters taking on the stone giants of Deadstone Cleft. The stone giant shaman summoned an aspect of elemental earth power from the petrifying Gorgon Pool: Ogremoch. The players had to take down a CR20 monster at 11th level. It wasn't much of a challenge, but it was lots of fun. I modified Ogremoch's stat block so that he could grab and swallow. Characters who ended up in his stomach then had to make petrification saving throws. Let's just say Misty Step has never been more useful. Next up: Session 75 and the fire giants of Ironslag.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
The last session I ran was Ashen Stars...

The crew of the Jackalope, have been investigating a planet whose micro-organism are hyper-adaptive, meaning that they borrow genetic structures from any creature they infect, and tend to transfer it to the next victim... so if you are exposed to the air of the world, you are apt to be transformed into a chimera of any creatures recently seen on the world.

In a great vault beneath them are some ten thousand lipovores, fat-eating humanoids who have been known to decimate sentient populations on any world on which they get a foothold...

And, above that vault there is a "temple", whose Geigeresque architecture and interior design have thoroughly freaked the party out...

... And they just found the stasis chamber in which the campaign's main antagonist (to date) had until recently lay imprisoned.

Stuff... is very real for the characters right now.

This was the first time I've let the group attempt to split up and do different things, so it was a learning experience for all of us. It mostly went well. I just had to remind people a couple of times that they couldn't join in the conversation, because they were half a mile away. The trickiest part was writing up a cohesive timeline of events afterward.

Nothing too interesting, except when our party cleric tried to tap my PC's ass. That came out of nowhere, and the DM told him to roll attack which missed, and i promptly step back and cast Firebolt in his face. I was so hoping that it was a crit.

I always knew the cleric player was kind of a tool, constantly looking for hookers, trying to bone every female NPC (and recently my PC, since she's the sole female in the party who just joined). He even said that his character wanks during downtime. But this is just ridiculous.

I am a little worried that the next time my PC goes down in a fight, he would cast a touch spell on me by touching inappropriate places.

I would talk to your DM about this. If you aren't comfortable with where things are going, they need to know -- although if he had the other guy roll for attack, he is probably sick of it too.


This was the first time I've let the group attempt to split up and do different things, so it was a learning experience for all of us. It mostly went well. I just had to remind people a couple of times that they couldn't join in the conversation, because they were half a mile away. The trickiest part was writing up a cohesive timeline of events afterward.

My group split up last session, but it wasn't a huge distance, maybe one hundred feet, but then a fight broke out and things went south fast. They can't easily reach each other due to the positioning and doors and such.

the Jester

Good game last night. The pcs met a weird cultist who tried to recruit them for some sort of human-sacrifice involving ritual to "open the Eye of Chaos when the stars are right". They almost let him go his own way but when he acted like he was going to sneak around on them, the pcs attacked and slew him. This act included a thunderous smite, which drew more cultists and a green slaad- and boom, one of the pcs got disintegrated. After the battle, they traveled back to their home city, where one of the pcs (who had a ring containing a wish) negotiated with the disintegrated pc's noble house for aid building his tower (what he had planned on using the wish on), then wished the dead pc back to life.

After a few days of rest, the group decided to return to the local megadungeon, wherein a great conflict is brewing involving Nemesis, a Bile Lord. One of the other pcs had previously used a wish to gain the ability to detect Nemesis' location, but had been stymied by Nemesis' daily use of mind blank. However, for the first time, the Bile Lord wasn't blanked, and the pcs began trying to work their way down to somewhere on the 12th level of the megadungeon. They used a side entrance that they are aware of, which leads to the 3rd level; then used a spell called Lorbrit's extreme drop to go down three levels at a time. Casting it twice left them on the 9th level, where they met up with a group of four red slaadi in a room filled with vapors that put those in them into a state of bliss. While in this state, before taking a hostile action, a creature had to make a DC 15 Wis check. This led to a fight with one of the slaadi while the disintegrated pc and his mount- he is a paladin- moved in to engage the others, got high off the vapors, and ended up in a passionate romantic encounter with one slaad while his elk mount dallied with another. The fourth slaad talked some smack and then laid back down to enjoy its vapors.

Upon witnessing the paladin's dalliance with the slaad, one of the others remarked that his return from death seemed to have had some lasting psychological effects.

And that is where we ended!

Voidrunner's Codex

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