D&D 5E I quit a game. Am I in the wrong? (spoiler, I don't believe so)


Doesn't matter what it is or why. You can -always- walk away.
Dangit, I was coming in here to post this exact same image

But yeah, DM being a jerk and not accepting 'huh maybe I shouldn't screw around with absent players, almost like they'd be a bit pissed off' as an answer

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I also recently quit a game, but I think mostly because I'm a little over 5e. Hoping that another group gets an OSE game up and running. We have created some PCs, hopefully will see some west marches action.
I picked up OSE book and would love to play a game but I may have like one person who would be on board.


1.) When you get one side of a disagreement, you should wait for the second side before judging anything.

2.) In a situation such as this one, I think the better question for the OP to be asking is why they felt the need to post this here. They write the story in a very one sided fashion with a clear 'right side' if taken as 100% truth. If it is as black and white as the way the OP wrote it, why would you question the situation?

Regardless, many of us have played in games that turned out to not be right for us. My last situation as a player that did not work for me was a Dark Sun game using 2E rules and the stock modules. I find those modules to be railroads, and the mechanics of 2E to be poor compared to the current edition. The DM, a friend of mine, and I talked about it and I said that this just wasn't my cup of tea as I like my character ti drive the story, not for my character to forced along a singular path. He agreed that the design of the module was a railroad and I left. That was 2 years ago and we have not talked about the game once since then.


I think there are a couple of supplementary questions would be helpful.

  • Was this online or face to face?
  • Were these your friends or random strangers on the interest?
  • What did you do during the sessions where your character was elsewhere? Did you have an alternative character to play or did you just sit patiently and wait?

It sounds like a pretty unpleasant situation to be in but some context would definitely help.

I took the point to be that the GM has created a scenario, has adjudicated that scenario, and then is presenting the outcome of that scenario as if it were an "objective" reason why @Slit518 is not able to play their second PC.
By adjudication you mean no actual die rolls were made because that is what I was asking and received no response.

We had a player absent recently in a game where the party (8 characters) were to take on an adult green dragon in its lair - it was going to be a hard fight. Absent player had no problem with another player playing their character. Two characters died in that scenario fortunately for him, it was not his character. Our table doesn't do the pop in, pop out for absentee players - but everything is rolled for and tough decisions are called in or texted by phone to the absent player, worst case scenario if we cannot get an answer in time, the table decides.
But everyone at the table agrees and knows this.

EDIT: What would be interesting to know is, since that group had been playing a while - how did the table handle absentee players (if at all) during the time when they were 4 or 3 players (because the poster did mention they were 4 initially in the group)?
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Always love a good "Cool Hand Luke" reference.
Nah, is the riff at the start of the Guns-N-roses Civil War song. ;) , But nobody can eat 50 eggs.

The OP should not feel bad for leaving the group. It sounds like the DM is not mature enough in dealing with people and dynamics, or been a DM long enough to have something like this come up. Maybe he learns from it.


Nah, is the riff at the start of the Guns-N-roses Civil War song. ;) , But nobody can eat 50 eggs.

The OP should not feel bad for leaving the group. It sounds like the DM is not mature enough in dealing with people and dynamics, or been a DM long enough to have something like this come up. Maybe he learns from it.

GNR referenced cool hands iirc.

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