Dragon Lover
Hey everyone. I’ve been looking to expand my 5e homebrew collection with some material that I don’t have a lot of currently. I tend to really like having a lot of mechanical crunch I can sift through when designing my world and I love giving my players various options to choose from. I am primarily looking for player options and monster stat blocks themed around specific creature types, though I wouldn’t mind supplements that give plenty of lore as well. I figured I’d ask here for some recommendations. I’m looking for books that cover and expand upon….
- Celestial creatures and divine themed player options.
- Magical plants and more fantastical beast stats and more primal/nature themed player options.
- Non Beholder/Mindflayer aberrations and more player options themed around the Far Realms and Cosmic Horror in general.
- Potentially any materials that expands Aboleths in general, as they are my absolute favorite aberration in D&D.
- Oozes and other amorphous kind of creatures.
- Constructs creatures and construct player options.