D&D 5E "I’m that DM. . ."

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B/X Known World
I’m that DM that doesn’t care about RAW.

I’m that DM that cares about verisimilitude.

I’m that DM that homebrews all the monsters.

I’m that DM that will kill your character without batting an eye.

I’m that DM that is more than happy to follow the PCs wherever they want to go.

I’m that DM that isn’t interested in metagaming, power gaming, or leading the players around by the nose.


I'm the kind of DM that makes an encounter for the PCs and then changes the choice of the players to meet the encounter. Quantum Ogre- yes, but the monsters may change and I might only need the map I made.


I'm that DM that gave up long ago trying to figure out what the players were going to do. So I just set up situations, NPCs and opponents then sketch out a handful of combat encounters.

But 80% of the game? Just stuff I make up on the fly. Works reasonably well until I do something stupid like throw in a random tangent on the fly that totally derails the threads we had been following. So the group goes off to some obscure island I now have ato build and make living thing instead of the area I've been building up for the past 8 levels of play.

Ah well, the price of being lazy.


I'm that DM that will unabashedly say, "Screw that." and not let some bad luck on a die roll kill a character if it's not narratively interesting, but will also cheerfully let characters die when they've decided to do something stupid.


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
I'm that DM that will unabashedly say, "Screw that." and not let some bad luck on a die roll kill a character in some low-stakes, non-climactic situation, but will also cheerfully let characters die when they've decided to do something stupid.
The fights you stumble into probably won't kill you; the fights you go looking for just might.


The fights you stumble into probably won't kill you; the fights you go looking for just might.

Yeah, people in my games don't accidentally fall off the sides of mountains and die on the way to the dungeon, unless I've designed it so that getting to the dungeon is a major part of the adventure and falling off the mountain is the major dramatic consequence of that part of the adventure. (although they may well fall off the mountain and have to climb back up.)
On the other hand, If I've just told them straight-out that they can clearly see that the rickety bridge across the crevasse is far too messed up to cross and they'll have to find another way, and they decide to try it anyway...

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