how would you build this char?


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This was formerly the "help me build a war cleric" post- but i didn't have much luck there- so let's see if this would work?

What class and PrC- include Feats and skills and main stat attribute- would you use to build this char. If it is not in the core books, please state where your sources come from:

Personality, he is a quiet man that does not care for civic matters- money and wealth- except to finance his quest. He takes orders very seriously and will do everything he can to carry them out.

Combat: He would rather avoid combat- so uses mind control spells against weaker opponents. Against stronger opponents, he would use his high charisma (hopefully high enough) to dissuade a fight. Having enough confidence in himself and his faith, he would much rather walk away from a fight- even if he knows he can win. He will only fight if something is in danger (either person, animal or principle)

If in a fight, He will go straight to melee- caring not for ranged attacks- thinking that they are a way of cowards not to engage the enemy in armed combat. He will use ranged spells only if there is overwhelming odds.

Something in the way of a spellsword. My first idea was a war cleric- but I cannot think of a good enough reaason for that besides magic and melee in one package.
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Sage of the Scarred Lands
If you're going war cleric, go all out. Strength and War. Or just War and Protection. Still a good offensive accounting.


First Post
oh yeah...

i forgot to mention that:

I have not rolled out the char yet. I am waiting to hear from you guys before I assign the stats.

Are there any classes in the supplementary books I should know about? If so, can you tell me where to find these things?

I have all the core books, splat books, R&R 1 and 2, Rokugan, MoF, MotP, ELH- i think that's it. Are there any other places I should look?

you don't have to lay out specifics in level progression- but just ideas that will add flavor and fun to my char. I can work out the details later.

thank you much

Fast Learner

First Post
If you go cleric, definitely go War domain: free proficiency with your god's weapon and free weapon focus with it will save you at least one feat, if not two.


I have one question to ask before I can help you..what's the point of a cleric with the WAR domain who doesn't like to fight? The war domain is all about kicking butt...


First Post
I have one question to ask before I can help you..what's the point of a cleric with the WAR domain who doesn't like to fight? The war domain is all about kicking butt...
That is why I did not choose the war domain. I had the idea of a fighter who is also able to cast spells (or in the case of psy warr- manifest) when he feels that he is above the fight- or can settle disputes or small scuffles without drawing his sword.

But he enjoys a battle- one on one combat- and will juimp into melee- and npot use ranges attacks like flame strike and such- unless he is confronted with more than one enemy- an unfair fight.

Str and destruction were my choices- but I am open to anything else- like Luck is very cool- and very useful.

The target character I am aiming for is a spellsword- like char. One that fights in melee, and uses spells to supplement. I chose war cleric cause it wa sthe first thing that came to mind- but Psionics work too.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Well Zug if you have the Cha for it, DEFINATELY get the Miracle feat "Sacred Defender". It's worth using when you're in a fight and someone is wielding a brilliant energy weapon.

*never liked Spellsword that much*

Also make sure you can cast Vangal's Blessing, as it's nice spell so that you can rage AND fight.

Another thing to consider using is perhaps Marrowsword. While it's not EVIL weapon, it can be as such.

Get weapon focus and weapon specialization in later levels.

Focus you skills primarily on Knowledge Tactics, and Knowledge Siege craft.

I'd also say change your domains to War and Protection SO you can have Corean as a choice, and thus go Iron Knight. That alone is pretty decent Pr-class.


First Post
I'd also say change your domains to War and Protection SO you can have Corean as a choice, and thus go Iron Knight. That alone is pretty decent Pr-class.
Where does Iron (Mithril ) Knight come from? I read about it here last week- and i remember it coming from an obscure (to me) book.

Can you give me a run down (brief summary or descr) of the iron knight so that I can get an idea of what I am getting into...

What is the marrowsword? and where does it come from?
What book has the best spell list for clerics? and what bok is Sacred defender from? sorry- but I have not read through all my books- or even familiarized myself. Just looked over them when I bought them. too much to go through...
Why don't you like spellsword?


First Post
I presume from the references to Vangal and Corean the Iron Knight prestige class is from the Sword & Sorcery Scarred Lands Ghelspad Gazeteer - a LG Knight of the god Corean "elite masters of forge and siege warfare" whose abilities relate to creation of weapons and use of siege engines.

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