D&D General How Was Your Last Session?


Third session of Lost Mine of Phandelver.

My players got captured by the bad guys and imprisoned in their hideout at the previous session.

They managed to escape, although the mother and kids died falling into a pit. Then managed to surprise and kill the leader of the gang.

They ended up hiring half of the gang (and even a Nothic) to keep the maffia bussiness within the town, becoming the new leaders of the hideout.

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I would change that on-the-fly. There is nothing forcing you to stick with a broken mechanic once you discover it during play (especially if you have 10 rounds to adjust and it is that important, being detrimental to a story finale)... I wonder why you did.
I feel less bad about it now that I've realized it's a standard vampire charm ability. I actually started a thread a while back to discuss how to handle this mechanic in play:

Looking back, what I'd do differently now is not change the ability, but try to prepare the players for it ahead of time. And I'd also encourage them to actually play being charmed, rather than having them just sit out and do nothing.

Also, the players decided they want to go on to Curse of Strahd next with the same characters. The PCs went on a mission to gather a rare herb that can be used in a potion that will give them advantage on saving throws against being charmed (The House of the Midnight Violet). Hopefully when they meet up with Esmae again, they'll enjoy getting their revenge!
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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Nothing too interesting, except when our party cleric tried to tap my PC's ass. That came out of nowhere, and the DM told him to roll attack which missed, and i promptly step back and cast Firebolt in his face. I was so hoping that it was a crit.

I always knew the cleric player was kind of a tool, constantly looking for hookers, trying to bone every female NPC (and recently my PC, since she's the sole female in the party who just joined). He even said that his character wanks during downtime. But this is just ridiculous.

I am a little worried that the next time my PC goes down in a fight, he would cast a touch spell on me by touching inappropriate places.
That is absolutely sexual harassment. The fact it's happening in game just makes it more akin to making a "joke" about wanting to grab your ass, rather than actually doing it. I'd talk to the DM about it.


Nothing too interesting, except when our party cleric tried to tap my PC's ass. That came out of nowhere, and the DM told him to roll attack which missed, and i promptly step back and cast Firebolt in his face. I was so hoping that it was a crit.

I always knew the cleric player was kind of a tool, constantly looking for hookers, trying to bone every female NPC (and recently my PC, since she's the sole female in the party who just joined). He even said that his character wanks during downtime. But this is just ridiculous.

I am a little worried that the next time my PC goes down in a fight, he would cast a touch spell on me by touching inappropriate places.

That’s a group(or person) I’d 86 from my life in general. Let alone game with.


During the last session of my pirate campaign, my players finally confronted a gargantuan octopus/beholder hybrid in a lake on the island of Stoneoar. This creature (named Cyratophobia) summoned forth several Callers of the Deep (water elementals), and Horrific Vasuthants (undead oozes that have an aura that consumes light).


Love those props! That looks like something I would put together. Are the purple tentacles homemade?


I'm super excited about the NEXT session, we are one player down so I'm throwing together a side quest that is tangentially connected to the main story (LMoP). Basically, the party gets to play 4 different factions of monsters in a fight to the death. I'm not even going to roll dice, I'm the storyteller and rules facilitator. I told them, as a teaser, one of you gets to play a mind flayer.


Nothing too interesting, except when our party cleric tried to tap my PC's ass. That came out of nowhere, and the DM told him to roll attack which missed, and i promptly step back and cast Firebolt in his face. I was so hoping that it was a crit.

I always knew the cleric player was kind of a tool, constantly looking for hookers, trying to bone every female NPC (and recently my PC, since she's the sole female in the party who just joined). He even said that his character wanks during downtime. But this is just ridiculous.

I am a little worried that the next time my PC goes down in a fight, he would cast a touch spell on me by touching inappropriate places.

WTF. How old is the person playing the cleric? That is absolutely juvenile and shouldn't be tolerated.

Love those props! That looks like something I would put together. Are the purple tentacles homemade?

Thanks! Yes, a friend of mine made them herself. They look really nice. For the octopus itself, I didn't have a suitable miniature, so I printed a picture of it and pasted it on cardboard.

For the rest of the battle we used dungeontiles and various dungeon furniture that I've collected over the years. Some of the cannons are actually souvenir pencil sharpeners from the Tower of London.

Voidrunner's Codex

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