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Hows your Campaign going?


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Our current campaign is rolling along smoothly. "Azarr Kul's Ambition" is a homebrew adaptation of the Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde and Red Hand of Doom. The relevant campaign logs are on my wiki site (link in sig).

Jack Dunstan, male human fey heritage warlock 5/fighter 4 (scythe wielder with redcap blood)
Ayotunde Taenik, female human cleric 9 of Shandae (nubile young dreadlocked healer)
Kaelin, (fe)male? human rogue1/fighter5/holy liberator 3 (gender ambiguous freedom fighter)
Klar, male half-orc ranger 2/barbarian4/Eye of Ijruk 3 (fearless double-axe wielding death machine)
Altaer Fangmaw, human sorcerer 9 (talkative, wide-eyed young arcanist with fiery brass dragon heritage)

After two deaths in the Slaughtergarde Armory they've rolled through much of the Red Hand of Doom... but after sacking Ulwai Stormcaller's forces in the Ghostlord's Lair they face their most difficult challenge: the Siege of Brindol. They have allowed two Wyrmlords (Saarvith and Ulwai) to escape along with the black dragon Regiarix... but have also succeeded in bringing many allies to help defend Brindol. The siege should be the highlight of what's already been a very rewarding campaign.

The published WotC mods have been excellent - I intentionally varied the pace of my usual campaigns (we tend towards deep immersion and sandbox exploration) to stay aggressively "on schedule" with the modules' intent and it's been a rewarding experience. I found the two modules to mesh almost perfectly and was able to find a heretofore undeveloped location in my milieu to drop in the Valley of Obelisks (Slaughtergarde) and the Elsir Vale (Red Hand). When the campaign wraps up over the next 5-6 sessions, I'll run some Goodman Games 3.5/OGL mods and then it's back to some pure homebrew for the next campaign branch in Gaia's Dream.

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First Post
My campaign is going... well... it's hard to say, actually.

On the one hand, people are having fun, at least most of the time, and have managed to kick butt in some tough encounters. On the other, I have never seen a group have worse luck, overall.

In 4 levels of play, thy've been shipwrecked, framed for murder, had a thieves' guild put a price on their heads, suffered 4 character deaths, and one near-TPK which saw two characters captured. This was was followed by a rescue mission which came within a hair's breadth of turning into another potential TPK... (and isn't over yet)

One guy lost three characters, so far.

Another one managed to, all in one combat: a) fail to hit hard anough with a greatsword to deliver a coup de grace b) fail 12 caster level checks which had a 60% chance of success each and c) fail 4 Concentration checks which had a 75% chance of success each.

And that's not even counting the minor runs of bad luck which didn't kill anyone - like most of the party getting stuck in a Web, blinded by Glitterdust, and then set on fire as they stumbled around blindly.



First Post
We just finished the second session of our Pathfinder Chronicles campaign with Hollow's Last Hope. The PCs are a Human Rogue, Half-Orc Barbarian, Halfling Druid, Elan Kineticsit, and a Human Cleric of Torag. No deaths and only a few bits of treasure, masterwork short bow and a signet ring, and everyone is having a good time! We only used the PHB (for spells) and the XPH (for powers).

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
My game started out with the PC's students of or visitors to a Hogwart's-like Academy of Magic, but that was long ago... the PC's are now 10th level and adventuring far from home, and a city that was devastated by a volcanic eruption 19 years ago. It turns out the eruption wasn't purely natural, and that one of the PC's (as an infant) was part of a magical ceremony gone wrong that looks like the precipitating event...

The PC's have mostly rid the city of a group of cultists called the Firelords, who were running various rackets and schemes in town. As for the PC's:

George Barleycorn (GunMage/Artificer) is collecting quite a number of firearms, and working to rebuild the Shield Guardian that he had claimed some time back. He's starting to really focus on making stuff.

Dante (LG Necromancer) is working on his goal of becoming the Good Lich of the West, and proving to the Inquisition that Undead are People Too. Or at least more akin to animated objects than evil things to be feared. He just got a Mummy cohort, courtesy of the Undead Leadership feat, and it turns out that his father was once the Court Wizard of this city, and that as an infant Dante was almost sacrificed as art of a ritual conducted by a Necromancer who has recently been trying to get Dante to do various jobs for him.

Captain Branigan (Ftr/Legendary Captain) is making contacts with nobles in the City, which is ruled by four warring nobles families, in hopes of making contacts helpful to the Empire of Crystalmarch, in whose navy he serves.

Serai (Psion Telepath/Thrallherd) is setting up a spy ring and ingratiating herself with the local nobility.

Velke (half-orc shadowdancer) is wondering what the heck she joined this crew for.

Jade Harketh (elven druid/master of flies) is working on both his becoming one with the insect world, as well as indulging in his taste for outlandish invention. He just designed/commissioned what amounts to a submersible Folding Boat.

In a couple of weeks, they're all invited to a formal ball... We'll see how that goes with this (sometimes very non-diplomatic) group.

Oh, and I'd say the game is going very well.


They've played 11 sessions of the Age of Worms and just finished "Three Faces of Evil".

You've way outpaced my group!

We meet weekly, and (at Session 22) are only 2/3'rds through TFoE!
(Of course, our sessions are probably much shorter than "average" D+D sessions, since we meet on THursday evenings...)


Inventor of Super-Toast
My Age of Worms game is about to start back up after a summer hiatus... and they're almost done!

The party has just managed to defeat Dragotha, the First Dracolich, although several of them lost their lives to his horrible death wind. Poring over the dead dragon's horde, the PCs enjoyed divvying up the fantastic treasures (and planning for their retirements by investing in rods of security), only to be alerted via sending by the archmage Tenser that Kyuss is pulling free of his prison!

The Age of Worms has begun in the gloomy tyrant-city of Alhaster, and the PCs are the only ones who can stop it! They'll have to gather an army to fight the undead in the streets - barbarian hordes, tribes of lizardfolk, the armies of sympathetic nobles and an undead force of their own. They'll have to confront their confidante and ally, Lashonna, who was secretly Kyuss' trusted ally and a founder of the Ebon Triad. And they'll have to figure out how to deal with Filge, one of their own, who they suspect is only opposing Kyuss to replace him as God of Undeath.

The party:

Sasha Peacebringer Theldrick - human barbarian/wormreaver (custom PrC based on FC 2's hellreaver) raised by lizardfolk.
Diana - human ranger/fighter/tempest wielding the Swords of the Wind Dukes.
Adalbert Childermass - human bard/druid/focluchan lyrist who's intensely full of himself and dedicated to turning Alhaster into a parlimentary democracy (with himself as Prime Minister, of course).
Falth - hadozee scout who fell in love with Lashonna (the poor dope).
Cosgrak the Lewd - dwarf fighter/cleric of Wee Jas, who's bery much looking forward to retirement.
Filge the Deranged - human death master (Dragon Compendium), an enemy turned ally turned possibly enemy again, on the cusp of lichdom.

Demiurge out.


ShadowDenizen said:
You've way outpaced my group!

We meet weekly, and (at Session 22) are only 2/3'rds through TFoE!
(Of course, our sessions are probably much shorter than "average" D+D sessions, since we meet on THursday evenings...)


We do long sessions. Generally we'll get about 4 -6 hours in Friday night, 6 hours Saturday afternoon, break for an hour for food, about 6 hours Saturday night, and finish off on Sunday with 3 - 4 hours play. Results in about 4 "sessions" per weekend we get together. Fortunately for my constitution that only happens about once every month and a half.

It's pretty much a kick in the door and kill things campaign. The party worked for Smenk during TFoE, exploring the dungeon, killing all who were there and ensuring anything that could link Smenk to the dungeon was destroyed.


It's pretty much a kick in the door and kill things campaign. The party worked for Smenk during TFoE, exploring the dungeon, killing all who were there and ensuring anything that could link Smenk to the dungeon was destroyed.

Oddly, we killed Smenk at the Old Observatory (blame the Kobold for that.); Filge, however, the party decided to keep alive (against the Kobold's wishes.) We ended up turning him over to the Cult of the Green Lady.

I fully expect Diamond Lake to be overrun by Undead when we finally make it back there after the Ebon Triad dungeon. :)

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