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Hows your Campaign going?

Gold Roger

First Post
We recently started a new campaign set in Eberron. Specifically, a rural area in Karrnath.

The PC's are:

A LE dragonmarked druid from house Vadalis. He wants to become patron in place of the patron.

His LG half-sister, who's also marked and a druid, but favored in house to boot. luckily for him, she's exceptionally stupid.

A LE house Thuranni bard, dragonmarked as well. Right now, propably wondering how he got stuck with this bunch. Propably the only sane member, which just makes him only more dangerous.

The Grimm brothers. Twins and pretty much the religious leaders of the village. Doesn't help that one is a loyal Blood of Vol initiate and the other is a well meaning, but stupid and overzealus Paladin of the Sovereign host.

So far, they saved the village from a plague and found the site where one of the greatest cities of the Daakani empire stood. They are about to delve into this city (which has been sealed of in a demiplane) together with a bunch of dubious soldier send by the Blood of Vol Cult (actually Emerald Claw members).

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First Post
Going pretty good so far.

The party:
Sil - 14 Elven Necromancer
Jorry - 13 Human Fighter
Ulysses - 13 Human Fighter (NPC)
Calder - 14 Human Cleric of St. Cuthbert
Amalee - 14 Human Bard (NPC)

Books Used Last Session: Core Books, FRCS, Magic Item Compendium, PHBII, Lords of Madness, Dungeon

Last session, the party finished clearing out an ancient Temple of Demogorgon, killing an Aspect of Demogorgon in the process. The party Duskblade died in the fight (he was an npc) and they managed to procure another piece of the Rod of Seven Parts.

They then located the next piece in an underground city, a ruin of the Sueloise Empire. They discovered that the city was currently inhabited by a group of drow, a pair of dragons, a lich and his undead, and a brood of beholders. They also found out that one of the beholders was a beholder mage, which scared them s**tless. :)

They figured out that the rod piece was located in an old Temple of Wee Jas, but that it was protected by a magical barrier and they need three keys to break the barrier. Unfortunately for them, the keys are in the 'hands' of the drow, the lich, and the beholder.

They decided to tackle the beholder first, and managed to slip past him and his death tyrant servant, only to get stuck in a running battle with them. They did manage to escape, which I thought was interesting, considering they've always tried the 'brute force' angle first whenever tackling something. :)

Next session (tonight) they have to decide how to get the next two key pieces, by either going after the lich or the drow.
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Cool thread!
I love reading about other peoples games! :)

OUr campaign is going smoothly so far; we lucked out in having a grop that really enjoys each other and works well together. :)

We're 2/3'rds of the way through "Three Faces of Evil" (the second part of the "Age of Worms" path.)-- just defeated Grallak Kur this session, and off to the Labyrinth of Venca next session.

We have had only one death thus far (coincidentally, my Kobold character), which I hear is pretty good for this particular campaign.

We have however, wreaked a LARGE amont of havoc, including pissing off Allustan the Sage (thank the Kobold for that), killing Balabar Smenk, and somehow NOT killing Filge. As an added bonus, we've already destablized Diamond Lake, backing one of the other Mine Managers against Ragnolin Dourstone (not a bad call, conmsidering Dourstone is presumably in league with the Ebon Triad.

Our DM, however, deserves MAJOR props, for dealing with us week-in and week-out, and always managing to cope with our off-the-wall antics. :)

Our party currently consists of:

Eldritch Ivy- Warforged Sorceress 5 (and her al mi-raj companion "Buddy")
Sealamin Bachnar- Dwarven Cleric of Moradin 4/ aspiring Hammer of Moradin
Drenn- Gnome Wizard 4
Berek Darmountain- Half-Elf Barbarian 4
Ailur- Human Druid 4 (and his cat companion "Bustifer Jones")/' aspiring CatLord
Proteus- Human Cleric/ aspiring Master of Many Forms

NPCwise, we have:
Chaum Gansworth
Crizz't the Lizard-Man
Beaky the Baby Owl-bear (off being trained right now.)

(For those interested, our wiki is here.)


My Detective game is going Slow. (That happens when you run online, and cancelling on account of some not showing This night or That night).

I'm starting up a second campaign tonight; looking forward to it!

I'm also playing in a Shackled City game with a new group in person every other sunday. I'm new, and my character sucks, but it's fun. :)


ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
Great. The timeline has advanced about 8 years since the campaign started in January. In the latest game, the players had to protect a group of bio-engineered masterminds that they have been dealing with for the past few years - this time against one of their other allies.

Once they settle things down a bit in Bogotá, they then pick up the trail of an old AI enemy who ghosthacks new operatives to do his dirty business for him on a regular basis. The team ends up following the trail to a netrunner in an old church, as well as another hacker who has found religion with Vaughn (the netrunner). Unfortunately, the girl is already dead when they get there, and Vaughn explains that she had to fight the "evil" in Cairo, and had to leave her body behind. Next thing the team knows, they are underequiped and in Cairo, and looking for a way to make contact with the girl there. The girl has uploaded herself into a new bioplastic body. Together they get into a netrun against a bioplastics company along with Vaughn jacking in from Bogotá. The netrun ends with the destruction of the AI at the company and the successful download of the Bioplastic formula. It also ends up leaving one of the party members with a ghosthack engram of the dead female hacker inside his head.

Hmmm... I should update my CyberPunk storyhour with this stuff one of these days.

Books Used Last Session: None. The players and I didn't look up a rule once during the game.
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D&D Conan Norse Campaign

D&D Hyborian Campaign set in Vanaheim.

We've been playing twice per month on tuesday nights. Works well for 4-5 hours of play per session. I started the PC's out with HP's = CON at first level. I can't believe I didnt' use that house rule earlier. It allows us to play longer, but without the power mongering that occurs with other methods.

We've played 6 sessions. 3 PC's have been killed so far.

1. Evil Unearthed: Digging in the Dark. Neanderthal PC died fighting a Grol (Ogre variant from the new AGE OF CONAN computer game). I used a lot of variants on this game and the wilderness feel has been very useful.

2. Forest of Blood (for 5th level PC's), played at APL2. One PC eaten by a Vistrix (Wyvern variant from new Age of conan computer game). One PC turned into a wereboar and was destroyed by a Glyptodon (Frostburn). There are no NPC "clerics" in our campaigns, so raise dead, cure lycanthropy and other crap isn't available.

The campaign simply started with the PC's as children having escaped a frost giant and pjuke (hobgoblin) invasion of their town. They returned to a rebuilt town..but still in danger of a reinvasion..and a couple surviving people who have some thoughts on their fleeing.

1. Vanir Fighter
2. Vanir Ranger-Druid
3. Hyperborean Monk-Wizard
4. Vanir Fighter
5. Pictish Scout
6. Hyborian (Gunderman) Expert (UA version)

Dead PC's:
1. Neanderthal bbn
2. Vanir fighter
3. Vanir bbn

Most common races in the region:
Eiglophian neanderthal (Frostburn)
Ice people (Frostburn)
Cimmerian (Conan's people)

Each race has subtribes that the PC's can flesh out...we just give them a name.




First Post
Howdy all-

Great stuff guys but what magic and/ or gold did you give out during your session? How many PC's died and / or times? I want to know this so I know which people here are
A. Generous DM's
B. Killer DM's
C. Cheap ass DM's :eek:
D. What campaign setrting / home brew are ya using?

As for me I forgot to include my NPC's:
mont senior Bronson Cleric of Helm
Capt Colburn Paladin of Helm
Leutnant Marvin Paladin of Helm

Shrine Maiden Kikiyo High Priestess of Mielikki
Shrine Apprentice Kogome
Alcolyte Shelly-Jo Justinia

Helga- Female Barbarian/ Fighter, veteran of a thousand and one battles



Well, let's see. We finished up about 1/2 hour ago.

6th lvl group - 3 PCs - Eric is the 1/2 Elf wizard, Gale is the 1/2 elf druid with wolf companion, Shadow is the catfolk rogue, and Arngard is the 1/2 elf fighter (NPC, only 5th lvl).

The PCs did some shopping, visited their families, checked on the status of the house they're having built (going good this time round, after it burned earlier), and did some all-round character maintenance.

They found out that the druid's pet kobolds were running out of silvers; the kobolds tried to steal from another group of "bad kobolds". The second group was kicking the first group's behinds, until the PCs intervened. One fireball later there is no "bad kobold group" left. But they found out that the bad kobolds were panning gold from a nearby stream. So they've taught their pet kobolds to pan for gold, and they intend to help the kobolds trade gold for food later.

I never dreamed they'd do this whole kobold thing, but I love it. Rikart the kobold leader is hysterical to roleplay - he whines and moans a LOT!

After dealing with the kobolds, the PCs decided to go shopping in a bigger town nearby - and now the rogue has run short of shopping funds. He's plotting a burglary... so I have promised to come up with a good scenario before we play again - he'll come over early and we'll run the robbery - and then the other players will arrive just in time for the aftermath... should be good.

I'm torn by making it too easy or getting him in wayyyy over his head. Anybody got any good suggestions for a good module to rip off for a solo burglary? I need a house/warehouse/shop and suitable guards/wards/traps, quick!


First Post
My new game is going great! The PCs are all level 3 now, after our fourth session. They are settlers on a new unexplored continent. The game was made like a sandbox, with each area premade regardless of the PCs actual level, with the random encounter tables designed based on the tribes/monsters that would be in each area.

The idea is that they are refugees trying to avoid another war, and set off as part of a massive settlement for "parts unknown". Arriving in a dangerous yet fertile land, they have to struggle and compete with the other settlers are well as learn to coexist or destroy the current "non-human" inhabitants in a "manifest destiny" sort of way.

This session was spent with the PCs acting as defenders of their growing town. Every session I have one of the PCs roll on my "Event" table to see if anything odd happens. This time a pair of siblings went missing... Investigation lead to a previously unknown group of giants to the south of their town. They ended the session trying to decide weather they could write off the kids (after all.. giants!) or if stealth and diplomacy might be able to get the children back.

The cast:

2 fighter/1 scout level human oriedian fighter "Archer" from the shieldlands
3rd level human suel wizard "Artificer"
rogue 1/scout 1/dwarf paragon dwarven "Trapsmith"
2 barbarian/ 1 fighter dwarven "Berzerker"
3rd level gnome druid
3rd level halfling druid
3rd level human cleric of Palor


Pants said:
Books Used Last Session:

Heh. That takes me back...

Anyway, I've been playing Spycraft. The characters are (by codename)
  • Florencia Cara, Codename: GILDA. (Clever Pickpocket Intruder 4/Raptor 2) Argentenian pickpocket and second-story woman; has sworn vengeance against a major South American drug cartel.
  • Nell Kjelerup, Codename: MARLOWE. (Clever Investigator Sleuth 3 / Hacker 2 / Field Analyst 1) American investigator who is obsessed with conspiracy theories. One of his theories, that a well known and loved senator's plane crash was no accident, he has recently discovered could be true.
  • Lydia Morgan, Codename: VIOLA. (Cunning Power Brokerage Snoop 6) Georgeous British agent who was ejected for not meeting physical fitness standards. Still connected romantically to another British agent with suspicious motives.
  • RJ Wilson, Codename: WHEELS. (Persistent Motorhead Wheelman 3/Advocate 2/Transporter 1) - Ex-con savvy behind the wheel or under the hood. The agency arranged his release in exchange for services. I currently investigating a "lost time" incident that occurred when he was incarcerated.

Last session, the group stopped the shipment of a secret "magnetic resonance radar" system that would defeat modern stealth technology. In the process, they discovered the secret Serenity Bay (inspired by the real life Tranquility Bay), a "training center" for troubled kids of wealthy families that has secretly been placing brainwashed agents among captains of industry.
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