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Hows your Campaign going?


Scott_Holst said:
Wow, Those are some intersting charaters you in your campaign Sir.

Thanks. They were always a little nutty, but got weirder after certain modifications they recently got. Moral of the story - do not go talk to people called things like Mordain the Fleshweaver.

The Nuke in the chest is kind of waird but hey, it your campaign.

Hey, we play a game which involves flying lizards that breathe fire, bulbous floating bags with multiple eyes that shoot beams with various effects, etc. Weird is par for the course.

Howdy all-

Great stuff guys but what magic and/ or gold did you give out during your session? How many PC's died and / or times? I want to know this so I know which people here are
A. Generous DM's
B. Killer DM's
C. Cheap ass DM's :eek:
D. What campaign setrting / home brew are ya using?

Nobody died during the session. I've basically eliminated death from my game, via usage of action pts and swashbuckling cards, which allow PCs to drop to -10 and survive (which happens an everage of once per two sessions). I'm not a fan of regular and easy resurrection, so I prefer to simply not have PCs die easily, especially since my game tends to be heavily driven by PC/player choices. Plus I figure that if you let a PC die then you've let him escape, since there are much, much worse things than death :]

As for magic/gold, I keep my PCs at approximately the same amount as recommended for PCs of a level higher in the DMG.

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ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
Scott_Holst said:
Howdy all-

Great stuff guys but what magic and/ or gold did you give out during your session? How many PC's died and / or times? I want to know this so I know which people here are
A. Generous DM's
B. Killer DM's
C. Cheap ass DM's :eek:
D. What campaign setrting / home brew are ya using?

Basically no money/treasure has changed hands in the past two game sessions. The characters are well-established mid-level characters for the game (roughly the equivalent of level 10-12 characters in 3.5 or d20 modern). They are more involved in the changing timeline right now than in collecting credit / cash / euro.

One of the characters, the techie, has been developing a better remote operations system and has a few more remotes available to him now than he did a few games ago (a lot of monitoring & scouting remotes instead of his standard demolitions remotes he was using).

No deaths last game, but each of the two prior games involved sending a character without a heartbeat to an emergency ward for critical life-saving surgery.

We're playing my home-brew CyberPunk 2020 setting that is INCHES away from becoming the Heaven Over Mountain setting from Ex Machina.


Exploring Ptolus
Just started a new Eberron campaign Friday night. I ran The Forgotten Forge and the results were less than special. The PCs (a shifter ranger, changeling warlock and a warforged fighter) were knocked unconscious by the Iron Defenders. I ruled that when they awoke they found the Iron Defenders destroyed and the item they were searching for-gone. After it was over, I asked the players if they could feel any difference in Eberron versus Ptolus-they said no. :\ Not the start I was hoping for, but it will definitely pick up as I'm going to have them join a Morgrave U. expedition to Xen'drik.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
The weekly Shackled City campaign is on Chapter 4 - Zenith Trajectory and the PCs are just starting to hit 7th level. They've cleared about half of Bhal-Hamatugn but got their butts kicked by Aushanna and, while retreating, had a heck of a time with the ferryman.
There are 7 PCs:
human scout/wizard-diviner
aasimar paladin/bard
half-ogre barbarian
halfling druid
elven swashbuckler
tiefling war mage
half-elven dragon shaman

The semi-weekly Module Classics campaign has just finished the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief and will be kicking off the Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl soon (after we finish taking our break playing a little Everquest RPG). They're around 12th level now.
There are 6 PCs and 5 cohorts
human cleric/thief/homemade prestige class
human fighter/outrider
human druid/nature's warrior
human monk
elven bard/shadowdancer
gnome sorcerer (used to be human but got reincarnated)


First Post
Last Session (tonight's) went pretty good. The players decided to tackle the lich (the toughest of the two). The lich was a Human Sorcerer 14/Archmage 2 so they had a nasty fight ahead of them, plus they fought him with his Shadesteel Golem minion (MMIII), his Vampire Lieutenant (Human Fighter 8/Tempest 5), two advanced Boneclaws (MMIII), and a pair of Ettin Skeletons.

They surprised him in his tower and the fight dragged on for at least 20 rounds. A Horrid Wilting killed the bard and nearly killed two others, yet, in the end, they just wore him down until he was throwing only scorching rays, melf's acid arrows, and magic missiles.

Three PC's ascended to level 14 at the end of the night. I am noticing that as they encounter tougher and tougher stuff, the fights either seem to be pretty damn short or they tend to drag on for rounds and rounds.

Campaign: Homebrewed Greyhawk

Gold Roger

First Post
On death and rewards:

Surprisingly, all original PC's are still alive after 3 sessions. We actually at a nigh TPK in the last session, with all but one PC (who was running away) in the negatives. But the opponents left on the battlefield where awefully stupid, so I ruled they thought the PC#s dead and went of.

On treasure: They've got some weird shrunken head that seems to be magical. Other than that, they've found no treasure on 1st level.


Scott_Holst said:
Howdy all-

Great stuff guys but what magic and/ or gold did you give out during your session? How many PC's died and / or times? I want to know this so I know which people here are

No deaths... yet. Though agent VIOLA did get tazered mercilessly. :cool:

No gold or magic. The game is about the adventure. The players automatically get new toys as they go up levels in Spycraft. No need to meter out magic items and hope they don't get out of hand. (Nor is their complaints when they get destroyed.)

A. Generous DM's
B. Killer DM's
C. Cheap ass DM's :eek:

I'm generous AND Cheap Ass. ;)

I'm pretty much only killer in one-shots (which I typically use Rappan Athuk for). Though I am the sort to let the dice fall where they may in pitched combats.

D. What campaign setrting / home brew are ya using?


Well, Earth with sinister corporations and secret cabals of arms dealers...

Yeah, Earth.


First Post
My other Campaign.

The Pooka, Satyr, and Troll broke into an Asylum (Bishopsgate) looking for the Sluagh. The Sluagh friend they believe is either a Sleeper like none they have seen or she was changed. The Sidhe though really didn't take to kindly to this and had the group turn themselves into the authorities. But the Satyr was spared by the Sidhe and has been experiencing great luck since then. The others though got punished but it was their first offense and they had some good credit built up.

The spent the session recovering from that and having the Pooka yell at the Satyr because he went off and killed the Pooka's fetch (??) without them and the Pooka felt that was an insult to the oathcircle. They also got a lot of things th;'ve guessed confirmed. They felt they didn't get anywhere but having guesses confirmed is really a good thing.

Of course most of them also got dates for the Halloween dance. The Pooka asked out the nordic troll and the Satyr is dating a hot cheerleader that the others thing is evil. The poor Troll though has not date as it seems everyone has paired off and left him alone.


So far, my campaign has gone fantastic. We're playing more or less bi-weekly (some weeks we've had to miss, other times we've played two or three weeks in a row), and we've played for something like six months now. Normally, my campaigns end up fizzling out after *maybe* a month and a half, so this is pretty impressive for me.

Running an Eberron game set during the last few years of the Last War. The PCs are all members of the Aundair army, and are at 5th level. We currently have:

-A Half-orc Druid who was born in Aundair and spent time in the Eldeen. He joined the army because he considers Karrnath (and its undead army) to be unnatural, and a threat to both Aundair and everything else. He's the group's primary melee person and scout.
-A Half-elf Cleric of Olladra, also born in Aundair. He's the group's main healer and backup melee (despite the fact that he should be competent, though not spectacular, in melee, he's horrible, due to very, very bad rolls).
-A Gnome Rogue, actually a dragonmarked member of House Sivis from Zilargo. She joined the party to provide communications between the group and their commanders. She's also an expert with the crossbow and, of course, is good at traditional rogue-y things. Hates the kobold.
-A Kobold Sorcerer from Q'barra. Exiled from her tribe, she's made her way to Aundair and is currently employed as a mercenary; she was assigned to the PCs as a translator for their latest mission (more on that in a moment). And, of course, she loves blowing stuff up with her acid-based spells. Hates the gnome.

The party (minus the Gnome and Kobold, and plus a human fighter) were initially trying to hold off a Karrnath invasion of a small town in Northeastern Aundair. When that town was overrun, they fled through an abandoned Wizard's Lab underneath the town, escorting one of their commanders and a lot of valuable intelligence to Fairhaven. Once there, they were sent to the Eldeen border, where a supply convoy had been lost. While it was initially blamed on the Eldeen Druids, the PCs discovered that a cult of the Keeper was behind it, and managed to defeat them. When they again returned to Fairhaven, they were sent on their current mission - head to Q'barra and meet with some of the lizardfolk tribes there, in an attempt to hire them as mercenaries (Hence the need for a kobold translator - nobody in the party spoke Draconic).

So far, this latest mission has gone quite well. The party took an airship to Q'barra, fighting off a group of Karrns on the way. They've now headed in to the jungle. The last session may have been our best yet - a few exciting combats, including one with some trolls that finally forced the PCs to pull out all the stops (through luck and good tactics, they've normally managed to win even challenging fights without quite ending up on the brink of disaster). There was also some good RPing when they met up with the lizardfolk.

As far as deaths go, we haven't had any yet, though the half-orc came insanely close last session - I think he was in the negative HPs two or three times when fighting the trolls, and only his Diehard feat and the healing-focused cleric kept him going. The other times someone has been close to death, the enemies are usually on their last legs as well, but this time, the half-orc got was hit, then critted on, then rended by a troll in the second round, after already taking some damage. Dropped him right in to the negatives.

Treasure... well, they don't have much. The one time they came across a legitimate treasure trove, they gave most of it away - the cult of the Keeper had gathered quite a bit of treasure by raiding a nearby town, and the PCs insisted on giving all of it back, minus a few things that the town didn't claim. So far, the best treasure they've found/received is:

+1 Chain Shirt
Bracers of Armor +1
Some +1 Crossbow Bolts
A handful of wands (no more than 10 charges, no higher than 2nd level), scrolls, and potions
A few other minor magic items that I honestly think they forget they're carrying at times... I think we need to do a quick inventory so folks remember what they have.

And the greatest treasure of all: A nonmagical, nonmasterwork, medium sized Talentan Boomerang that the half-orc found in the Wizard's Lab, and decided to keep and use. No, he isn't proficient.

Voidrunner's Codex

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